Rules and Regulations
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Table of Contents
Log of Revisions ................................................................................................................ iii
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................4
ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................6
ARTICLE II: GENERAL CONDUCT ..............................................................................12
ARTICLE III: DOING BUSINESS AT THE AIRPORT .................................................16
ARTICLE IV: COMMUNICATION ................................................................................24
ARTICLE V: APRON OPERATIONS .............................................................................26
ARTICLE VI: MOTOR VEHICLES.................................................................................28
ARTICLE VII: FIRE AND SAFETY................................................................................37
MATERIAL ............................................................................................40
ARTICLE IX: GROUND TRANSPORTATION Refer to Appendix C, Ground Transportation
Rules and Regulations.............................................................................45
ARTICLE X: SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL ...............................................45
ARTICLE XI: SECURITY ................................................................................................49
ARTICLE XII: FUELING .................................................................................................54
ARTICLE XIII: WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT ................................................................65
ARTICLE XIV: RULES ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES .....................................66
APPENDIX A: SCHEDULE OF FEES ............................................................................69
APPLICATION FOR FILMING AND PHOTOGRAPHY ..................................77
LOCATION AGREEMENT .................................................................................78
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Log of Revisions
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Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Intent and Purpose:
These Rules and Regulations, and any amendments hereafter, are intended to promote
and facilitate the safe, proper, and efficient functioning and government of Pittsburgh
International Airport.
These Rules and Regulations, as enacted by the Board of the Allegheny County Airport
Authority, apply to any Person entering Airport property at either Pittsburgh International
Airport, or any part thereof, and said entrance to and use of property is subject to
compliance with these Rules and Regulations. This document and all parts are designed
to work in concert with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, and existing
laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations as applicable. In any case of conflict between
these Rules and Regulations and such laws, codes, ordinances, or regulations, the more
stringent or restrictive regulation for the promotion of public welfare and safety shall
Revisions and Severability:
Each article of these Rules and Regulations may function separately of the others, so
that if any part herein is held invalid or unenforceable, the others will remain in full force
and effect. As such, any article or provision may be changed, revised, amended, or
updated separately and independently of the others, per action of the Board of the
Allegheny County Airport Authority.
The CEO of the Allegheny County Airport Authority shall have the power to take such
action as necessary to administer these Rules and Regulations. The Allegheny County
Police Department and, when applicable to fire or hazardous material related matters,
the Allegheny County Airport Authority Fire Department, shall have the authority to
enforce any and all of these Rules and Regulations within their jurisdiction.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Rules and Regulations Applicable to Pittsburgh International Airport
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
A. “ACAA” means the Allegheny County Airport Authority.
B. “AGC” means the Allegheny County Airport.
C. “Air Carrier Support Services” means any company or group of people that are
contracted by the Airport or Airline(s) to provide a ground service to an aircraft while it is
parked at a terminal gate and/or to provide passenger assistance service to an air
D. “Air Operations Area” means all runways, taxiways, extended safety areas, ramps, and
parking areas utilized for the movement of aircraft.
E. “Aircraft” means any contrivance used for or designated for navigation of, flight in, or
ascent into, the air, except for a parachute or other contrivance designed and used
primarily as safety equipment.
F. "Airfield Use Agreement" shall mean the agreement that all Scheduled Air Cargo
Carriers have signed with the ACAA that provides for the operating procedures and fee
calculations at the Airport, kept on file by the ACAA.
G. "Airline," as used in Article IX shall mean any airline using the Airport which is not a
signatory to the "Airline Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease" or the
"Airfield Use Agreement".
H. "Airline Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease" shall mean the agreement
that all Signatory Airlines have signed with the ACAA that provides for operating
procedures and fee calculations at the Airport, kept on file by the ACAA.
I. “Airport” means Pittsburgh International Airport.
J. “Airside Terminal Center Core” means the center area in the Airside Terminal,
Concourse Level, where each of the four concourses join. It is the area designated by
Fraport that contains food/beverage and retail concessions designated by Leasing Plan
Unit Numbers AC-1 through AC-35A.
K. “Allegheny County Airport Authority Board” means the political subdivision formed under
the Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, as amended by Act 22 of 2001 to operate the
Airport and includes such public officials and public bodies as may, by operation of law,
succeed to any of the rights, powers or duties which, as of the date of enactment of this
Regulation, lawfully reside in the Board of the Allegheny County Airport Authority.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
L. “Applicant” means an individual, group, organization, or members and representatives
thereof, seeking a permit under this regulation.
M. “Apron” means the areas of the Airport immediately in front of the entrance to a hangar,
or aircraft shelter, or area used for the loading, unloading, servicing, or parking of
N. “ATCT” means the Air Traffic Control Center.
O. “A.V.I.” means the Automated Vehicle Identification system used at the Airport to
monitor ground transportation vehicles.
P. “Best Management Practices (BMP’s)” means methods or techniques found to be the
most effective and practical means in achieving an objective while making the optimum
use of the organization’s resources.
Q. “Booth” means any stall, stand, counter, table or other temporary structure approved by
the CEO.
R. “Business or Commercial Activity” shall include all forms of communication whose
primary purpose is the advertising or sale of a product or service for profit.
S. “CEO” means the Chief Executive Officer of the Allegheny County Airport Authority or
T. “Control Tower” means the Air Traffic Control facility located at the Airport, and operated
by the Federal Aviation Administration.
U. “Cross bleed engine start” means the procedure that requires the increased thrust from
one engine to create pneumatic pressure for the start of another engine.
V. “Curb Area” means any part of the Airport Curbs designated by the CEO for the staging
of ground transportation vehicles.
W. “Designated Area” means those areas specified by the CEO where solicitation activities
are permitted.
X. “Disorderly conduct” means to intentionally cause public inconvenience, annoyance,
alarm, or recklessly create a risk thereof.
Y. “Enclosed Area” means all space between a floor and ceiling which is enclosed on all
sides by solid walls or windows (exclusive of doors or passageways) which extend from
the floor to the ceiling.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Z. “Engine Run-Up” means any activity other than taxi, take-off, or landing which involves
an engine power setting above idle.
AA. “Firearm” means any weapon which will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted
to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
BB. “FOD” means foreign object debris. Foreign object debris (FOD) at airports includes any
object found in an inappropriate location that -- as a result of being in that location -- can
damage equipment or injure airplane or airport personnel. FOD includes a wide range of
material, including loose hardware, pavement fragments, catering supplies, building
materials, rocks, sand, pieces of luggage, and even wildlife.
CC. “Full Service Food/Beverage Concession” means a dining restaurant that contains
counter service, seating, and a kitchen or prep area where the food is prepared on-site.
DD. “Gambling” means to stake money or any other thing of value upon an uncertain event.
EE. “Ground Handlers” means individuals who provide servicing of an aircraft while it is on
the ground and parked at a terminal gate.
FF. “Ground Transportation Service” means the regular transportation by a permitted
commercial carrier of Person or baggage at or from the Airport or between the Airport
and a point or points situated off Airport premises.
GG. “Ground Transportation Vehicle” means any automobile, van, cab, station wagon, bus,
limousine, courtesy vehicle or other Motor Vehicle regularly operated for the commercial
transportation of persons or baggage at or from the Airport or between the Airport and a
point situated off Airport premises.
HH. “Holding Lot” means a discrete portion of an area, assigned by the CEO to a particular
Operator for the parking of a Ground Transportation Vehicle owned or operated by that
II. “Itinerant Aircraft” means any aircraft using the Airport on an irregular basis or without
regular scheduling, and not based at Pittsburgh International Airport.
JJ. “Itinerant Airline” means any airline using the Airport on an irregular basis and not
pursuant to a schedule published in the Official Airline Guide, and not occupying space
in the Main Terminal Complex on a regular basis.
KK. “Joint Use Space” means any space in the present Terminal Complex in which an
airline has joint utilization rights with other users.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
LL. “Landside Operations Area” means all roads or property adjacent to the landside
terminal buildings that are open to the public for use.
MM. “License Fee” means the current established rate charged to any Person who has been
given permission by the Airport Director or CEO to perform business or commercial
activities at the Airport.
NN. “Loitering” means to congregate, linger, or delay, to be slow in moving or to wander idly.
OO. “Maximum Gross Landing Weight” means the maximum weight, expressed in thousand
pound (1,000 lb.) units, at which an aircraft is authorized to land at the Airport.
PP. “Meet with ACAA” will require the Tenant to meet with Allegheny County Airport
Authority personnel from the office overseeing the violation committed.
QQ. “Motor Vehicle” means a self-propelled device, in, upon, or by which a person may be
transported, carried, or otherwise moved from point to point, except aircraft or a device
which is propelled solely by human power.
RR. “News and Gifts” means a news, gifts, and specialty retail concessionaires.
SS. "Non-Signatory Airline(s)" shall mean any airline using the Airport which is not a
signatory to the "Airline Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease."
TT. “Notice of Violation” (NOV) is a citation issued by Allegheny County Airport Authority
(ACAA) personnel for any violations of the rules, regulations and laws governing the
Airport, or violation of a lease, permit or agreement with ACAA. Corrective and or
disciplinary action may be taken against the violator or employer; and the NOV will be
placed on file.
UU. “Occupancy” means any occupancy, possession or use of the facilities at the Airport
and unless otherwise set forth pursuant to a lease of definitive duration shall be limited
to a “Tenancy at Will”.
VV. “Operator” means any person who has been issued a permit by the CEO to operate a
Ground Transportation Vehicle pursuant to this Regulation.
WW. “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, or
body politic, and includes any trustee, receiver, committee, assignee, guest, invitee or
other representative or employee thereof.
XX. “Picket” means to walk or stand while carrying a sign at the Airport in a manner to
publicly express a labor grievance or political protest.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
YY. “Pickup and Discharge Area” means any part of the Airport designated by the CEO for
the pickup or discharge of passengers or baggage into or from Ground Transportation
Vehicle. Nothing in this Regulation shall be construed to preclude the CEO from
designating certain areas for pickup and others for discharge, or from designating
certain areas for passengers and others for baggage.
ZZ. “PIT” means the Airport Code for Pittsburgh International Airport.
AAA. “Preferential Use Space” means a space in the present Terminal in which an Airline has
priority in use over other airlines or users.
BBB. “President” shall mean the Executive Director of the Authority, President or Acting
Executive Director or CEO of ACAA, as appointed and titled by the Board of Directors of
Authority, and shall include such person or persons as may from time to time be
authorized by the President or CEO to act on his/her behalf with respect to any or all
matters pertaining to this Agreement.
CCC. “Pushback” means the process of pushing an aircraft back from the gate in preparation
for taxi to the runway.
DDD. “Resident Airline” means an airline using the Airport on a regularly scheduled basis and
occupying space in the present Terminal Complex.
EEE. “Revocation” is the permanent removal of badge and proximity card privileges.
FFF. "Scheduled Air Cargo Carrier" shall mean any air cargo carrier who provides regular
scheduled service to the Airport and has executed the Airfield Use Agreement.
GGG. “SIDA” means Security Identification Display Area That portion of the Airport
designated by ACAA as requiring an employee to display an approved Airport ID
HHH. "Signatory Airline" shall mean each airline who has executed the "Airline Operating
Agreement and Terminal Building Lease" with the ACAA.
III. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar,
pipe, or other such device containing tobacco or other smoke or vapor producing
JJJ. “Solicitation” means to directly or indirectly actively or passively, ask, request, seek or
try to obtain contributions, handouts or signatures.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
KKK. “Sterile Area” means that portion of the Airport beyond the Passenger Screening
Checkpoint designated for passenger’s access to boarding aircraft and to which the
access is generally controlled by TSA through the screening of persons and property.
LLL. “Suspension” is the fixed term removal of badge and proximity card privileges.
MMM. “Tenant” means any Person having an executed lease with the ACAA for an aircraft
hangar, building or an area on Airport property.
NNN. “Tobacco Smoke Producing Instrument” means any device or configuration designed to
facilitate the inhalation of tobacco or other plant material smoke, including factory or
hand-rolled cigarettes or cigars, hookahs, and pipes.
OOO. “Training” may involve returning to the badging office to complete and pass a course for
the violation committed.
PPP. Transportation Network Companies (TNC) means any Persons offering ride-booking
services whereby the company offering the service picks up a passenger(s) upon
request or utilizes electronic or other means of communication to connect Persons
using their personal vehicles with passengers.
QQQ. “Transient Carrier” means unscheduled Air Carrier operating at the Airport without a
current signed Operating Permit or Signatory Agreement.
RRR. “Unmanned Aircraft System” (UAS) is the unmanned aircraft (UA) and all of the
associated support equipment, control station, data links, telemetry, communications
and navigation equipment, etc., necessary to operate the unmanned aircraft.
SSS. “Weapon” means anything readily capable of lethal use and possessed under
circumstances not manifestly appropriate for the lawful uses which it may have.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 1. Disorderly Conduct
In order to ensure the safe and proper functioning of the Airport, no Person shall, while on
Airport property:
1. be or become drunk or visibly intoxicated;
2. commit any act that is generally deemed as an obscene or indecent act;
3. engage in any fighting, threatening, violent or tumultuous behavior;
4. make unreasonable noise;
5. use obscene language or make any obscene gestures; or
6. create a hazardous or physically offensive condition
Section 2. Gambling
No Person shall engage in or conduct any form of gambling or operate any gambling
devices anywhere on the premises of the Airport, other than the Pennsylvania Lottery,
or any other forms authorized by law or the Authority with the exception of employee
games of chance whereby no individual bet is to exceed fifty (50) dollars. (e.g. Football
pools, March Madness, etc.)
Section 3. Preservation of Property
A. No Person shall destroy, deface or disturb in any way, any building, sign, equipment, or
other property on the Airport premises.
B. No Person shall alter, add to, or erect any building or sign, or make any excavations on
Airport property without prior written authorization from the CEO.
C. No Person shall block any hallway, corridor or passageway so as to impede its normal
and proper use.
D. No Person shall travel upon the Airport premises other than on the roads, sidewalks, or
other right-of-way designated areas for such purpose unless designated for an
approved purpose by the CEO.
E. Airport tenants, users, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, and all other commercial
operators on Airport property shall provide the ACAA with a Certificate of Insurance
demonstrating that the required insurance limits are in place. Certificates of Insurance
shall be sent to the legal department of the ACAA.
Without exception, all insurance policies and Certificates of Insurance shall list the
ACAA as an Additional Insured.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
F. The ACAA shall recover expenses incurred from any Person causing injury or
property damage of any kind. Said Person shall be billed for charges to repair any
Airport damage including the costs of labor.
Section 4. Interfering or Tampering with Aircraft
A. No Person shall interfere or tamper with any aircraft, or put in motion the engine of
such aircraft, or use or remove any aircraft, aircraft parts, instruments, or tools
without the written authorization of the owner or the CEO.
B. No person shall operate any UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) or “model aircraft”
on Airport property without written authorization from the CEO and the FAA.
Section 5. Commercial Photography
No Person shall take still, motion, or sound pictures for commercial purposes on or
about the Airport property, without the written authorization of the CEO. Guidelines for
commercial photography and filming are available on the website and permits are issued through the Office of Terminal
Operations. Accredited news, newsreel, news helicopters, or television cameramen
shall secure clearance for their activities from the office of the CEO to ensure
compliance with applicable federal, state, or local regulations.
Section 6. Use of Roads, Walks and Passenger Conveyances
A. No Person shall occupy the roads, walks, walkways or driveways in such a manner
as to hinder or obstruct their proper use.
B. The use of electric carts shall only be used for legitimate business purposes and
are only intended to be used by ACAA employees or Airline Special Assistance
Employees for transporting elderly and/or physically challenged persons within the
Terminal Building. Electric cart parking and battery charging areas must be located
within the Vehicle owner’s leased space unless otherwise authorized by Airport
C. No person shall ride, walk, sit, or stand on a baggage conveyor system (or any part
thereof). Escalators are intended for the safe transport of passengers and baggage.
Skycap baggage dollies, freight, strollers, wheelchairs, oversize baggage, furniture
and animals shall not be taken on escalators. Elevators are provided for
transporting these and similar items. Children shall not be left unattended or
allowed to play on escalators, elevators, or baggage devices.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 7. Animals
A. No Person shall enter any part of the Airport or terminal building with any domestic
animal except where the animal is properly restrained by leash or properly confined
for air travel, or where the animal is an assistance dog used by handicapped
Persons or the Allegheny County Police Department.
B. It shall be the responsibility of any Person entering the Airport with an animal to
clean up and/or pay for the cleanup of any defecation or other damage caused by
the animal. Designated Pet Relief areas can be found in both the Landside
Operations Area and concourse D of the airside terminal building.
C. Animals are prohibited from traveling on escalators or moving walkways.
D. No Person shall permit any wild animal under his/her control or custody to enter the
Airport except where such animals are to be or have been transported by air and
are properly confined for air travel.
Section 8. Loitering
Due to the physical limitations of the Terminal Complex, high volumes of passenger
traffic and concern for the general safety, security and welfare of the traveling public, no
Person in or about the Airport who is unable to give a satisfactory explanation of his or
her presence, shall be allowed to loiter in or about any area or facility of the Airport.
Satisfactory explanations for loitering, as determined in the reasonable discretion of the
Airport Authority and/or law enforcement personnel, shall be supported by verifiable
evidence that the Person in question: (a) is working at the Airport; (b) is engaging in
permitted commerce at the Airport; (c) is conducting an activity for which a permit has
been issued under these Rules and Regulations; (d) is departing from the Airport as a
ticketed airline passenger; (e) is arriving at the Airport as a ticketed airline passenger;
or, (f) is waiting for or escorting an individual engaged in the activities enumerated in
this subsection.
Section 9. Dwelling
Due to the physical limitations of the Terminal Complex, high volumes of passenger
traffic and concern for the general safety, security and welfare of the traveling public, no
Person shall sleep in or remain in the Airport for the purpose of lodging, unless the
following occurs: (a) the person has arrived at, is in transit through, or will be departing
from the Airport as an airline passenger within twenty-four (24) hours, as evidenced by
a valid travel itinerary, ticket, or boarding pass matching the person's valid identification;
or (b) the person is awaiting the arrival of an airline passenger due to arrive within two
(2) hours or the arrival of an airline passenger on a flight that has been unexpectedly
delayed or cancelled and the passenger is expected to arrive within four (4) hours, as
evidenced by flight information verifiable with the Airport Authority. Behavior warranting
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
a brief investigative detention to determine whether an individual is violating this Section
shall include, but not be limited to, both sleeping in the Terminal Complex and/or
remaining in the Terminal Complex for more than one (1) hour between the hours of
11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. Notwithstanding this prohibition on lodging, the CEO may
declare an emergency and allow temporary lodging in case of severe weather or other
conditions which are beyond the control of the Airport Authority and causing disruption
to Airport activity.
Section 10. Smoking
A. The Allegheny County Airport Authority Board on April 11, 2013 passed a
Resolution to ban smoking in and around buildings at the Pittsburgh International
Airport and Allegheny County Airport.
B. Smoking is prohibited: Except as otherwise provided by these Rules &
Regulations, no Person shall engage in the act of Smoking or possess a lit
Tobacco Smoke-Producing Instrument to include Electronic and Vaporless
a. Inside all buildings or in any Enclosed Area at PIT, including, without
limitation, any elevator, restroom, lobby, departure lounge, people mover,
reception area, storage and/or breakroom, passageway, and other
common-use areas.
b. This includes stairwells, the apron level of A, B, C and D concourses, in the
drive lanes, the core and the baggage matrix complex; and
c. Outdoors within fifty (50) feet of any entrance to any Enclosed Area in which
Smoking is prohibited under this Resolution.
C. Designated Smoking Area: Appropriate officials of the Authority may, but are not
required to, designate one or more Enclosed Areas at PIT as “Designated
Smoking Areas” where Persons may engage in the act of Smoking without being
subject to the prohibitions and penalties under these Rules & Regulations.
Designated Smoking Areas have been identified on the North and South ends of
the Landside Terminal Building at PIT.
D. In any workplace where there are smokers and nonsmokers, it is the
responsibility of employers, Tenants, and Sub-Tenants to develop, implement,
enforce, and post a policy and direct employees to the Designated Smoking
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
E. Penalty: All Persons violating this Section may be subject to penalties as set forth
in Appendix A. The monies generated by this provision shall be used for
charitable purposes at the Authority’s sole discretion.
Section 1. Purpose
The terms and conditions set forth in this Article are necessary for the accomplishment
of the following purposes:
A. To set a standard set of guidelines to be followed by Tenants and Sub-Tenants
regarding ACAA property
B. To ensure all parties have proper information regarding ACAA’s Tenant Request
Process, expected cleanliness of properties leased and of airport property
(general) as well as Network Procedures and Infrastructure
Section 2. Requirements for Commercial Activities
A. All Persons occupying space or conducting any business, commercial enterprise
or other form of revenue-producing activity at the Airport, must first enter into a
written agreement with the Authority, or show proof of an agreement with a sub-
tenant, which may require the payment of fees and/or security deposit, and
providing the requisite certificates of insurance and/or insurance policy.
Section 3. Branding
A. Pittsburgh International Airport’s brand is one of its most valuable assets. The
clear, concise and consistent communication of this brand to the various
constituents the Airport serves and who serve itemployees, customers,
airlines, partners and the greater Pittsburgh region in generalis all important
and, as such, it must be all-encompassing. Pittsburgh International Airport shall
be the sole brand portrayed and promoted both inside and outside the
organization in any and all communications related to the Airport by the
organization’s partners, vendors and suppliers.
Section 4. Passenger Services
A. Concessions Hour of Operations
1. Ensure “first class food, beverage, and retail facilities and services” are
provided to all passengers as agreed to under the Fraport Master Lease. All
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
food/beverage concessions must open one hour prior to PIT’s first scheduled
flight departure.
At least one (1) food/beverage concession located in the Airside Terminal
Center Core must remain open until PIT’s last scheduled flight departure and
at least one (1) food/beverage and one (1) News & Gifts on each concourse
must remain open until the last scheduled flight departure of that concourse
according to published airline schedule in airline database systems such as
Innovata or Diio. One (1) News & Gifts concession located in the Landside
Terminal on the Baggage Claim Level must remain open until at least 12:00
a.m. (midnight) each night of the week. All remaining food/beverage
concessions in the Airside Terminal, as well as News & Gifts locations in the
Airside Terminal, may close no earlier than (30) thirty minutes prior to the last
scheduled flight departure at PIT.
2. All Retail locations must be open no later than 6:00 a.m. and close no earlier
than 8:00 p.m. Sundays through Fridays and open at 6:00 a.m. and close at
7:00 p.m. on Saturdays. These hours are subject to change based on earlier
and/or later scheduled flight departures at PIT.
i. In the event of irregular operations, as defined by the Airport
Authority, such as, but not limited to diversions, the Airport
Operations Center will require, with as much advance notice as
possible, at least one (1) full service food/beverage concession
located in the Airside Terminal Center Core and at least one (1)
News & Gifts Concession located in the Airside Terminal Center Core
must remain open until such time when the last flight departure is
called for boarding. A representative from Fraport must advise the
Airport Operations Center in which concessions will be remaining
open during the irregular operation. In the event of a major irregular
operation event, as defined by the Airport Authority, all food/beverage
and News & Gifts concessions must remain open until the Airport
Authority indicates such time that it is feasible to close.
B. Ground Handlers and Air Carrier Support Services
1. All ground handlers and air carrier support service personnel must have
and maintain a clean, professional uniform with the
employee’s first name and company’s name depicted clearly.
2. All aircraft fueling personnel shall be trained in accordance with ACM
Section 321, Handling and Storage of Hazardous Substances and Materials;
ACM Exhibit 4, Standards for the Storage, Handling, and Dispensing of Fuel;
AC 150/5230-4B, Aircraft Fuel Storage, Handling, Training, and Dispensing
on Airports; NFPA 407, Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
C. Staffing Requirements
1. Sufficient Staffing must be supplied to provide the high level of customer
service that is expected of all operators and tenants at PIT.
D. Equipment Requirements
1. Sufficient equipment to perform the services for which entity is licensed,
i.e., baggage handlers must have tugs, baggage carts, and conveyers;
aircraft cleaning companies must have approved lavatory trucks.
Wheelchair assist companies must have approved wheelchairs.
2. All ground equipment must have insurance certificates and registration on
file with ACAA.
E. International Procedures
1. A minimum of one (1) airline representative or ground handler from the
International operating carrier must be present to assist arriving
passengers in the baggage recheck area outside of the U.S. Customs
2. Any Air Carrier operating an inbound International flight arrival to PIT
must notify ACAA Air Operations for planning of the international mode
for arrivals and to properly display international baggage claim
Section 5. Airline Signatory or Non-Signatory Agreement Required
A. No air carrier shall conduct scheduled operations at the Airport without entering
into a Signatory or Non-Signatory Agreement with the Authority and providing
documentation of the requisite insurance policy and/or Certificates of Insurance,
and security deposits. A Non-Signatory Agreement must be held by any Air
Carrier conducting scheduled operations and holding the necessary certificates
from federal or state agencies having jurisdiction to provide air transportation of
passengers, mail or cargo at the Airport and who elects not to become a
Signatory Airline.
Section 6. Transient Air Carrier
A. A Transient Air Carrier shall be subject to the ACAA’s rules and regulations and
must provide documentation of the requisite insurance policy and/or Certificates
of Insurance.
B. The ACAA may establish and collect transient landing or use fees for such class
or type of aircraft as it may determine to be reasonable. These fees are subject
to change without prior notice or reason by the ACAA.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 7. Stanchions and Passenger Queuing in Front of Ticket Counter
A. Stanchions used to queue passengers in front of counters will be placed only as
far out from the counter as allowed by ACAA. Tenants will control the queuing of
passengers so as not to block escalators, elevators, exit routes, or traffic flows.
Section 8. Tenant Improvement Process
A. Prior to beginning any improvements or alterations of a leased structure or space
by the tenant, the tenant must contact ACAA Business Development at 412-472-
5706 and ACAA Engineering (Paul Saxon) at 412-370-7654. The ACAA and
tenant shall discuss the nature and scope of the desired alteration to determine if
the alteration or improvement is minor in nature and therefore, could be
processed, reviewed, and approved via an expedited process, i.e. an informal
process such as reviewing sketches and providing email approval. However, the
ACAA must provide written approval in some form, i.e. letter or email, before any
alterations can begin. If the alteration is determined not to be minor in nature,
then the Formal Tenant Request Submittal process. This process is available on
B. Following the initial review, tenant must submit a description of the
improvements, drawings, work activities, specifications, cut sheets, and other
applicable documents.
C. After work is completed, submit final as-built plans in the following formats to
ACAA Engineering:
D. Any improvements or alterations of the leased space becomes the property of
ACAA at the end of the lease.
Section 9. Sign, Advertisements and Media
Airport Tenants, concessionaires, and licensees shall not post or display any notices or
advertisements, signs, symbols, placards or other written media, or visual displays
(“signs”) in the Airport, including in the Terminal and AOA, except as may be provided
under the terms of the Tenant’s agreement, including obtaining the Authority’s written
consent. Political or collective bargaining signs, events, and meetings must have prior
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 10. Assignment and Subletting
Airport Tenants shall not assign, sublet, transfer, convey, sell, mortgage, pledge or
encumber their premises or any part thereof, or any rights of the Tenant or allow the use of
their leased areas by any other person without the prior written consent of the CEO.
Section 11. Universal Cabling System
All Tenants must abide by the following standards regarding universal cabling:
1. Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and Allegheny County Airport (AGC)
utilize a Universal Cabling System (UCS) that incorporates fiber optic,
copper and wireless communication media to support Airport operations and
the communications requirements of a diverse business community.
Management of the UCS also encompasses an extensive system of cable
trays, conduits, manholes, underground ducts, telephone poles and
Wireless Access Points (WAPS) providing redundant, diverse and robust
communications options to all Tenants.
2. The system uses a software database that electronically documents every
communication circuit and network and provides MACD Work Orders and
Trouble Tickets. The system is managed onsite by Verizon Network
A. Network Infrastructure
1. Public Access
a. The Airport is serviced by on site redundant 5ESS AT&T network
switches provided by the local carrier.
b. (LEC) Verizon. Each 5ESS is support by redundant and diverse
Verizon Central Offices. In addition, Verizon supports two
demarcation points within the Midfield facility.
c. The Airport campuses are also served by five alternate services
providers including, AT&T, Comcast, DQE, Fibertec, and Armstrong
Telephone. These providers, many of which also incorporate dual
Points of Entry (POEs,) allow PIT and AGC tenants with unparalleled
communications availability.
d. The Airport hosts multiple wireless access providers serving the
traveling public. These include Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon Wireless,
who have on site facilities and antennas all of which employ the latest
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
LTE4 wireless standard. Wireless access is ubiquitous throughout
the Airport.
2. Communications Infrastructure
a. Fiber Optics: the system includes diverse and redundant multimode
and single mode fiber optic cabling which is made available to the
Airport community. This is a campus wide distribution at both
facilities. All cabling is tested upon installation to ensure compliance
w/ ANSI, EIA/TIA and other applicable standards. All test
documentation is kept on file.
b. Twisted pair copper: The Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling is
also a diverse, redundant and robust system distributed through both
campuses. This system supports telephony, both digital and analog,
as well as multiple low voltage data, radio and control technologies.
All cabling is tested upon installation to ensure compliance w/ ANSI,
EIA/TIA, and other applicable standards. All test documentation is
kept on file.
c. Category 6 network cables: All horizontal cabling installed at ACAA
facilities is Cat 6 copper routed to Airport communications closets. All
cabling is tested upon installation to ensure compliance with ANSI,
EIA/TIA, and other applicable CAT6 Ethernet 802 standards. All test
documentation is kept on file. All obsolete or out-of-date cabling is
removed when a location or Tenant upgrades to new standards.
d. Wireless Access Points (WAP): The infrastructure supports and
incorporates multiple WAP networks which is free to the traveling
public. Tenant WAP applications must be reviewed and approved by
ACAA prior to installation.
e. Wi-Fi and Beacon Technologies: All Wi-Fi technologies including,
Beacons at PIT must be approved by ACAA prior to any installations.
The installation of access points or beacons must not interfere with
existing devises installed at the Airport. In the event of any
interferences with existing access points or beacons, it will be
determined by ACAA on how to resolve these issues. Tenants must
submit a Tenant Request for such technologies for review to ACAA.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
3. Pathways
a. The Midfield facility includes the Landside, Central Services, and
Airside buildings. These buildings are connected and serviced by an
extensive system of cable trays and conduits access to which is
strictly controlled by ACAA. Any new cable installation must be
reviewed and approved by ACAA.
b. Manholes and underground ducts: The larger campus facilities
incorporating hangars, maintenance and support buildings, FAA
facilities, etc. are connected via an underground duct system which is
documented and managed by ACAA. Access to this system is strictly
controlled and documented.
c. All cabling, whether in Midfield or the support buildings, must be
installed in conduit or cable tray. “J hooks” or other support media are
not allowed.
4. Communication Closets
The UCS incorporates a hierarchical system of communications closets that
facilitates the efficient distribution and installation of network cabling. The
distribution of these closets ensures that 95% of Midfield is within the Cat6
Ethernet standard of 250’ workstation to network equipment. Access to the
closets is made available to Airport Tenants to house network equipment
such as switches, routers, firewalls, etc., although maintenance and
management of said equipment is not provided by the Airport. Physical
access to these rooms is strictly controlled by ACAA.
a. Many of the larger Airport Tenants, specifically airlines, incorporate
their own series of Main Distribution Frames (MDFs) and
Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs) in order to comply with their
own corporate communications template. The UCS supports and
augments these installations via redundant and diverse cabling and
strict adherence to industry standards.
B. System Management
1. The UCS is managed on site by Verizon Network Integration. Hours of
operation are Monday through Friday 7:00 7:00 p.m. Services provided
by Verizon include day to day are
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2. MACDs (moves, adds, changes and disconnects), trouble resolution,
construction coordination, and system documentation.
3. Cable Management Software: The Airport utilizes a software database that
documents every communication circuit at PIT and AGC. The database is
managed by Verizon. The data is physically verified on a bi-annual basis
and system information is maintained at 99.9% accuracy.
C. ACAA Network Access
1. ACAA also provides Tenants with the ability for internet access separate
from ACAA’s network. This is provided to Tenants at a cost of which is set
forth in appendix A.
Section 12. Use of Appliances and Machines
A. All appliances and machines (i.e., refrigerators, space heaters, air conditioners,
etc.) used by Tenants in either daily operation or construction must have ACAA
approval prior to plugging into/connecting to the electrical or other utility systems.
Tenants will pay the minimum applicable current monthly rate for utility charges
as applicable.
B. Any connection into the utility infrastructure systems (electrical, water, gas, etc.)
requires prior ACAA approval.
C. Nothing shall be placed such as to block access in front of any electrical or
mechanical rooms and panels.
Section 13. Operation of Equipment in the Terminal
A. Any person operating equipment within the Passenger Terminal building will
abide by all posted speed regulations in these areas and in any event, not
exceed five (5) miles [8 km] per hour.
B. Permanent parking of internal combustion engine-driven vehicles is prohibited in
any of the terminal buildings.
C. All riding of bicycles, skateboards or roller skates/blades, scooters, or any self-
propelled vehicle or device is prohibited in all areas of the Baggage Makeup Area
and Passenger Terminals.
D. Exceptions will be made for wheelchairs or other medically- necessary devices
for the injured or infirm. ACAA and Tenant-owned bicycles may be allowed for
company business in the Tenants' respective leased areas.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 14. Cleanliness
A. ACAA requires high cleanliness standards for all tenants. This includes pest
control, facility appearance, aviation safety, public safety, exterior appearance,
landscaping, and trash removal.
B. Leased areas will be periodically inspected by an ACAA representative to
determine acceptability, cleanliness, and general upkeep of the space(s).
Discrepancies will be noted, and the Tenant will be required to implement prompt
corrective measures as determined by ACAA.
C. Active surfaces where food is stored, prepared, served, or eaten must be
maintained in a clean and sanitary way with respect to Federal, State, and Local
health codes and regulations.
D. No person shall place any solids in,or pour any liquid other than water down floor
drains, manholes, storm water drains or sewer connections unless permission is
first obtained from ACAA by contacting Kevin Gurchak at 412-472-2575
E. Foreign Object Debris (FOD) containers shall only be used for disposal of FOD
found on the Air Operations Area (AOA) shall not be used for disposal of food or
other organic matter unless permission is obtained from ACAA environmental.
Section 1. Purpose
The terms and conditions set forth in this Article are necessary for the accomplishment
of the following purposes:
A. To ensure that Persons seeking to exercise their constitutional freedom of
expression can communicate with the users of the Airport;
B. To ensure police protection of the Persons exercising their constitutional
C. To ensure that Persons and organizations properly authorized to engage in
authorized activities have adequate exposure to the traveling public;
D. To restrict such activities to public areas of the Airport
E. To protect users of the Airport from repeated communications or encounters
which might constitute harassment for intimidation;
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
F. To ensure the free and orderly flow of pedestrian traffic through the Airport; and
G. To ensure that these activities do not result in interference with the transportation
or business functions of the Airport.
The ACAA has established guidelines for the issuance of permits for authorized non-
solicitation leafletting, displaying of signs, signature gathering, conducting of surveys
and other speech-related activities at the Airport. These guidelines have been
established for the purposes of ensuring the smooth operation of the Airport and
meeting the primary responsibility of facilitating air travel. Copies of the Guidelines are
published on the Authority website at or available upon request.
Anyone wishing to engage in the activity covered by the Guidelines shall comply in all
respects with the guidelines.
Section 6. Radio Frequency
A. The Airport must approve the installation of all radio frequency systems and
spectrums. All Tenants, Leases, Permittees or Concessionaires at the Airport
using any types of radio frequency systems and equipment shall comply with the
B. Must be in compliance with Federal, State, Local, and ACAA regulations and
hold a valid license from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the
right to use the RF spectrum.
C. Must contact the Airport Facilities Maintenance Department for system approval.
D. Radio frequencies, systems, or spectrums that interfere with airport Operations
are not authorized. The Airport may grant exclusive government spectrum
exceptions in emergency situations so long as the need is communicated to
Airport Operations.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this article is to establish rules regulating vehicle and aircraft
movement/position on the apron/ramp.
Section 2. Aircraft Movement on the Main Terminal Ramp
A. Aircraft movement on the Main Terminal Ramp is uncontrolled.
B. Pushbacks: Aircraft pushbacks are at the operator’s discretion. All aircraft
pushbacks are to be straight back unless otherwise approved by Airport
Operations. The aircraft nose gear should be positioned 10 feet past the ramp
trench drains before disconnecting from the pushback unit. The pushback crew
shall include at least one wing walker during the time the aircraft is being pushed
back into position.
When an aircraft begins a pushback, it shall be done in a timely manner and
executed so as not to interfere with a pushback already underway from an
adjacent gate and/or an aircraft transitioning the area in the vicinity of the
If any deviation from a normal pushback is needed (e.g. the aircraft tail needs to
be positioned relative to the wind), Airport Operations must be advised, and the
pushback approved prior it occurring.
Aircraft push crews do not have the authority to:
1) Delay the pushback once underway.
2) Begin a pushback if it will conflict with a pushback that is already underway at
an adjacent gate. This includes not only the physical location of the aircraft
relative to each other, but the potential jet blast area created as well.
3) Provide the flight crew a direction of aircraft turn.
4) Push the aircraft in a manner of anticipated direction of taxi.
C. Aircraft movement:
Outbound: Subsequent to the aircraft pushback, the aircraft shall proceed, at
their discretion, and without undo delay, to a transition point. This should be done
so as to not create a conflict with an aircraft in the vicinity and already in motion.
Once at the transition point, further clearance from Ground Control must be
obtained for continued taxi. The outbound transition points are as follows:
Outbound: TWY C2, C3, V1, V2, V5, V6, D2, D3
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Inbound: When an aircraft is told to proceed to an assigned gate it should do so
in a timely manner from the transition point assigned by Ground Control. As the
aircraft approaches the assigned gate, it should hold at the vehicle roadway in a
position not blocking inbound or outbound aircraft, and wait for further
instruction/signal from their ground crew. The normal inbound transition points
are as follows:
Inbound: TWY C1, C4, V3, V4, D1, W
D. Pilots do not have the authority to communicate to one another on the Ground
Control frequency for purposes of movement on the ramp.
E. Power backs and power outs are not permitted without prior authorization by ACAA
Airport Operations.
Section 3. Cross Bleed Engine Start/Engine Run-Up on the Main Terminal Ramp
A. Cross bleed engine starts will not be permitted at gate positions due to numerous
safety considerations. They are approved per Airport Operations and only upon
completed pushback procedures (area to the rear and front of the aircraft is clear
and aircraft has been pushed and disconnected beyond vehicle roadway). After
pushback is complete follow appropriate cross bleed procedures per airline or
B. Engine run ups are not permitted at the gate or apron areas. ACAA has pre-
designated areas for run ups to occur. Engine run ups need to be coordinated
with the Pittsburgh Air Traffic Control Tower between the hours of 0600-2300
local by contacting them on ground control frequency of 121.9. Between the
hours of 2300-0600 local, prior approval needs to be granted by Airport
Operations. This can be done by calling Operations at 412-472-5630. Any
deviation needs to be approved by ACAA Airport Operations.
Section 4. Aircraft Parking
A. Except as otherwise provided herein, for each aircraft utilizing the parking area at
ACAA controlled gates, or such other area on the movement or non-movement
areas of the airport as may on occasion be designated by the CEO as an aircraft
parking area, including the Main Terminal Ramp during such hours that it is
designated by the CEO as an aircraft parking area, there shall be paid to the
ACAA an aircraft parking fee. The aircraft parking fee charged to Signatory and
Non-Signatory users of a designated parking area shall be based on the class of
aircraft. The rates and charges for each class of aircraft shall be calculated
annually based on the pro forma calculations using the methodology described
by example in the Airline Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this article is to establish rules regulating vehicle traffic control on Airport
roads and property in order to make such areas safe for those Persons operating Motor
Vehicles at Pittsburgh International Airport. No Person shall operate any Motor Vehicle
on the Airport other than in accordance with The PENNDOT Vehicle Code (Title 75), PA
Code Title 67, and these rules and regulations, except when given special written
authorization and instruction by the CEO or his/her designated representative.
Section 2. Landside Operations Area
A. No Person shall disregard or fail to comply with the directions of the police,
parking area employees, or operations agents on behalf of the ACAA. No Person
shall disregard or fail to comply with any directions of a police officer indicated by
gesture, signal, or otherwise, or disregard or fail to comply with any directions on
traffic signs and traffic signal control lights. Directions on such traffic signs may
be disregarded only on the order of a police officer.
B. Pedestrians shall at all times have the right-of-way over vehicular traffic in
designated crosswalks.
C. No Person operating a Motor Vehicle on the Airport shall fail to give proper
indicator signals.
D. No Person under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs shall operate a Motor
Vehicle on the Airport.
E. No Person shall operate any Motor Vehicle on the Airport overloaded or carry
more passengers than that for which the vehicle was designed. No Person shall
ride in the open bed of trucks, the running board, standing up in the body of
moving vehicles or ride on the outside of the body of the vehicle or with arms or
legs protruding from the body of the Motor Vehicles.
F. Speed limits shall not exceed 25 miles per hour on Airport roadways, unless
otherwise posted.
G. No taxicabs, buses, limousines, shuttle vehicles, or other
vehicles/carriers for hire, shall load or unload passengers on the Airport at any
place other than that designated by the CEO; nor shall any such conveyance be
operated to pick up passengers at or on the Airport without a contract with the
ACAA or without the expressed approval of the CEO.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 3. Air Operations Area (“AOA”)
A. All operators of Motor Vehicles in the Air Operations Area must adhere to the
1. Vehicle operators must possess a valid State Driver’s License at all
times while operating a vehicle on Airport property. Vehicle
operators must immediately advise their employer and the Airport’s
badging office
if their Driver’s License becomes revoked, suspended, or expired.
2. All vehicle operators shall complete an airfield driver training
curriculum prior to operating a vehicle within the Air Operations
Area (AOA). It is the Tenant sponsor’s responsibility to ensure that
all sponsored vehicle operators are knowledgeable about all
aspects of vehicle operations within their range of movement on the
3. Vehicle operators must have a valid, properly coded ACAA Security
Badge visibly displayed at all times, and/or be under the constant
escort of a properly badged Person while in the AOA.
4. Vehicle operators shall not allow any passengers in a vehicle other
than authorized personnel. Passengers shall only be permitted to
ride in approved seats upon designation by the CEO. All passenger
or vehicle
escorts must comply with procedures established in the FAA
approved Airport Security Program.
5. Headsets or headphones for personal devices (i.e. CD/DVD/tape
player, iPod, MP3, TV, Radio, etc.) shall not be utilized while
operating a vehicle on the airfield.
B. Only Motor Vehicles in the following nine (9) classes shall be authorized to
operate on the AOA:
1. Airport Ambulances.
2. Airport fire and rescue vehicles.
3. ACAA operations vehicles.
4. Allegheny County Police vehicles.
5. Airfield maintenance vehicles.
6. Aircraft support vehicles.
7. FAA field vehicles.
8. Contractors’ vehicles
9. Any other vehicle authorized by the CEO.
No other Motor Vehicles shall operate on the AOA.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
B. The ACAA reserves the right to withdraw permission for any individual to
operate a Motor Vehicle on the AOA if such action is deemed necessary
to maintain safety and order.
C. Aircraft always have the right-of-way in the AOA. No Motor Vehicle
operator shall be permitted to drive between Aircraft, passenger lanes, or
building except those Vehicles servicing the aircraft or responding
emergency vehicles. Vehicles needing to traverse an AOA ramp area
shall utilize the right side of the designated vehicle roadways at all times
and obey all posted signage. All Vehicles crossing or entering traffic lanes
shall yield to those Vehicles already in the lane before proceeding.
D. The use of vehicles in the Air Operations Area shall be kept to the
absolute minimum needed to conduct official business requiring bona fide
airside access.
E. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle in the AOA in excess of fifteen
(15) miles per hour, except for emergency vehicles or where otherwise
posted. No Person shall
operate a Motor Vehicle around an aircraft (whether parked or taxiing) in
excess of five (5) miles per hour.
F. No vehicle shall be permitted to drive between an aircraft and building
except those vehicles serving the aircraft or responding emergency
G. Vehicles are prohibited from driving under jetway passenger
bridges or under any part of an aircraft (e.g. fuselage, empennage, wing,
H. Contractor equipment shall not be parked in any area other than a
properly designated area.
I. Operation of a fuel tanker or hydrant trucks through the airside terminal
drive-thru locations is prohibited. Additional parking of fuel vehicles in
apron level sections under the airside terminal is prohibited, unless part of
their leased area.
J. It is prohibited to leave a vehicle unattended and running.
K. Ground support equipment, when not in use, shall be secured using a
functioning braking mechanism capable of preventing the equipment from
inadvertently drifting out of position.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
L. All tugs or other airline and Tenant towing vehicles shall be limited to no
more than four (4) carts or container carriers.
M. No Person shall do any of the following without a guide person:
1. back-up a truck or other Vehicle in close proximity to other
equipment vehicles, aircraft, fencing, wall, or structures; or
2. back-up a fuel tank truck; or
3. back-up a Motor Vehicle whenever the operator’s vision is
N. Any Motor Vehicle operator, whose Vehicle becomes disabled or becomes
out of service on the AOA must:
1. turn on the Vehicle’s warning lights; and
2. immediately notify Airport Operations.
O. All Vehicles, whether in marked traffic lanes or not, shall yield to taxiing
Aircraft, push backs or aircraft under tow.
P. In potential conflict situations between approaching/overtaking aircraft
support vehicles, the right-of-way shall be determined by the following
priority list:
1. Aircraft
2. Emergency vehicles;
3. Fuel trucks;
4. Passenger buses;
5. Baggage/Cargo Trains
6. All other aircraft service equipment.
No Person operating a Motor Vehicle shall circumvent the above-
mentioned procedure. When in doubt, vehicle operator should always
yield the right-of-way.
Q. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle on a runway or taxiway without
the expressed prior written approval of the ACAA. Such access shall only
be based on official need, and not be automatically granted based on
access granted to the non-movement areas. This would include, but not
be limited to, Airport/tenant contractors and aircraft support vehicles.
R. During periods of reduced visibility, vehicle access to the movement area
may be reduced as determined by ACAA Airport Operations personnel.
S. No ground vehicles shall proceed onto the movement area unless it has
clearance from the FAA Air Traffic Control tower, received either directly
or through escort, on the ground control frequency. (In the event of a radio
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
failure, vehicle operator should hold position and call Airport Operations by
cell phone at 412-472-5630, or flash headlights toward tower.)
T. Smoking is prohibited at any time either in or out of Vehicles or anywhere
on the AOA.
U. Fueling vehicles must always be properly bonded during fueling
operations (as outlined in NFPA 407).
V. All vehicles except responding emergency equipment shall remain well
clear of fuel spills or fuel spill clean-up activity. All violations shall be
reported to the responsible Tenant or responsible contractor and ACAA
Operations. The Tenants and contractors shall have primary responsibility
to assure that their employees and visitors adhere to the rules and
regulations prescribed herein. The ACAA reserves the right to withdraw
permission of any individual to operate a Vehicle on the AOA if such
action is deemed necessary to maintain safety and order.
Section 4. Regulations Applicable to Both AOA and Landside Areas
A. The CEO is authorized to close or restrict the use of all Airport roadways
to vehicular traffic in the interest of public safety.
B. No Person shall, without lawful authority, attempt to or in fact, alter, twist,
obstruct, deface, injure, knock down, remove or interfere with the effective
operation of any official traffic-control device, or any inscription, shield or
insignia thereon or any other part thereof.
C. Airport ambulances, fire and rescue vehicles, Allegheny County Police
units, and Allegheny County Airport Authority vehicles are designated
emergency vehicles, with right-of-way priority over all other ground
vehicles. No Motor Vehicle operator shall block any storage garage
entrance/exit or restrict the movement or operation of these vehicles.
D. No Person shall clean or make repairs to Motor Vehicles anywhere on the
Airport other than in designated areas, except those minor repairs
necessary to move such Motor Vehicles from the Airport.
E. The CEO, his/her designee, or the Allegheny County Police shall have the
authority to tow or otherwise move Motor Vehicles parked or stopped on
the Airport in violation of signs posted by the Allegheny County Airport
Authority whenever it is determined that such Motor Vehicles
so parked constitute a nuisance, hazard, or obstruction. The CEO shall
have the authority to charge the operator for such vehicle for towing or
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
moving service and storage and to enforce such charge by a lien upon the
vehicle, for that class of vehicle.
F. The Airline/Tenant employee’s parking lot and Airline/Tenant leased areas
designated for parking are the only areas legally available for employee or
company vehicle/equipment parking.
G. Parking of Motor Vehicles on the Apron Level within the Main Airside
Terminal Building, which is not leased, is prohibited.
H. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle unless such Persons possesses
a valid state driving license issued by the state in which such Person is
employed or resides, for that class of vehicle.
I. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle in a reckless manner or in
excess of the speed limits prescribed by the Airport Authority.
J. Special one-time parking requirements must be coordinated in advance
with the Authority (for public areas) or the ACAA Airport Operations (for
the AOA).
K. Written reports of all vehicular or Ground Support Equipment incidents,
including those that result in damage to Airport property, must be
submitted to the Airport Operations Office within 24 hours. Any accident
should be reported by contacting 911.
L. No Person shall deface, injure, tamper with, open, or willfully break,
destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking lot equipment or facility of
the Airport.
M. No Person under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs shall operate a
Motor Vehicle at the Airport.
N. In Pennsylvania, it is mandatory that seat belts be used by all occupants
of a vehicle if available, at all times, without
exception. Drivers should be responsible for ensuring that all occupants
fasten their seat belts prior to operating the vehicle. Driving rules and
regulations will be furnished at the Allegheny County Airport Authority’s
Department of Airport Safety and Security badging office. Copies should
be issued by each Airport Tenant or contractor to their authorized drivers.
Because of the special operating environment and concerns associated
with operating a vehicle on the Airport, each Tenant and vehicle operator
must thoroughly read and understand these rules and regulations.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
O. No person shall operate any Motor Vehicle on the Airport other than in
accordance with these rules and regulations, except when given special
authorization and instruction by the CEO of the Allegheny County Airport
Authority, or a designated representative.
P. The provisions of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Act of June 17, 1976,
P.L. 162, as amended, Title 75 P.S., 101 et seq., are hereby declared to
be in effect in and on the Airport and on all streets, drives, and roadways
within Airport Authority as if set forth herein. This Article is designed to
work together with the “Vehicle Code”, Should a provision of these
Regulations conflict with the “Vehicle Code”, the “Vehicle Code” shall
Section 5. Airport Vehicle Standards
Any Person who operates an Airport conveyance vehicle, except aircraft, used to
transport persons, cargo, and/or equipment shall adhere to the following
A. No person shall operate a truck, tractor, tug, or other self-propelled
equipment without adequate headlights and taillight functioning when used
during the hours of darkness or poor visibility.
B. All vehicles operating in the FAA Tower-controlled movement areas must
have flashing or revolving beacons of sufficient brightness to be seen by
the Control Tower at all times.
C. All vehicles and equipment exceeding seven (7) feet in width must be
equipped and have in use a flashing beacon and flashing front, tail, and
clearance lights, to be operative at all times on Airport roads.
D. All carts and other equipment not equipped with lighting systems must
have reflectors and reflectorized tape on the front, rear, and sides.
Vehicles transporting flammable or combustible liquids, (exclusive of
flammable or combustible liquids in a vehicle’s internal fuel tank or a small
portable container) must contain at least one (1) currently inspected fire
extinguisher of at least twenty (20) pounds appropriate to the class of
material being transported.
E. The Allegheny County Police, or upon notification from the Allegheny
County Airport Authority, shall have the authority to remove from service
any vehicle not in compliance with the above standards.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
F. The following Motor Vehicles that operate at the Airport must meet the
following requirements:
1. No Person shall operate an ambulance, unless such vehicle is
clearly identified, marked and equipped with red flashing beacons.
No Person shall operate a fire and rescue vehicle, unless such
vehicle is chrome yellow in color, numbered as required, and
equipped with flashing red beacons.
2. No Person shall operate an Allegheny County Airport Authority
Operations vehicle unless such vehicle is marked and identified as
belonging to the Allegheny
County Airport Authority and equipped with flashing yellow beacons
as required.
3. No Person shall operate an Allegheny County Police vehicle,
unless such vehicle bears the proper
markings as adopted by Allegheny County for police vehicles, i.e.,
color, indicator lights, etc. The above shall not apply to unmarked
surveillance vehicles.
4. No person shall operate an airfield maintenance vehicle, unless
such vehicle is marked and identified as an Allegheny County
Airport Authority vehicle, numbered, and equipped with a flashing
yellow beacon unless otherwise authorized by the CEO.
5. No Person shall operate an aircraft support vehicle, unless such
vehicle is marked with identifying symbols and/or the name of the
company owning the vehicles and have flashing yellow beacons.
6. No Person shall operate an FAA field vehicle, unless such vehicle
is clearly marked to be identified as an official U.S. government
vehicle and equipped with flashing yellow beacons.
7. No Person shall leave a contractor vehicle in the AOA, unless such
vehicle displays a valid operating permit and a three-foot square
flag of checkered pattern of international orange and white colors
on each side. Flags shall be attached as to be visible from the
control tower or unless under an approved ACAA escort situation.
8. No Person shall operate an unmarked vehicle authorized for
access onto the AOA unless this vehicle possesses a vehicle pass
issued by the Allegheny County Airport Authority. These passes
must be displayed on the dash of the vehicle and are not
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 6. Parking Areas
A. No Person shall abandon a vehicle upon Airport property without the
expressed consent of the Allegheny County Airport Authority.
B. Any vehicle left in one of the pay parking lots in excess of forty-five (45)
days without making prior arrangements with the Authority’s parking
manager will be considered abandoned. Vehicle will be towed from said
area to the Authority’s salvage lot for processing through Penn Dot’s
Abandoned Vehicle Unit.
C. All Contractors conducting business either for the Authority or one of its
Tenants are required to apply for and obtain a parking pass in the
Authority’s Contractor Lot. A schedule of parking fees can be found in
Appendix A.
D. Contractors are not permitted to park their vehicles along any of the
Airport curbs, along the Central Services Building or within any other
designated parking area without the expressed consent of the Authority’s
Terminal Operations Office. Vehicles parked in any of these areas without
prior consent of the above referenced will be ticketed and towed by the
County Police at the owner’s expense.
E. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle in excess of fifteen (15) miles per
hour in any of the parking lots.
F. No Person shall operate a Motor Vehicle within a parking garage in
excess of five (5) miles per hour.
G. No Persons shall park a Motor Vehicle on the Airport other than in the
areas specifically established for parking. No Person shall park any Motor
Vehicle on the Airport in a space marked off for the parking of vehicles, in
such a manner as to occupy part of another marked space. No Persons
shall park any Motor Vehicle for a period in excess of the time limit
prescribed for the particular parking area, nor shall any Person park any
Motor Vehicle in any restricted or reserved areas. In this section,
“Persons” are defined as owners, operators, or lessees of any Motor
No Person shall deface, injure, tamper with, open, or willfully break,
destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking lot equipment or facility on
Airport property.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
H. The Airline/Tenant employees’ parking lot and Airline/Tenant leased areas
designated for parking are the only areas legally available for employee or
company vehicle/equipment parking.
I. Parking of Motor Vehicles on the Apron Level within the Main Airside
Terminal Building is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the CEO.
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this Article is to set forth the rules and regulations regarding fire
and safety to ensure that all Persons using the Airport shall exercise the utmost
care to guard against fire and injury to Persons or property.
Section 2. Adoption of Fire Prevention and Safety Codes
Uniform Construction Code (UCC) as may hereinafter be amended, as adopted
as the Pennsylvania statewide building code, is hereby adopted as the Fire
Prevention Code of the Allegheny County Airport Authority, for the control of
building, structures, and premises as herein provided; and each and all of the
regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of said Uniform Construction Code,
as well as the most recently amended version of the International Fire Code
published by the International Code Council, the NFPA Fire Prevention Code,
and the Pennsylvania Life Safety Code, are hereby referred to, adopted and
made a part thereof as if fully set out in this resolution and shall supersede this
document in any case of conflict.
Section 3. Authority at Fires and Other Emergencies
The Fire Chief of the ACAA Fire Department, or duly authorized representatives,
as may be in charge at the scene of a fire or other emergency involving the
protection of life and property, is empowered to direct such operation as may be
necessary to extinguish or control any suspected or reported situations or of
taking any other actions necessary in the reasonable performance of their duty.
Said official may prohibit any Person, vehicle or object from approaching the
scene and may remove or cause to be removed from the scene any Person,
vehicle or object which may impede or interfere with the operations of the fire
department. Said official may remove or cause to be removed any Person,
vehicle, or object from hazardous areas. All Persons ordered to leave a
hazardous area shall do so immediately and shall not re-enter the area until
authorized to do so by said duly authorized official.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 4. Fire Control Measures
A. It shall be unlawful to interfere with, attempt to interfere with, conspire to
interfere with, obstruct or restrict the mobility of or block the path of travel
of any fire department emergency vehicle in any way, or to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, conspire to interfere with, obstruct or hamper any
fire department operations.
B. A Person shall not willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or
direction of the Fire Chief or his/her designated representative in
command, or to interfere with the compliance attempts of another
C. A vehicle shall not be driven or propelled over any unprotected fire hose of
the fire department when laid down on any street, alleyway, private drive
or any other vehicle roadway without the consent of the Fire Chief or
his/her designated representative in command of said operation.
D. Authorized emergency vehicles shall be restricted to those which are
defined and authorized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.
E. Upon the approach of any authorized emergency vehicle, giving audible
and visual signal, the operator of every other vehicle shall immediately
drive the same to a position as near possible and parallel to the right-hand
edge or curb of the street or roadway, clear of any intersection and shall
stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle or
vehicles shall have passed, unless otherwise directed by the Fire Chief or
his/her designated representative or a police officer.
F. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, or other than one on
official business, to follow closer than three hundred (300) feet from any
fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire or other emergency.
G. A Person shall not, without proper authorization from the Fire Chief or
his/her designated representative in charge of said fire department
emergency equipment, cling to, attach himself to, climb upon or into,
board or swing upon any fire
department emergency vehicle, whether the same is in motion or a rest, or
sound the siren, horn, bell or other sound producing device thereon, or to
manipulate or tamper with, or attempt to manipulate or tamper with levers,
valves, switches, starting devices, brakes, pumps, or any equipment or
protective clothing on, or a part of, any fire department emergency vehicle.
H. It shall be unlawful for any Person to damage or deface, or attempt or
conspire to damage or deface, any fire department emergency vehicle at
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
any time or to injure, or attempt or conspire to injure, or attempt to
conspire to injure, fire department Personnel while performing
departmental duties.
I. The driver of any emergency vehicle shall not sound the siren thereon or
have front red lights on or disobey any existing traffic regulation, except
when said vehicle is responding to, but not returning from, a fire or other
emergency. Tactical strategies such as, but not limited to, “move-ups”, do
not constitute an emergency call. The driver of an emergency vehicle may:
1. Park or stand irrespective of the provisions of existing traffic
2. Proceed past a red or stop signal or other sign but only after
slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation;
3. Exceed the prima facie speed limit so long as the action does not
endanger life or property.
4. Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in
specified direction.
5. The exemptions herein granted to an emergency vehicle shall apply
only when the driver of any such vehicle while in motion sounds
audible signal by bell, siren or exhaust whistle as may be
reasonably necessary, and when the vehicle is equipped with at
least one lighted lamp displaying a red light visible under normal
atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to
the front of such vehicle.
The above listed exceptions in no way remove the driver’s responsibility to
maintain control of the vehicle at all times and to drive in a safe and
prudent manner. Additionally, the above exceptions do not absolve the
driver of liability.
J. It shall be unlawful to obscure from view, damage, deface, obstruct or
restrict the access to any fire hydrant or any fire department connection for
the pressurization of fire suppression systems, including fire hydrants and
fire department connections located on public or private streets and
access lanes or on private property. If, upon the expiration of the time
mentioned in a notice of violation, obstructions or encroachments are not
removed, the Fire Chief or his/her designated representative shall proceed
to remove the same. Costs incurred in the performance of necessary work
shall be assessed accordingly.
K. A Person shall not use or operate any fire hydrant intended for use of the
fire department for fire suppression purposes unless such person first
secures authorization for such use from the Fire Chief or his/her
designated representative or ACAA plumbing personnel. This section shall
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
not apply to the use of such hydrants by a person employed by, and
authorized to make such use by, the water company having jurisdiction.
L. A Person shall not obstruct, remove, tamper with or otherwise disturb any
fire hydrant or fire appliance required to be installed or maintained under
the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code except for the purpose of
extinguishing a fire, training or testing purposes, recharging or making
necessary repairs or when permitted by the fire prevention code official.
Whenever a fire appliance is removed as herein permitted, it shall be
replaced or re-installed as soon as the purpose for which it was removed
has been accomplished. Defective and non-approved fire appliances or
equipment shall be replaced or repaired as directed by the Fire Chief.
M. A Person shall not sell, trade, loan, or give away any form, type or kind of
fire extinguisher which is not approved by the Fire Chief, or which is not in
proper working order, or the contents of which do not meet the
requirements of the Fire Chief. The requirements of this section shall not
apply to the sale, trade or exchange or obsolete or damaged equipment
for junk when said units are permanently disfigured or marked with a
permanent sign identifying the unit as junk.
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide procedures and guidelines for
General Safety and Emergency Situations for all Allegheny County Airport
Authority Employees as well as Tenants and Contractors.
Section 2. Application
A. This plan applies to all Employees doing regular business at the Airport.
No Employee is exempt from the guidelines set forth in this document.
1. It shall be the duty of the Airport’s Fire Chief to enforce all applicable
sections of these Rules and Regulations pertaining to fire protection,
fire prevention, and fire spread control.
2. The Airport’s Fire Chief or his/her duly authorized representative(s)
shall periodically inspect all buildings, structures, and premises to
ensure compliance with all applicable sections of these Rules and
Regulations pertaining to fire protection, fire prevention and fire spread
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 3. Responsibilities
A. In the event of an emergency, Employees shall call 911.
1. Employee shall provide the following information: location, name,
nature of the call, (If medical, details on patient’s condition), and
contact information.
2. If there is no threat to safety, caller should stay at incident location to
meet with emergency responders.
B. All Employees are responsible for knowing the evacuation plan and routes
for areas in which they work. Employees must be familiar with alternate
exits in the event that the primary route is blocked. If an alarm is heard in
the area, all employees must adhere to evacuation policies. Employees
should assist guests/customers who may be unfamiliar with the facility if
they can do so without delay of self-evacuation. No employee is exempt
from evacuation.
C. Supervisors are responsible for the accountability of subordinate
employees and reporting said information to Emergency Responders.
D. It is the responsibility of all Employees to be familiar with Fire Extinguisher
and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) locations.
E. Emergency Exits, Hallways, Fire Extinguishers, and AED’s shall remain
clear of any obstruction.
Section 4. Fire Prevention
A. Smoking is not permitted on ACAA property outside of designated
smoking areas.
B. All ACAA employees are encouraged to have annual fire extinguisher
training conducted by ACAA Fire Rescue.
C. No person on Airport property shall conduct open-flame, welding, or
spark-generating operations without contacting ACAA Airport
Operations at 412-472-5630. This is to include but not limited to:
i. Any type of welding or cutting using high-temperature equipment
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
ii. Tar kettle (roofing)
iii. Lead pot (plumbing)
iv. Solder torches
v. Candles
vi. Fireworks
vii. Grilling
1. All Employees shall be familiar and comply with the Hot Work and
Confined Space policies.
These policies and procedures can be found by contacting
ACAA Airport Operations at 412-472-5630.
D. Fire extinguisher equipment at the Airport shall not be tampered with at
any time, nor used for any purpose other than firefighting or fire
prevention. All such equipment shall be regularly inspected to ensure that
it conforms to the National Fire Protection Association’s Regulations and
the ACAA Fire Prevention Policies. Tags showing the date of the last such
inspection shall be left attached to each inspected unit.
E. Fully charged and currently inspected fire extinguishers, of the type
recommended by the National Fire Protection Association for specific
materials, are required at all locations on the Airport where flammable
materials are present or handled.
F. Airport fire protection systems, alarms, and equipment shall not be
tampered with at any time.
G. When using cooking equipment or heating appliances, employees shall
comply with manufacturers’ safety recommendations. No cooking
equipment or heating appliances shall be operated on ACAA property
without prior approval from the ACAA Fire Rescue.
H. Only one power strip shall be plugged into a receptacle at any time. Power
strips shall be protected with a GFCI. A power strip shall never be plugged
into another power strip.
I. No vehicles shall be left idling inside any building, tunnel, or baggage
matrix area or within 15 feet of any building air intake.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
J. Nothing shall be placed so as to block access to any electrical/mechanical
rooms and panels.
Section 5. Hazardous Materials
A. Class A Explosives and all other explosives not acceptable for
transportation under applicable Federal Regulations are not permitted in,
on, upon, or around the Airport.
B. Flammable and Hazardous Materials shall be stored in compliance with
corresponding Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from the Manufacturer of the
chemical. No person shall stock or store material and/or equipment in a
manner that could create a hazard. Leaks or spills of any flammable or
hazardous materials shall immediately be reported by calling 911.
C. All applicable laws and regulations governing explosives which are
acceptable for transportation must be strictly observed. Materials subject
to federal, state and/or local regulations governing Hazardous Materials
must be handled in strict compliance with these rules and regulations, and
any other rules or regulations that the CEO might impose. Any waiver of a
rule or regulation, or any part thereof, by the FAA, or by any other
competent authority, shall not constitute, or be construed to constitute, a
waiver of that rule or regulation by the CEO, or an implied permission by
the CEO.
D. Permission for the movement of radioactive materials may only be given
when such materials are packaged, marked, labeled, and limited as
required by appropriate federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and
where such movement does not create any hazard to life or property at
the Airport. The ACAA Fire Department shall be able to provide
information relative to the hazards of any material, subject to this Section,
to the CEO.
E. No fuel, oil, grease, flammable liquids, or contaminants of any kind,
including detergents used to wash Aircraft, or any other vehicles or
surfaces, shall be allowed to flow into or
be placed in any storm drain, sewer system, or open water areas, in or on
the Airport, without a separator, or unless connected to an industrial waste
system, or as otherwise approved by the CEO.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
F. The Authority retains the right to limit, or exclude any types, quantity, or
use of hazardous materials at the Airport.
G. No Tenant, shipper, individual, or other entity shall use flammable,
combustible or toxic vaporizing liquids to clean aircraft, automotive parts,
or floors of buildings on the Airport. Any cleaning of aircraft, automotive
parts, or floors of buildings on the Airport will be done in a manner
approved by the Fire Chief.
Section 6. Fire
A. When an Employee observes a fire, the employee shall evacuate the area
and call 911.
1. Employee will provide the following information: name, nature of call,
and name of contact for further information.
B. Employee should attempt to close door (if one exists) to the fire room to
prevent or slow the spreading of fire if possible.
C. All Employees shall attempt to activate the nearest Fire Alarm Pull Station.
D. If an Employee is trained to use a fire extinguisher, they may attempt to
extinguish the fire to prevent the fire from spreading, without endangering
themselves. Use of fire extinguishers is voluntary.
E. All Employees shall yield to emergency vehicles responding to emergency
F. All Employees shall stay clear of emergency scenes.
Section 7. Medical Emergencies
A. When an Employee observes a medical emergency, the Employee should
notify 911.
B. Employees should not attempt medical procedures without proper
C. All Employees shall yield to emergency vehicles responding to emergency
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
D. All Employees shall stay clear of emergency scenes.
Section 8. Fueling Operations
All aircraft refueling operations should follow guidelines as set forth by ATA-103.
Section 9. Severe Weather
A. All ACAA Employees shall follow the ACAA Lightning Condition
guidelines. All others doing business at PIT should follow their own
organization’s safety policies/guidelines. All fueling on Airport property
must cease during lightning-red conditions.
B. During inclement weather, employees should use caution and seek shelter
if need arises.
Transportation Rules and Regulations
Section 1 Purpose
The purpose of this Article is to set forth the rules and regulations regarding
environmental compliance requirements for all users of Pittsburgh International
Section 2 Sanitation
A. All Persons, while on Airport property, shall conduct their activities in such
a manner so as not to cause any littering or any other form of
environmental pollution.
B. To further carry out the above, no Person shall:
1. dispose of any garbage, papers, refuse, or other forms of trash,
except in the receptacles provided for, that purpose;
2. use a restroom, toilet or lavatory facility at the Airport other than in
a clean and sanitary manner.
3. eat food or drink beverages in any area other than in the areas
designated for such activities.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
4. place any type of liquid in the storm drains or the sanitary sewer
system at the Airport which will damage them or will result in the
creation of an environmentally hazardous condition.
5. unreasonably or unnecessarily cause any smoke, dust, fumes,
gases, or any other matter to be emitted into the atmosphere.
C. Any material unlawfully spilled, deposited, or placed on Airport property
may be removed or cleaned up by the ACAA, and the responsible party
may be charged for expenses incurred by the ACAA, or fines paid as a
result thereof.
Section 3 Environmental
The Allegheny County Airport Authority has adopted, as a minimum, the
applicable requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR),
Pennsylvania Code Title 25 Environmental
Resources (PA Title 25), the Allegheny County Health Department’s Rules and
Regulations. All provisions of these laws are hereby made a part herein as if fully
set out in these Rules and Regulations and shall supersede this document in any
case of conflict.
Specific compliance procedures are detailed below:
A. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Compliance:
1. The Tenants and Sub-Tenants of Pittsburgh International Airport
are required to comply with all applicable provisions of the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (Permit
Number PA0203815) held by the ACAA.
2. Under this permit, the ACAA has specific reporting requirements. In
order for the Authority to meet these, Lessees must submit to the
Environmental and Workplace Safety Department by the 7
of each
month, a report identifying the types and volumes or quantities of
aircraft and airfield deicing and anti-icing chemicals that were used
during the previous month. Additionally, copy of all Safety Data
Sheets for these products shall be submitted by October 15
each year.
3. Each Lessee is required to implement Best Management Practices
(BMPs) as defined, to ensure that their activities do not have an
impact on storm water.
B. Oil Pollution Prevention Requirements (40 CFR 112)
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
1. The Lessees of Pittsburgh International Airport who store oils,
including petroleum, fuel oil, synthetic oils, and mineral oil, in
containers greater than a 55-gallon drum must comply with the
requirements of 40 CFR 112.
2. Lessees with an aggregate aboveground storage capacity that
exceeds 1,320 gallons or an underground storage capacity
exceeding 42,000 gallons must ensure that a current Spill
Response Plan (SRP) or Spill Prevention, Control, and
Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan has been developed and
implemented. A copy of the current Plan, as well as any updates to
the Plan, must be provided to the ACAA’s Environmental and
Workplace Safety Department.
3. The owners of regulated aboveground and/or underground storage
tanks must submit current copies of their Storage Tank
Registrations to the ACAA’s Environmental and Workplace Safety
Department annually.
4. The Lessees are responsible for reporting spills to the appropriate
regulatory agencies. Lessees must immediately notify the ACAA,
through Airport Operations at (412) 472-5630 of any spill and must
provide the ACAA with written correspondence, including: that
details the incident; the response actions taken; the corrective
actions implemented; and notifications within 10 days of the
C. Hazardous and Residual Wastes Compliance
1. All Lessees of Pittsburgh International Airport are required to
comply with the applicable regulations governing both hazardous
and residual wastes. Depending upon the quantities and types of
waste generated, Lessee may be required to submit reports, if
applicable, to specific Agencies. Copies of these reports must be
provided to the ACAA’s Environmental and Workplace Safety
2. Regulated generators of hazardous and residual wastes must
comply with the appropriate labeling, storage, and disposal
requirements identified in the regulations.
D. Based upon the activities that are performed, Lessees may be required to
obtain an Air Quality Operating Permit from the Allegheny County Health
Department. If such a permit is held, a copy of the most recent permit
must be provided to the ACAA’s Environmental and Workplace Safety
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Department. It is the Lessee’s responsibility to comply with all provisions
of their permit.
E. In order to effectively and efficiently communicate environmental related
information, each Lessee shall designate an Environmental Contact. The
name, title and telephone number of each contact shall be provided to the
ACAA’s Environmental and Workplace Safety Department. Information
must be kept current.
F. Upon notification of termination of lease by either Lessee or the ACAA, the
ACAA has the right to request that Lessee conduct samplings of
suspected contaminated areas. Lessee will provide the ACAA with
analytical reports of said samplings and in the event that remediation
required, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessee to complete the
remediation at the leased premises. All costs associated with the sampling
and any remediation are the responsibility of the Lessee.
Section 4 Aircraft Service Materials Spills
In any case of spilling of fuel, oil, grease, or other environmentally- hazardous
materials, it is the responsibility of the owner or operator of the equipment,
causing the incident to remove and clean up the material immediately, and the
incident must be reported by calling 911. Should the responsible party fail to
completely and sufficiently cleanup said spill, placement, or deposit, and ensure
environmental safety of the area, the ACAA is authorized to perform any
necessary clean-up and/or environmental remediation and charge responsible
person(s) for costs. In addition, any fines or damages imposed on the ACAA as a
result of the incident or its cleanup may be charged to responsible person(s).
Section 5 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle, and Equipment Washing
Tenants and Sub-Tenants of Pittsburgh International Airport must undertake
measures that prevent or minimize the contamination of storm water runoff from
all areas used for aircraft, ground vehicle, and equipment washing, cleaning, and
maintenance. Management practices such as performing all cleaning operations
indoors, and/or collecting the storm water runoff from the area and providing
treatment or recycling should be considered. In the event that the aircraft,
vehicle, or equipment cannot be washed indoors the Tenant must use only water
as a cleaning agent. “Environmentally- friendly detergents” or readily
biodegradable detergents may only be used upon approval of the ACAA’s
Environmental and Workplace Safety Department In order to receive this
approval, a copy of the proposed product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and
information on mix ratio of cleaning agent to water must be provided. The
outdoor cleaning operation cannot commence until approval has been granted.
Additionally, anyone washing, cleaning, or performing maintenance outdoors
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
using unapproved materials will be banned from doing this type of work at the
Section 1 Purpose
It is the purpose of this Article to establish proper Rules and Regulations to
safeguard the integrity and safety of all secure areas on Airport property, and the
security of all users of the Airport.
Section 2 Employee ID Badge Application Procedures
A. Tenants/Employees/Contractors wishing to obtain an Airport Identification
Badge must complete the appropriate Identification Badge Application
B. All Employees applying for an ID badge granting unescorted access to
any Airport sterile, secured, and Security Identification Display Area
(SIDA) must undergo a criminal history records check and a Security
Threat Assessment (STA) via the submission of fingerprints and
biographical information.
1. The Federal Government/L.E.O. Application verifies that the
criminal history records check has been completed as a condition
of employment. The Federal/L.E.O. indication on the fingerprint
application must be signed by a designated individual on file with
the Airport Security Office. The completed application should be
submitted in advance of reporting to the ID Badge Office to allow
adequate processing time.
2. All Airline and Tenant sponsored Employees must be cleared via
the fingerprinting and STA process prior to receiving their badge.
After completing the application, an authorized sponsor
representative must sign-off on the cover sheet. The application
then must be submitted for an STA. Once cleared:
a) The ID Badge Office will report to the Authorized Signatory
(“Security Liaison”) when the STA is complete, and the
applicant can pick up badge. The applicant will report to the
ID Badge Office during normal business hours (as listed
b) Two forms of current, acceptable identification* are
required.* (Acceptable forms are listed on page 3 of
fingerprint application).
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
c) Prior to issuing an Airport Security ID badge, the Employee
must successfully complete a training program provided by
the Allegheny County Airport Authority. Most trainings are
computer based, in ID Badge Office (Landside Terminal,
Baggage Claim level), followed by a test. Applicants applying
for a movement badge will also need to pass a practical
driving test administered by ACAA Airport Operations.
d) Following the training video, Employees are to report to the
badging area with two forms of acceptable identification
capable of confirming identity. Those persons making
application for a badge with driving privileges must show a
current, valid driver's license and should have completed an
Airport Driver Training Curriculum prior to the issue. (The
Tenant sponsor is responsible for providing and
documenting an appropriate level of training. However,
ACAA will provide the movement area driver testing through
Airport Operations.
e) The Airport ID Badge Office is open during the following
Monday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Note: The last video for SIDA is shown 1.5 hours prior to
closing. The last video for non-movement or movement
training is shown 2.5 hours before closing.
Fingerprinting, badging, and training will not be available
outside of these hours, however, the front desk will be
available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM 4:00
PM and Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 AM 4:00 PM to
answer phone calls, accept and distribute paperwork and
answer any questions that may arise.
C. Tenants shall maintain written records of Employees who are participants
of the Airport's badging system. Should an Employee's work status
change, which no longer requires access to an Airport sterile/secured
area, the tenant management shall notify the ID Badge immediately of an
employee’s change of status and return all ID badges or keys assigned to
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
the employee within 24 hours of the change of status. If the Tenant is
unable to return the badges or keys assigned to the individual, they will
immediately contact the ID Badge Office or Airport Operations during off-
hours to report and disable the badge. The Authorized Signatory will utilize
the TSA form “Retrieval of Identification” and document three attempts to
retrieve badges and/or keys. After making the attempts, the form should
be dropped at the ID Badge Office for processing.
D. The Allegheny County Airport Authority reserves the right to refuse the
issuance of an Identification Badge to any employee.
Section 3 Employee ID Badge Use
A. Airport Identification Badges shall be worn on the outermost garment,
above the waist, on the outermost garment, in conspicuous view at all
times while within the SIDA.
B. Each Person issued a badge is also provided a five digit Personal
Identification Number (PIN); this number should be
memorized. Do not tape or mark this number on the badge. Personal
Identification Numbers cannot be given over the phone. Employees should
report to the ID Badge Office if they forget their PIN.
C. Employees are responsible to note the expiration date on the bottom of
the badge assigned for their use, and must arrange to receive an updated
badge or return the badge to the ID Badge Office prior to its expiration. An
update form, signed by your designated Authorized Signatory, is required
in order for your badge to be updated. (Refer to the last page of this
handout). When obtaining an updated badge, the old badge must be
returned to the ID Badge Office. Badges displaying an expired date shall
be considered invalid. The Airport Authority shall establish a fee for the
late return or renewal of a badge beyond its expiration date. Attempted
modification or obstruction of a badge expiration date is strictly prohibited.
D. The Employee or Tenant is NOT authorized to re-issue a badge to a
different employee or maintain the security pass for further issues. The
identification badge remains the property of the Allegheny County Airport
Authority at all times and must be surrendered upon termination or the
request of Airport Management.
E. The Employee shall immediately report any lost, stolen, or destroyed
badge to the ID Badge Office. The Allegheny County Airport Authority has
established fees and are set forth in Appendix A for the replacement of
any security pass resulting from loss, theft, or due to user abuse. A re-
issue/renewal/replacement form (RRR), signed by designated Authorized
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Signatory and two forms of acceptable ID, is also required in order to
obtain a new badge. Should an Employee locate a lost badge after
obtaining a replacement badge, the Employee shall return the originally
issued badge to the Airport ID Badge Office.
F. Employees can report to the ID Badge Office up to 30 days prior to the
badge expiration date. If the Employee has driving privileges, they may
access the current learning management system through the ID Badge
Office remotely to complete the driver training in the calendar month prior
to the expiration before reporting to the ID Badge Office. This training
must be completed within the calendar month prior to expiration. If the
training is not completed, the Employee’s badge will be made invalid until
training is complete. When reporting to the ID Badge Office, Employee
must have a re-issue/renewal/replacement form (RRR), signed by a
designated Authorized Signatory, in order to renew the badge.
Successful completion of all badge-appropriate training and exam at the
time of each badge renewal is required. Renewal of badges more than 30
days past the expiration date will require a new badge application process.
Should an Employer wish to re-issue a badge to an Employee who they
have previously sponsored for a badge, or change the Employee’s
security level, a re-issue/replacement/renewal (RRR) form indicating the
re-issue to a different badge, must be submitted to the ID Badge Office.
G. Subsequent to receiving a PIT ID Badge, should an individual become
convicted of a disqualifying crime, the person shall notify and return to the
Allegheny County Airport Authority any ID badges, keys, or other access
media assigned to their use by the Airport. This notification and return of
media shall take place within 24 hours of the conviction. Please see the ID
Badge Office or page 4 of the ID Badge Application for a complete list of
reportable convictions.
H. Badged individuals may be subjected to inspection for potential
possession of prohibited items when entering the secured, restricted or
sterile areas of the Airport.
I. If traveling on a commercial aircraft, employees must first be screened
through the Passenger Screening Checkpoint using boarding pass and
acceptable government issued ID. Employees may not use the PIT ID
badge as a method of identification. Once screened, such individuals will
remain in the Sterile Area until they have boarded their flight.
J. Badged Employees are required to conduct a proper challenge of
individuals noted within the SIDA.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
K. Airport ID badges are only intended for use by Employees actively
engaged in their official job duties.
L. Badge holders are required to adhere to all security requirements
promulgated by the ACAA, FAA, or TSA at all times.
Section 4 Visiting Persons Escort Badge
Visiting persons whose business requires their temporary access to restricted
areas may not be required to have an official Airport identification badge,
provided they are escorted at all times by an authorized employee displaying a
properly coded badge. The person providing the escort assumes total
responsibility for the individual under escort and must remain within the
immediate vicinity and control of the person being escorted. The person under
escort must display a Personnel Escort Pass while under escort in any restricted
areas. Personnel Escort Passes are available from the ID Badge Office.
Personnel being escorted cannot be escorted through TSA checkpoint. To
access the sterile area, personnel must apply for a Sterile Area Pass through the
ID Badge Office.
Section 5 Employee ID Badge Violations and Enforcement
Violations of PIT ID badge procedures will result in one or more of the following
actions taken by the Allegheny County Airport Authority:
1. Written complaint to the employer with request for company action.
2. Suspension or Revocation of the Airport Identification Badge and
expulsion from all restricted areas.
3. The requirement to complete additional security awareness
Additionally, civil penalties may be assessed by the TSA.
Any questions or comments regarding the above procedures should be directed to
the ID Badge Office at 412-472-5616.
Section 6 Restricted Areas
A. No Person shall enter any restricted area except as may be permitted by
these Regulations. Restricted areas include the Air Operations Area, the
Federal Aviation Administration offices and tower, the utility and service
areas, areas leased to Tenants, and other areas specifically designated by
appropriate signs.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Entry into a restricted area shall only be made in accordance with prevailing
security procedures established by the CEO and/or FAA/TSA.
Aircraft Fueling Procedures
A. Personnel
1. Fueling personnel shall be of a sufficient number to safely operate the fueling
system and perform periodic checks/inspections essential to the systems proper
functioning. Only qualified personnel shall operate fueling equipment or fuel
aircraft. Fuel unloading and fuel loading shall be carried out only with qualified
personnel present.
2. At least one Supervisor must have completed, within 90 days, initial training (and
receive recurrent training every 24 months) in an aviation fuel training course at
an approved FAA/industry-sponsored fueling course.
3. Only Authorized Personnel trained by a properly trained supervisor, as above, or
in conjunction with an approved outside agency (Airport Fire Department), shall
fuel or defuel aircraft. All Employees at each fueling agent who fuel aircraft,
accept fuel shipments, or handle fuel shall receive at least initial on-the-job
training in fire safety and recurrent training every 24 months from the authorized,
trained supervisor.
4. Training and recurrent training for those who fuel commercial aircraft must meet
the training requirements of FAA Part 139.
5. Fueling personnel shall be appropriately clothed. They should not be wearing
garments made of silk, polyester, nylon with wool, or other static generating
fabrics; shoes containing no metal taps, hobnails, or other material which could
generate sparks on pavement.
6. When in, on, or within 100 feet of any tank, dock, storage area, fuel truck or
aircraft, fueling personnel shall not carry on their person any igniting device,
including safety matches, strike-anywhere matches, cigarette lighter or any other
item, which could become ignition sources if operated, bumped, hit or dropped.
7. Fueling personnel shall be adequately supervised and periodically checked to
assure training and knowledge levels are maintained. Supervisors shall assure
all equipment and required components are kept fully operational, required
periodic safety checks and inspections are made when due, and required records
are kept.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
B. Prevention and Control of Spills
1. Fuel servicing vehicles/dispensers shall be maintained in safe operating
condition. Leaking or malfunctioning equipment, which presents a hazard, shall
be removed from service.
2. Self-closing nozzles or deadman controls shall not be blocked open or bypassed.
3. Fuel nozzles shall not be dragged along the ground.
4. Kinks or short loops in fueling hose shall be avoided.
5. When a spill is observed, fuel servicing shall be stopped immediately by release
of the deadman control or by operation of the emergency fuel shutoff. The
supervisor shall be notified at once, and the operation shall not be continued until
he/she has determined that it is safe to do so.
6. The fuel vendor shall notify the Allegheny County Airport Authority Operations
Department of all fuel spills.
Only general guidance can be given, but decisions to evacuate the area; start up
or shut down, or move equipment which may result in a source of ignition; or to
flush spills into sewer systems shall be restricted to Airport Management or the
Senior Fire Officer at the scene (after consulting with Airport Management).
Aircraft on which fuel has been spilled should be thoroughly inspected to assure
no fuel or fuel vapors have accumulated in the flap wells or internal wing sections
not designed for fuel storage.
Normal operations in the area of the fuel spill will not resume until the Senior
Level of Airport Management, present on the scene, has granted permission.
7. A fireguard shall be posted if the spill is not spread over 10 square feet and is not
of a continuing nature. The fireguard shall be provided with at least ramp fire
extinguishers and shall stand by until the spill is removed. The use of absorbent
cleaning agents (such as diatomaceous earth) or emulsion compounds to
remove the spill is preferred to the use of rags. Contaminated absorbents or rags
should be placed in metal covered containers until they can be disposed of
8. The Allegheny County Airport Authority Operations Department shall be notified
of all spills involving all fuels regardless of spill size. (Note: The Operations
Department will in turn notify all required parties.)
9. Every fuel spill shall be investigated by the fueling agent to determine the cause
and whether emergency procedures are required. For each spill, a copy of the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Fuel Spill Report (or similar form approved by the Airport Authority) shall be
completed and returned to the Allegheny County Airport Authority Operations
C. Static Electricity
1. When a fuel truck or hydrant equipment is used to service an aircraft, the
following static bonding procedures shall be followed and performed in the order
a. Connect a bonding cable from the fueling vehicle/dispenser to the
approved bonding point.
i. Bonding cables shall be constructed of a conductive, durable, and
flexible material.
ii. Bonding connections shall be electrically and mechanically firm.
Jacks, plugs, clamps, and connecting points shall be clean,
unpainted metal to provide a positive electrical connection.
b. Bond the fuel nozzle to the aircraft. For over wing servicing and if required
by the particular aircraft’s manual, connect a bonding cable from the fuel
nozzle to the aircraft, or as the aircraft manual recommends. For under
wing servicing, this bond shall be achieved by metal-to-metal contact
between the aircraft fitting and the nozzle.
c. Disconnection shall be in reverse order on completion of fuel servicing.
2. When a pit or cabinet is used for fuel servicing, static grounding shall be provided
in the construction. Bonding straps in the pit shall be checked prior to fueling.
D. Operation of Aircraft Engines and Ground Service Equipment
1. Fuel servicing shall not be done on an aircraft while any of its engines are
EXCEPTION: In any emergency resulting from the failure of an outboard
auxiliary power unit on a jet aircraft and in the absence of suitable ground
support equipment, a jet engine mounted at the rear of the aircraft or on the wing
on the opposite side from the fueling point may be operated during fueling to
provide power, provided that the operation follows procedures published by the
operator to assure safety in the operation.
2. Ground service vehicles performing aircraft servicing functions shall not be
positioned within a 10-foot radius of aircraft fuel system vent openings.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
3. During over wing aircraft fuel servicing or where aircraft fuel system vents are
located on the upper wing surface, automotive vehicles shall not be positioned
under the trailing edge of the wing.
E. Open Flames on Aircraft Service Ramps
1. Open flames and lighted open flame devices are prohibited within 100 feet of any
aircraft fuel servicing operation or fueling equipment.
2. Personnel shall not carry lighters or matches on their person while engaged in
fuel servicing operations.
F. Miscellaneous Fuel Servicing Procedures
1. Aircraft fueling shall be done outdoors unless otherwise approved by the Airport
Authority. To gain approval to fuel indoors, a tenant must show to the satisfaction
of the Airport Authority that fuel and fire suppressions systems have been
installed and operating procedures have been established which will ensure
fueling safety.
2. If passengers remain on board an aircraft during fuel servicing, at least one
qualified person trained in emergency evacuation procedures shall be in the
aircraft at or near a door at which there is a docked jetway or passenger loading
stairs. A clear area for emergency evacuation of the aircraft shall be maintained
at no less than at one additional exit. Aircraft operators shall establish specific
procedures covering emergency evacuation under such conditions for each type
of aircraft they operate.
All "NO SMOKING" signs shall be displayed in the cabin, and the rule enforced.
3. Hand brakes shall be set on fuel servicing vehicles before operators leave the
vehicle cab. The tongue of towable hydrant dispensers must be secured in the
upright position, thus activating the brake system of the cart.
NOTE: If the brake system on a towable hydrant dispenser is not in proper
working order, the dispenser must be taken out of service.
4. The wheels of the fueling vehicles must be chocked before any fueling operation
is started (minimum one pair of wheel chocks, with one chock on each side of the
same tire). Fuel Tankers/Tenders should be chocked with rubber chocks only. If
a towable hydrant dispenser is attached to another vehicle, then the wheels of
that vehicle must be chocked when the dispenser is in use for any fueling
operation. If the towable hydrant dispenser has any form of self-propulsion, then
the wheels of the towable hydrant dispenser must be chocked in the above
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
5. When not in use, all fueling platforms (for high-wing aircraft) must be kept in
against the building, placed so as to not interfere with any aircraft that may use
the gate. The brake system of the platform must be activated so that it remains in
a stationary position.
6. Fuel servicing operations shall be suspended while the PIT Precision Lightning
Warning System (PLWS) indicates that the LIGHTNING WARNING LEVEL is
HIGH and in the RED. When the system goes into the red, the fueling company
dispatcher in the ramp control/American Airlines operations tower (where an
alarm is located) will be responsible for notifying all of his/her company’s fueling
personnel. The PLWS activates the Ramp Lightning Warning Lights (RLWL). By
means of the Flex Alert System, the Airport Authority Operations Department will
attempt to notify any fueling companies who are not alerted by either a direct
display of the PLWS or the RLWL beacons. These fueling companies will then be
responsible for notifying their individual fueling personnel.
In the absence of the PLWS, fueling operations shall be suspended when there
are air-to-ground lightning discharges within a one-mile radius of the Airport or
cloud-to-cloud lightning discharges immediately over the Airport. This can be
activated by any of the responsible parties (Airport Authority Operations
Department and/or
the fueling company representative), who will then be responsible to notify the
other party. The fueling company representative will notify all of his/her fuelers.
Airport Authority Operations will manually activate the red beacons of the Ramp
Lightning Warning Lights and notify all other fueling companies, who will then
notify their own fuelers.
7. During use for fuel servicing, fuel pits shall be marked by a fluorescent flag, cone,
or other method deemed acceptable by the Airport Authority.
8. The Airport Authority shall be advised of all malfunctions of any emergency fuel
shut-off system.
9. Fueling vehicles/dispensers shall never park closer than 10 feet from each other,
50 feet from any building or aircraft not being fueled/defueled; and during loading
and fueling operations 100 feet from smokers or other visible sources of ignition.
10. Before all unloading, loading, fueling, and defueling operations are begun, all
motors, engines, radios, and other electrical and/or mechanical equipment not
required for that specific operation are to be turned off and kept off (except for
required auxiliary power units).
11. Before commencing the loading of any fueling vehicle or fueling of any aircraft,
the operator of the fueling equipment shall ensure that all fuel farm, fueler, pit,
and cabinet equipment is in good operating condition.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
12. When a mobile fueling vehicle is being loaded and/or aircraft fueling is being
conducted, the operator of the fueling vehicles/dispensers shall ensure that the
deadman control is operable and used to control fuel flow.
13. All fueling vehicles/dispensers shall be kept neat and free of trash or debris,
which could cause or contribute to fuel contamination or fire.
14. No fueling shall be conducted during any aircraft maintenance, which might
provide a source of ignition for fuel vapors.
15. The operator of the fueling vehicle/dispenser shall be positioned at a point where
there is a clear view of the equipment control panel and aircraft fueling points.
16. When not in the process of fueling an aircraft, all fueling vehicles/dispensers
must be disconnected from the fueling system, and all of the equipment placed
back in its proper storage position and firmly secured.
17. In order to prevent a FOD problem, all accessories to fueling vehicles/dispensers
(for example, flags, step ladders) that are not permanently attached shall have a
secure storage location on that apparatus and kept secured in that location when
not in use.
Fueling Equipment and Storage Areas
A. Fueling Equipment General Requirements
1. The fuel operator shall maintain the fuel system, including all mobile/fixed
refueling stations and all associated support devices and equipment, in
accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines, technical bulletins, manuals,
notices, and Allegheny County Airport Authority regulations.
2. The Airport Authority reserves the right to shut down or deny any fueling
operation that presents a hazard to personnel, property, or equipment at any
B. Fuel Farm/Storage Areas
1. All fuel farms off the AOA must be fenced and signed to reduce the chance of
unauthorized entry and/or tampering. All fuel farms on the AOA must be signed
to reduce the chance of unauthorized entry and/or tampering.
2. The fuel farm must be conspicuously and clearly posted with FLAMMABLE/NO-
SMOKING signs.
3. The fuel farm must be kept neat and free of materials, equipment, functions, and
activities which could cause or contribute to fuel contamination or serve as a
source of ignition.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
4. Fuel tanks must be conspicuously and clearly marked with letters at least three
inches high identifying the type/grade of fuel.
5. Piping shall be conspicuously and clearly marked with letters at least three
inches high and color-coded at each inlet, outlet, and valve to clearly identify fuel
type and grade.
6. All fueling systems and fueling equipment shall be conspicuously and clearly
marked, named, color-coded, and banded in accordance with the current edition
of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5230-4 and API bulletin #1542.
a. Aviation gasoline is made up of any of the four grades of aviation gasoline
and is generally referred to as "AVGAS," followed by the grade marking
(e.g., 80, 100, 100LL). AVGAS is color-coded with white letters on a red
background. Banding must be a single 4" (minimum) band around the pipe
or hose red for AVGAS80, blue for AVGAS100LL, and green for
AVGAS100. If the pipeline is painted the appropriate color, then no
banding is required.
b. Automobile gasoline, which is approved for use in aircraft engines, is
generally referred to as "MOGAS” followed by the specific description as
to its to grade and/or type. MOGAS has no specific color code and should
be marked in a contrasting color to the surface. No specific banding is
c. Jet fuel has three classifications, generally described as JET A, JET A-1,
and JET B. Jet fuel is marked with white letters on a black background.
Banding should be as follows:
i. JET A: A single 4" (minimum) black band
ii. JET A-1: Two 4" (minimum) black bands
iii. JET B: Three 4" (minimum) yellow bands
7. If the fuel tanks are filled via fixed piping, they must be equipped with a non-
splashing bottom inlet.
8. The fuel tanks must be closed and equipped with a rainproof and bug-proof vent
at least 12 feet above grade.
9. The fuel farm must be equipped with accessible fire extinguishers that meet or
exceed NFPA Standard 407and at least a 20BC rating.
10. Piping shall be completely separate by type and grade of fuel.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
11. Piping must be either underground or protected from damage by surface
12. Hoses, nozzles, and outflow connectors shall be:
a. Only those specifically designed and tested for the delivery of aviation
b. Equipped with the appropriate unique fuel coupling devices for each
product in storage.
c. Equipped with a “deadman” control capable of overriding all other controls
and with one physical movement, STOPPING all fuel flow.
13. Electrical equipment, switches, and wiring shall be:
a. Reasonably protected from heat, abrasion, or other impact, which could
cause failure of insulation, open spark, or other ignition sources.
b. Of a type or design approved for use in Class 1, Group D, Division 1
hazardous locations (explosion proof, e.g., free of exposed conductors,
contacts, switches, connectors, motors, etc. which could generate open
spark or other exposed ignition source during normal operations). See
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 70, National Electric
14. Bonding equipment shall ensure that piping, filters, tanks, and electrical
components are electrically bonded and interconnected to an adequate
electrical ground.
15. Unloading docks and stations shall be:
a. Clearly marked and color-coded as to fuel type.
b. Equipped with accessible fire extinguishers meeting standards of NFPA
Standard 407 (a minimum of two, each having at least a 20BC rating).
c. Equipped with bonding wire and appropriate connector clamp for bonding
16. Loading docks and stations shall be:
a. Clearly marked and colored as to fuel type.
b. Equipped with accessible fire extinguishers meeting the standards of
NFPA Standard 407 (a minimum of two, each having at least a 20BC
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
c. All top-loaded systems must be equipped with a metallic drop tube (having
anti-splash fuel deflector) long enough to reach the bottom of the deepest
fueler tank.
d. Equipped with a "deadman" control capable of overriding all other controls
and stopping, with one physical movement, all fuel flow.
e. Equipped with a boldly marked emergency cutoff capable of overriding all
other controls and stopping, with one physical movement, all fuel flow. It
shall be placarded "EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF" in letters at least 2
inches high, and the method of operations shall be indicated by an arrow
and the word "PUSH" or "PULL," as appropriate. Lettering shall be of a
color sharply contrasting with its background for visibility. It shall be
located at least 7 feet above grade and positioned so as to be visible from
a distance of at least 25 feet.
f. Equipped with a bonding wire and appropriate connector clamp for
bonding fueler equipment.
17. Construction work or alteration of an Airport fuel system shall not be started until
the design, plans, and specifications have been approved by the ACAA. Any
area of new construction and alteration shall be inspected by the ACAA before it
is put into operation.
C. Mobile Fueling Vehicles/Dispenser, Fueling Pits, and Fueling Cabinets
1. Only fueling vehicles/dispensers which are constructed and maintained to safety
standards normally acceptable to the industry may be used in fuel servicing
2. Any vehicle/dispenser which is leaking fuel or is in an otherwise hazardous
condition shall be removed from service, defueled, and parked in a safe area
until repaired.
3. At all times, all fuel servicing vehicles/dispensers must meet the standards and
be operated as established in the ACAA Vehicle Rules and Regulations.
4. Smoking equipment, such as cigarette lighters and ashtrays, shall not be
provided. If a vehicle has such equipment when initially procured, such
equipment shall be removed or rendered inoperable.
5. Each aircraft fuel servicing vehicle/dispenser shall be conspicuously and legibly
marked to indicate that it is "FLAMMABLE" and the nature of cargo/type or
grade of fuel in the system (JET A, AVGAS, etc.). The marking shall be on all
sides and in the cab, in letters at least 3 inches high on a background of sharply
contrasting color.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
6. Each aircraft fuel servicing vehicle/dispenser shall be conspicuously and legibly
marked to show danger, flammability, and standard hazardous material placard
with ID numbers (1203 for AVGAS; 1223 for Jet B and JP-4; 1863 for Jet A). The
markings shall be on all sides.
7. A "NO SMOKING" sign shall be prominently posted in the cab of every aircraft
fuel-servicing vehicle.
8. All aircraft fueling hoses shall be fabricated from materials that are resistant to
damage from exposure. In addition, the hose cover shall be designed to be
resistant to damage by abrasion, by bending or kinking, and by crushing or
9. Each length of new aircraft fueling hose, recoupled hose, or hose being returned
to service; shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum of 150 percent of the
working pressure of the hose.
10. All aircraft fueling hoses shall be specifically designed, tested, and marketed for
the delivery of aviation fuel.
11. The valve which monitors the flow of fuel from an aircraft fuel servicing
vehicle/dispenser to the aircraft shall have a deadman control. The use of any
means that bypasses or defeats the deadman control is prohibited.
12. All fixed fueling locations (for example, pit or fueling cabinet) shall be equipped
a. At least one boldly marked emergency fuel cutoff capable of overriding all
other controls and stopping, with one physical movement, all fuel flow.
This shall be clearly visible and accessible from all normal fueling stations.
It shall be placarded "EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF" in letters at least 2
inches high, and the method of operations shall be indicated by an arrow
and the word "PUSH" or "PULL," as appropriate. Lettering shall be of a
color sharply contrasting with its background for visibility.
b. Fire extinguishers as required by NFPA Standard 407 (a minimum of two,
each having at least a 20BC rating), accessible from the ground during
fueling operations. The area adjacent to and immediately behind the
extinguishers shall be painted with a contrasting color.
13. All mobile fueling systems shall be equipped with:
a. At least one boldly marked emergency fuel cutoff capable of overriding all
other controls and stopping, with one physical movement, all fuel flow.
This shall be clearly visible and accessible from all normal fueling stations.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
b. Fire extinguishers as required by NFPA Standard 407. Each aircraft fuel
servicing tank vehicle shall have a minimum of two having at least a 20BC
rating, mounted with one on each side of the vehicle. Each aircraft
servicing hydrant vehicle shall have a minimum of one having at least a
20BC rating. Each shall be accessible from the ground during fueling
operations. The area adjacent to and immediately behind the
extinguishers shall be painted with a contrasting color. The extinguishers
shall be kept clear of ice, snow, etc. Extinguishers located in enclosed
compartments shall be kept readily accessible and their locations shall be
clearly marked in letters at least 2 inches high.
c. The brake/safety interlock system, on vehicles so equipped, must be
checked daily for proper operation. If the interlock system is overridden on
a hydrant cart, it shall be repaired as soon as possible.
14. Each fuel servicing system shall contain no feature which would allow fuel or
concentrated fumes to contact (during normal operations, overfilling, or other
spill) the exhaust system, hot gasses, or any other ignition source.
15. Any type of fuel servicing system which is equipped with an internal combustion
engine shall be equipped with an air filter/spark arrestor and a leak-free exhaust
system terminating in a standard baffled (original equipment type) muffler.
16. Fuel tanks shall be:
a. Closed and equipped with gasketed dome covers which
i. Contain a 3-PSI emergency vapor relief valve.
ii. Are adequate to prevent fuel spillage during vehicle movement and
the influx of water at any time.
b. Equipped with a sump drain with an outlet located to facilitate convenient
capture of overflow.
c. Equipped with a tank bottom outflow cutoff valve which can block flow and
spill in the event of piping rupture or other valve failure.
d. Piping shall be reasonably protected from impact/stress which could
rupture and cause fuel spillage.
17. Electrical equipment and wiring shall be:
a. Reasonably protected from heat, abrasion, or other impact, which could
cause failure of insulation, open spark, or other ignition sources.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
b. Of a type or design approved for use in Class 1, Group D, Division 1
hazardous locations (explosion proof, e.g., free of exposed conductors,
contacts, switches, connectors, motors, etc. which could generate open
sparks or other ignition sources during normal operation). See NFPA
Standard 70, National Electric Code.
18. Provide electrical continuity between all metallic or conductive components.
19. When loading tankers, the engine of the tank vehicle shall be shut off before
starting to load the tanker.
20. Transferring fuel by pumping from one tank vehicle to another tank vehicle
within 200 feet of an aircraft is prohibited.
21. In order to provide easier identification during inclement weather, the fueling
company/operator may paint the area around the fuel pits red. The area should
be limited to the square around the pit itself (approximately 10 feet by 10 feet).
22. All gates at which a towable hydrant dispenser is to be used (and stored at
when not in use) shall have an approved limits box stenciled on the ramp. The
location for this box must be approved by the operator/manager of the gate and
located so that equipment left in this box will not interfere with any aircraft which
may use this gate. No aircraft shall be allowed to taxi into a gate where a
towable hydrant dispenser is located outside of the approved box.
Pursuant to Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 139.337, the Allegheny
County Airport Authority (“the Airport”) has developed a Wildlife Hazard Management
Plan (WHMP) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services
Program. The Airport will take immediate measures to identify and mitigate wildlife
hazards whenever they are detected or whenever Airport management has been
advised that hazardous conditions exist. After contacting emergency services, any
person involved in or aware of any accident or incident involving wildlife must notify
Airport Operations immediately. In accordance with the Airport’s Wildlife Hazard
Management Program (WHMP Section 3.6.3), no person shall feed, provide habitat, or
otherwise introduce or encourage the introduction of factors on the Airport that attract or
may attract wildlife, including birds. Hunting on Airport property is prohibited unless
written permission is obtained from the Airport.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Section 1. Definitions
A Notice of Violation (NOV) is prepared and submitted by ACAA personnel including
Operations Agents, Airport Fire Department Agents, Safety and Security Agents or duly
authorized representatives of the Authority at or around the time of any incident which is
believed to constitute a violation of these Rules and Regulations. The electronic form
shall set forth, at a minimum, the name of the violator, tenant, or contractor, date and
time of the violation, location of the violation, and the nature of the alleged violation.
Corrective and or disciplinary action may be taken against the violator or employer; and
the NOV will be sent to the violator’s employer and kept on file.
Training will involve returning to the badging office to complete and pass a course for
the violation committed.
Suspension is the fixed term removal of badge and proximity card privileges.
Revocation is the permanent removal of badge and proximity card privileges.
Meet with ACAA will require the Tenant to meet with Allegheny County Airport
Authority personnel from the office overseeing the violation committed, to review and
determine a course of corrective action, or penalty.
A Fine is a specified amount of money that must be paid to the Allegheny County
Airport Authority.
Repetitive Offenses are those committed within a rolling twelve-month period.
Towing, Booting, or Lock Out May occur as a result of a violation committed. In the
event that this were to happen then fees will have to be paid to cover the cost of the
towing and storage, the removal of the boot, or the changing of the lock.
Section 2. Notices of Violation
Allegheny County Airport Authority (ACAA) will conduct inspections and enforce
violations of these Rules and Regulations. All Tenants, Contractors, badge holders, and
or persons with a proximity card will be subject to a Notice of Violation (NOV) when
reasonable grounds exist to believe that the Rules and Regulations or a permit has
been violated, either by commission or omission.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
NOVs will be monitored and issued by ACAA personnel in Safety and Security, Airport
Operations, Airport Fire Department, and other ACAA Departments as authorized by the
CEO or their designee. If possible the Contractor, badge
holder, proximity card holder, or individual observed committing the violation(s), along
with their Supervisor or Employer.
All NOV’s will be entered into a computer database by ACAA staff. After a NOV is
issued, the database will be checked to determine any other accumulated violations
against the offender. Depending upon the results of the computer search and degree of
violation, the ACAA may take corrective actions to enforce these Rules and
All Employees are responsible for reporting serious offenses immediately to their direct
report and/or ACPD.
Section 3. Enforcement/Penalties
NOVs may serve as a written warning and/or carry a penalty such as training,
suspension of badge, revocation of badge, summon for a meeting with ACAA personal,
a fine, or towing, booting or a lock out.
A. Violations of any of the Rules and Regulations herein relating to motor vehicle
traffic shall be tried and punished in the same manner as if it had been
committed on the public roadways. Responsibility for enforcement of these
violations will be ACPD and/or ACAA.
B. Ground Transportation violations are governed under the Notice of Violation
Policy contained in the Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations policy.
C. Violations of unauthorized or unintended use of any ACAA Space or property
may result in the tenant or contractor being billed for such use of ACAA Space
and property which is not in the lessee’s contract.
D. Violations that occur in the Air Operations Area (AOA) will be referenced in the
Ground Vehicle Operations Manual.
E. Individuals cited for violations related to environmental practices and procedures
may be fined in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
F. Individuals cited for Safety or Security related Violations may result in mandatory
training, suspension or revocation of badges and proximity card privileges, and or
fines by ACAA, local, state or federal agencies
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
G. In the event of Towing, Booting, or Lock Out the Tenant will be held responsible
for all fees associated with the Towing (includes the towing, impoundment, and
other fees), Booting (the placement of the boot, removal of the boot, and other
fees), and Lock Out (the changing of the locks, any other device used to lock out
the respective area, and other fees). ACAA or any party contracted to perform
the Towing, Booting, or Lock Out is not responsible for any damage caused to
the Tenants operations or property.
H. The CEO, or their designated representative, is authorized to enforce these
Rules and Regulations as required to assure the convenience and safety of the
traveling public and others using the airport. In addition to these Rules and
Regulations the CEO is empowered to issue other guidelines to ensure the
safety and well-being of Airport users or as otherwise determined to be in the
best interest of the ACAA. The CEO may prohibit use of the Airport or any part
thereof by any Person in violation of these Rules and Regulations. The CEO may
use any legal remedy or recourse to aid the enforcement of the provisions
contained in these Rules and Regulations.
I. Appeals or resolution processes other than those regulated by applicable law will
be heard by the Senior Vice President of Public Safety and Airport Operations,
who may appoint designees to act as an ACAA representative in a meeting to
discuss the NOV appeal and its penalties. Requested NOV appeal meeting with
ACAA must be submitted within 5 calendar days of receiving the NOV. Upon
receipt of the appeal, ACAA shall schedule a meeting with the violator and their
supervisor within 15 calendar days. The meeting must be attended by the violator
and their immediate Supervisor or Employer. The informal meeting shall be
conducted to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the NOV.
Burden of proof shall be upon the party or parties appealing the NOV.
The meeting provides the individual and his or her supervisor an opportunity to
explain the circumstances that led to the NOV. The process also provides an
opportunity to educate to the individual violator or employer on the ACAA Rules
and Regulations.
These Rules and Regulations are designed to protect the public health,
safety, interest, and general welfare at the ACAA, and to restrict or prevent
any activity or action which would interfere with the safe, orderly, and
efficient use of the Airport by its Passengers, Operators, Tenants, and
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
All Persons violating the Smoking Section may be subject to a monetary fine.
The current non-refundable fee for the replacement of any security pass resulting from loss,
theft, or due to user abuse is $40 ($20 for the picture badge and $20 for the proximity card).
Since the loss of one requires the replacement of both, the $40 fee will always apply. Should
an Employee locate a lost badge after obtaining a replacement badge, the Employee shall
return the originally issued badge to the Airport Badging Office.
Renewal of badges beyond the expiration date will be subject to a late charge of $20.
Fingerprinting processing fee is $50.
ACAA provides tenants with the ability for internet access separate from ACAA’s network. This
is provided to tenants at a cost of $50.00 per month and $150.00 installation fee. Tenants are
responsible for contracting out any wiring needs for this connectivity. For tenants to receive
network access they must contact the ACAA Engineering Department (Paul Saxon at 412-370-
7654) for a Request for ACAA Internet Service form to be routed and approved by ACAA.
Fiber and conduit leases are also available through ACAA. The cost of the fiber is $0.25 per
foot per year and the cost of the conduit is $1.50 per foot per year. A Tenant may request a
lease of either of the above by contacting the Business Development Department at ACAA.
All Contractors conducting business either for the Authority or one of its Tenants is required to
apply for and obtain a parking pass in the Authority’s Contractor Lot. A deposit of $15.00 is
required to obtain a pass for this lot and is refundable upon its return to the Authority’s parking
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
The following page contains the Filming and Photography Policy and Procedures.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
A. The Allegheny County Airport Authority (“ACAA”) has established the following policy and
procedures for the use of ACAA’s airport facilities as a location or background for filming
and photography.
B. Filming and photography (“Production Activities”) include, but are not limited to, the
Motion pictures
Feature films
Television series and shows
Music video
Promotional videos or photography
Advertising (television, print, digital)
Films, photography, and videos for sale
Stock photography and filming
C. Production Activities are subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and any
applicable federal and state laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
A. All requests for filming and photography at the Pittsburgh International Airport (“PIT”) are
to be submitted to Manager, Terminal and Landside Operations, Dawn Bailey at with the attached Application for Filming and Photography
B. All requests for filming and photography at the Allegheny County Airport (“AGC”) are to be
submitted to Vice President, Traci Clark at with the attached
C. All requests for filming and photography must be accompanied with an Application and
must be received no fewer than fourteen (14) business days prior to the commencement of
Production Activities at the Airport.
D. All production companies (“Production Companies”) other than Exempt Production
Companies are required to execute a Location Agreement with the ACAA in the form
attached hereto (“Location Agreement”) and submit required insurance certificates as set
forth below prior to the set-up or commencement of any Production Activities. A security
deposit of $10,000 is also required prior to the set-up or commencement of any Production
Activities. Exempt Production Companies are Production Companies who have applied for
and obtained from the ACAA a partial or full exemption from the fees payable hereunder
determined in the sole discretion of the ACAA.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
E. Fees: The location fee for all films or photography not otherwise exempt pursuant to
Section D above is $500 per hour including the hours utilized for the setting up and tearing
down of any Production Activities. There is a minimum of two hours charged for any and all
Production Activity.
i. Accredited journalists working on assignment for their respective employers and
students may apply for exemption from the location fee.
ii. The Production Company is responsible for any and all fines incurred for any breach
of security by anyone associated with the Production Company and/or any
Production Activities.
iii. The Production Company is responsible for all employee, fire, and police costs
associated with the Production Activities.
iv. The Production Company is responsible for all cleaning and trash removal costs
incurred by the ACAA.
v. Any costs incurred by ACAA staff to assist the Production Company will be billed to
the Production Company after the Production Activities and tear down are
F. Insurance: Production Company shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain in effect the
following insurance coverages at all times during the term of the Location Agreement or any
period of time that any preproduction, filming or Production Activities are taking place. Prior
to the execution of the Location Agreement, Production Company shall deliver to the Chief
Executive Officer certificates setting forth the required insurance with the Allegheny County
Airport Authority named as an additional insured. Each policy shall be endorsed provide for
thirty (30) days’ written notice of termination, cancellation, or material change directed to
the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee). The following sets forth the required
insurance amounts and provisions:
i. Workers’ compensation coverage as required by law.
ii. Comprehensive/commercial general liability insurance with a combined single limit
of liability of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for bodily injury and property
iii. Excess/Umbrella liability insurance in the amount of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS
iv. Comprehensive automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned and
hired motor vehicles with a combined limit of not less than FIVE MILLION DOLLARS
($5,000,000.00) for bodily injury and property damage.
v. Waiver of subrogation as set forth in the Location Agreement.
vi. Such other insurance in amounts and containing provisions as the Chief Executive
Officer may reasonably, from time to time in his/her discretion, require.
vii. The Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee), in his/her discretion, may
reasonably modify or waive any of the foregoing requirements, and may approve
such deductibles as he/she deems appropriate.
G. The Production Company must submit a script, storyboard, or layout to the ACAA for review
and approval at least fourteen (14) business days prior to the commencement of any
Production Activities.
H. A mandatory meeting between ACAA and the Production Company is required at least one
(1) week prior to any Production Activities.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
I. The Production Company must provide ACAA with a detailed schedule at least seven (7)
business days prior to any Production Activities. The schedule must include, but is not
limited to, details regarding set-up, filming locations, and the scope of each scene including
the time frame and the number of individuals and/or extras that will be used in each
respective scene.
A. The Production Company shall keep and maintain the Airport premises used for the
Production Activities (“Location Site”) in good order. Any alteration of Airport property
must be approved by the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee) prior to any said
alteration. Any areas used by the Production Company shall be returned to their original
condition. Any necessary repairs shall be made immediately upon the completion of any
Production Activities. The Production Company shall pay all costs of repair or replacement
of any Airport property damaged by production operations.
B. The filming or photography of any Airport tenant, including airline or concession areas
which identify the corporate name, logos, equipment, premises or personnel of any tenant
shall not be permitted without the express written consent of that tenant.
C. ACAA reserves the right to cancel the Location Agreement at any time based on operational
or security need. Certain Airport events, such as Airport emergencies, will take immediate
priority, and may prompt the ACAA to cease production immediately if public safety and
other operational concerns warrant. In the event it halts production, the ACAA shall not be
responsible for any damages or losses that may be incurred by the Production Company.
D. Either party may, and without cause, cancel and terminate this permit, upon written notice
thereof to the other party setting forth the effective date of such cancellation and
termination. If the Production Company cancels the approved Production Activities less than
48 hours prior to the commencement date of the Production Activities, the ACAA will retain
50% of the security deposit.
E. When filming or photography at the Airport’s outdoor locations, the Production Company
assumes all risks relating to weather. These terms will not be extended nor will the location
of the authorized premises be changed due to inclement weather except at the sole
discretion of the Chief Executive Office (or his/her designee). Any such extensions may
result in additional fees.
F. ACAA reserves the right to deny the use of any footage or photographs that the ACAA
deems to be harmful or defamatory to the ACAA, its airports, facilities, employees and/or its
G. No filming or photography may interfere with the integrity or safety of the ongoing
operations of the Airport’s commerce related activities, or unduly inconvenience the public
using ACAA facilities.
H. All special effects, stunts, lighting, props (including vehicles, aircraft and animals) and
property use, shall be assessed on an individual basis. Permission for usage/employment
shall be granted at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee).
The time, place and manner of usage/handling shall be reasonably determined by the Chief
Executive Officer (or his/her designee).
I. No animals other than professionally trained animals specifically needed for use in the
Production Activity shall be allowed on Airport property without prior approval of the Chief
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Executive Officer (or his/her designee). Approved animals shall be under the supervision,
handling and care of a professional trainer/handler at all times.
J. All rules and regulations including, but not limited to, Fire Safety shall be adhered to by the
Production Company. ACAA will consult with Fire Department representative regarding the
particular filming or photography locations.
K. Smoking (inclusive of electronic cigarettes/vapes) is prohibited in the Airports.
L. All cable shall be flown unless otherwise specified. The approval or non-approval of all
electrical power related requests shall be determined by the Chief Executive Officer (or
his/her designee). The Production Company may not plug any equipment into the Airport’s
electrical outlets without prior permission from the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her
M. No person shall drive or walk on the Air Operations Area
unless under positive escort or
explicit permission is granted by the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee).
N. No privately owned vehicles shall be allowed on the Air Operations Area.
O. In the Terminal Area
, production vehicle curbside loading or unloading shall be limited to
'key' vehicles only. 'Key' vehicles will be determined by the Chief Executive Officer (or
his/her designee). These vehicles must be attended at all times, and may remain at the curb
only while loading or unloading. The act of loading or unloading must be completed within a
reasonable amount of time which will be determined by the Chief Executive Officer (or
his/her designee). Production vehicles are not permitted to park at the curb unless
permission is granted by the Chief Executive Officer (or his/her designee).
P. The ACAA reserves the right to photograph or videotape Production Activity when any
Production Activity is taking place at facilities under its control. The ACAA shall not film,
photograph or videotape while the Production Company is filming scenes without the
permission of the Production Company.
Q. The filming, photographing, or videotaping of the security screening areas or in the security
screening areas is prohibited unless approval is granted by the Transportation Security
Administration with concurrence from the ACAA.
R. The use of Airport equipment, electricity, water, and property (including but not limited to
escalators, baggage, carousels) is prohibited without prior permission from the Authority.
S. The Production Company’s directional signage placed along route to and from production
location must be removed upon completion of any Production Activities.
T. The Production Company, including all employees, casts, crews, and all individuals
associated with the Production Activities are required to be familiar with and obey the rules
contained herein and must comply with the Airport security requirements in effect at the
time of Production Activities.
U. Cooperation shall be given to all governmental entities.
V. Production Company agrees to credit the ACAA in the film or photography as follows:
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
A. Requests for Sterile Area Pass (SAP) to the Airside Terminal must be made two (2) business
days prior to any Production Activities. The fee for vetting is $25.00 per person, payable in
advance. Full names and birthdates must be submitted in an Excel spreadsheet format as
Last Name First Name Middle DOB
B. No requested names for SAP approval will be accepted outside of the two (2) business day
C. Vehicles requiring access to Airside will do so through the West Gate. All vehicles will be
searched by the police and escorted Airside by ACAA personnel. Drivers who need to go
into the Terminal need to pick up a SAP pass before going to the West Gate.
D. All vehicles must be staged within a fenced-in area while parked on the Airside Ramp.
Production Company will pay all costs associated with the installation and removal of the
E. Airport Security will require police officers to be posted inside the fence and at unarmed
doors. The Production Company will bear all costs for the police.
F. For larger groups, ACAA can make arrangements with the TSA to open the Alternate Security
Checkpoint provided that the Production Company has given at least five (5) days’ notice.
G. All weapons, ammunition, explosives, and threatening props must be approved and checked
by Airport management and appropriate police and/or fire officials before they will be
allowed on Airport property.
A. PIT Locations
i. Landside Terminal
1. Vacant Baggage Claim area on North end
2. Ticketing Level at North end of terminal
ii. Airside Terminal
1. Closed portion of Concourse B
B. AGC Locations
i. Any vacant hangar or ramp area; Additional rental space areas
All locations require prior approval of ACAA.
i. Landside Terminal
1. Private Catering in base camp or at shoot location if possible.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
ii. Airside Terminal
1. Fraport (concessions and retail) gift certificates
2. Box Lunches from Sky Chefs or a Fraport Restaurant
3. Private catering in a restaurant after hours only
4. If filming in the closed portion of Concourse B, may use private Catering
Note: Allegheny County Fire Code prohibits open flame cooking in the Airside Terminal and on
the Airside Ramp.
A. PIT Airport
i. For periods of up to, and including 14 consecutive days
Parking and base camp locations will be assigned depending on availability in the Extended Term
Lot and will be paid for by the Production Company. Daily charges will apply for cars. Large
tractor trailer trucks will be charged double the daily rate.
ii. Time periods longer than 14 days will be negotiated.
B. AGC Airport
i. Main parking lot
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Date of Application:
Production Company:
Mailing Address:
Contact Person:
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Filming or Photography at (Circle): Pittsburgh International Airport Allegheny County Airport
Type of Filming or Photography (Circle):
Still photography Documentary Television or Motion Picture Commercial/Advertisement
Other (specify) _____________
1. Production Name:
2. General Theme of the Project:
3. Describe in detail the proposed activities to be filmed/photographed:
4. Requested dates/times (including set-up and clean-up) and proposed locations on airport property:
5. Number of participants including crew, cast, and extras:
6. List all equipment and vehicles to be used during shoot and vehicle parking requirements:
7. List any special requirements including electricity and security:
8. Describe the arrangements that been made with any air carrier or tenant for use of its premises,
equipment, brand name or personnel:
9. Name, phone number, and email address for the representative in each tenant company with whom
the arrangements or agreements have been made:
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
MADE AND ENTERED into this ______ day of ______________________, 2020 by and between
the Allegheny County Airport Authority, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
hereinafter referred to as “Authority”
__________________________ at _________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as “Production Company”;
WHEREAS, Production Company desires to use the premises known as the [Pittsburgh
International Airport] or [Allegheny County Airport], hereinafter referred to as “Site”, for the purpose of
filming _____________, hereinafter referred to as “the Picture”; and
WHEREAS, the Authority is willing to make the Site available for those purposes;
NOW, THEREFORE, Authority and Production Company, in consideration of the mutual terms and
conditions contained herein, hereto agree to be legally bound as follows:
1. All permits shall be issued by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee, (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Chief Executive Officer") subject however, to the right of the Chief Executive
Officer, to reasonably specify in consultation with Production Company which facilities/locations may be
used, the hours during which the facilities/locations may be used, and to impose such conditions in each
instance as are necessary to ensure that the operations approved as specified herein shall not interfere
with the integrity of the ongoing operations of aviation commerce, related activities or the safety of such
operations, nor unduly inconvenience the public using the terminal facilities. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Production Company's use of the [Pittsburgh International Airport (hereinafter referred to as
"PIT")], shall take place at the dates and times to be agreed upon by the parties pursuant to good faith
negotiations. The Authority acknowledges and agrees that it will undertake to make good faith efforts,
consistent with its business necessities and security considerations, to provide Production Company with
access to the locations at PIT requested by Production Company, provided these locations of the
Authority property are available for the requested dates and times. To the extent it is unable to do so at
any particular time, the Authority shall endeavor to notify Production Company on a timely basis if it is
unable to provide Production Company with such access with sufficient notice to Production Company to
enable it to make other arrangements for a particular shoot or episode. The Authority acknowledges and
understands that Production Company has relied on this assurance of access in order to film their
particular production project (hereinafter referred to as "Picture"). The Authority shall not withdraw or
withhold such access or withhold any permit other than on emergency or security based grounds, or the
Authority’s sole discretion for an uncured material breach of this Agreement. This Agreement does not
grant Production Company the right to photograph or use any logos and/or verbiage owned by any third
parties located at the Site in connection with this production.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2. Permits must be obtained by airport tenants (Airlines, Fixed Base Operators, Concessionaires,
etc.) for all film/photographic/video production work being conducted on property leased at the Airport
under the control and jurisdiction of the Authority. Copies must be provided to the Authority prior to
commencement of filming.
3. Production Company agrees that production activities shall not disrupt ongoing airport/airline
operations. Should production activities cause the disruption of airport or airline operations, the Authority
has the right to suspend or terminate Production Company’s access to Site, provided that the Authority
first provides Production Company notice of and a reasonable opportunity to cure any such disruptive
activity. Notice and opportunity to cure will not be required, however, where the Authority determines
there is a risk of immediate harm, jeopardy to safety of passengers or interference with airport
4. Production Company will be responsible for all production persons in attendance on Production
Company’s authorization at the Airport filming location. The term ‘Production Persons’ shall be defined
as including, but not limited to the following: executive Production Company, Production Company,
director, assistant director, all crew members, cast, agents, contractors, subcontractors, clients and
invitees of the Production Company.
5. Production Persons must strictly confine themselves to the designated areas of the Site set forth
in Paragraph 6 which areas have been approved for production related activities.
6. Designated areas of the Site include ________________.
7. Authority acknowledges that Production Company has provided script pages to the Authority and
the Authority approves the script pages for Production Company's filming activities. The Authority agrees
that it does not have the right to any creative control over the content of the Picture or any advertising
or promotion for the Picture.
8. The Authority hereby grants permission to bring and utilize thereon; personal property, materials
and equipment, including but not limited to props and temporary sets, and the unlimited right to exhibit
in perpetuity any and all scenes photographed or recorded at and of the Site throughout the world and
in all media now known or unknown, in connection with the Picture and any exhibition, advertising and
exploitation thereof and the right to refer to the Site or any part thereof by an fictitious name, and the
right to attribute any fictitious events occurring on the Site. The Authority hereby acknowledges that
Production Company shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all rights of whatever nature, including all
copyright in all films, photographs and recordings made of or on said Site.
9. The Authority warrants, that it is fully authorized to enter into this Agreement and has the right
to grant Production Company the use of said premises and each and all of the rights herein granted.
10. Production Company has submitted to the Authority a schedule to film at the Site. Preparation
of the Site is scheduled to commence on ________ and all filming and breakdown shall conclude on
11. Production Company agrees to remit payment to the Authority for cost recovery fees at $1,000.00
per diem; including set up and tear down days.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
12. If required, Production Company agrees to remit payment to the Authority for the cost of County
Police Officers, designated for Airport security during filming throughout the Site at a cost of $_____ per
hour per Officer.
13. Production Company agrees to remit payment to the Authority for the cost of Authority
Electricians designated to this project at a cost of $____ per hour per Electrician.
14. Production Company agrees to remit a security deposit in the amount of $500 to Grant Oliver
Corporation for the use of a portion of the Extended Parking Lot by cast, crew, extras and base camp
vehicles for the duration of the project at the Site. Production Company will be billed for parking at the
rate of $8/day for vehicles, $16/day for trucks and trailers between 20 ft. to 40 ft., and trucks and trailers
over 40 Ft. $26/day.
15. Production Company agrees to remit payment in the amount of $___________ in the form of a
cashier’s check made payable to the Allegheny County Airport Authority, pursuant to the above
referenced, will be remitted along with a signed copy of this Agreement prior to _______. This amount
is an estimate inclusive of the cost recovery fee. Production Company will be billed for actual costs within
15 days after shooting completes and agrees to remit actual costs incurred by the Production Company
in the form of a cashier’s check no later than 30 days after shooting is complete. In the event of
termination prior to completion of the Picture, the Authority will refund any unused portion of the
estimated payment referred to above.
16. The Production Company shall, at its sole cost and expense maintain in effect the following
insurance coverages at all times during the term of the Agreement, and prior to the execution of this
Agreement, shall deliver to the Authority certificates setting forth required insurance.
The Authority
and its Board of Directors and the County of Allegheny shall be named as additional insured
to each policy excluding workers compensation and professional liability coverage
. Additional
Insured coverage on the Production Company’s General Liability policy will apply to both
Premises/Operations and Products/Completed Operations. Additionally, Production Company’s General
Liability policy will be endorsed to be primary with respects to The Authority’s liability coverage and
Production Company acknowledges that The Authority’s liability coverage will be non-contributory with
the Production Company’s General Liability policy in the event of a loss. Production Company will disclose
any policies wherein they are self-insured.
A. Workers’ compensation coverage as required by law and employer’s liability coverage
B. Commercial general liability insurance with a combined single limit of liability of ONE
MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and property damage.
The policy must be written
on an Occurrence form
C. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired motor vehicles
with a combined single limit of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and
property damage.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
D. The Production Company shall provide evidence of professional liability insurance with
limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000).
17. Cancellations or changes in production starting times which are made within twenty four (24)
hours of the scheduled production date will cause the Production Company to be charged for Airport
personnel and County Police assigned for the day of production in question.
18. The determination as to the necessity of the use of personnel of the Authority and the County
Police shall rest with the Chief Executive Officer, whose decision shall be made reasonably and shall be
final and conclusive.
19. If activity is to be conducted in a security identification display area or sterile area of the Airport,
Production Company must meet current Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Security
Administration and Airport security requirements.
20. Production Company agrees that all cast, crew, extras, etc. are to be vetted against the Federal
No-Fly List for Airside Terminal Access. The cost for vetting is $5.00 per person and will be billed upon
completion of the production. Any individual not cleared via this process will denied access to the site
for filming.
21. Each Production Person shall provide photo identification and submit to personal search if asked
to do so by the Chief Executive Officer acting within applicable federal, state, and/or municipal statutes,
codes, ordinances, and/or guidelines.
22. All Production Persons are required to wear badges for identification purposes when not acting in
a scene. These badges must be made by the Production Company and comply with specifications
including but not limited to those of size, color, material, etc., to be determined by the Chief Executive
Officer or his/her designee.
23. Production activity involving special effects, stunts, props, property use and facility involving cast
or other Production Persons, shall be kept away from public view at the discretion of the Chief Executive
24. No weapons/ammunition of any kind, either functional or non-functional, may be brought to
Airport property without the permission of the Chief Executive Officer. Such permission shall not be
unreasonably withheld. Handling, usage and storage shall be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
25. All special effects, stunts, lighting, props (including vehicles, aircraft and animals) and property
use, shall be assessed on an individual basis. Permission for usage/employment shall be granted at the
sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. The time, place and manner of usage/handling shall be
reasonably determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
26. No animals, other than professionally trained animals specifically needed for use in the picture
shall be allowed on Airport property without prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Approved
animals shall be under the supervision, handling and care of a professional trainer/handler at all times.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
27. All rules and regulations including, but not limited to, Fire Safety shall be adhered to by Production
Company. Authority will consult with Fire Department representative regarding the particular filming
28. Smoking (inclusive of electronic cigarettes/vapes) is prohibited in any Authority owned building
and all restricted areas. Restricted areas include the Air Operations Area which will be accessed for this
29. All cable shall be flown unless otherwise specified. The approval or non-approval of all electrical
power related requests shall be determined by the Chief Executive Officer. Production Company may not
plug any equipment into the Authority’s electrical outlets without prior permission from the Chief
Executive Officer.
30. No person shall drive or walk on the Air Operations Area unless under positive escort or explicit
permission is granted by the Chief Executive Officer.
31. No privately owned vehicles shall be allowed on the Air Operations Area.
32. In the Terminal Area, production vehicle curbside loading or unloading shall be limited to 'key'
vehicles only. 'Key' vehicles will be determined by the Chief Executive Officer. These vehicles must be
attended at all times, and may remain at the curb only while loading or unloading. The act of loading or
unloading must be completed within a reasonable amount of time, which will be determined by the Chief
Executive Officer. Production vehicles are not permitted to park at the curb unless permission is granted
by the Chief Executive Officer.
33. The Authority reserves the right to photograph or videotape production activity when the activity
is taking place at facilities under its control. The Authority shall not film, photograph or videotape while
the Production Company is filming scenes without the permission of the Production Company.
34. The filming, photographing, or videotaping of the security screening areas or in the security
screening areas is prohibited unless approval is granted by the Transportation Security Administration
with concurrence from the Authority.
35. The Authority acknowledges and agrees that (i) all rights of every kind in and to all photography
and sound recordings made pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which may include
the lighted columns, designation signs, directional signs, and/or welcoming signs on or about Airport that
are owned by the Authority shall be solely owned throughout the universe in perpetuity by Production
Company and its licensees, successor and assigns ("Successors") for all purposes and uses in Production
Company’s sole discretion (subject to Paragraph 47 below), including, without limitation, the use in
connection with the production, distribution, exploitation, marketing, sale, exhibition, advertising or
promotion of the Picture and any and all derivative works, allied, ancillary and/or subsidiary rights
thereof and other productions, in any and all media whatsoever, whether now known or as hereafter
devised and/or developed; (ii) neither the Authority nor any tenant or other party now or hereafter having
an interest in the Airport, nor any party claiming through or under any of the foregoing, shall have any
interest or claim in any such rights and neither the Authority nor any tenant or other party now or
hereafter having an interest in the Airport shall have any right of action, including without limitation any
right to injunctive relief, against Production Company, the Picture (including but not limited to the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
production, distribution, exhibition, and promotion thereof) and/or any other party arising out of any use
or non-use of the results created hereunder. Provided, however, that the forgoing does not constitute a
waiver or relinquishment of the Authority’s ownership in and to the trademarks or copyrights which may
appear in the Picture.
36. Any alteration, relocation or removal of Airport property, i.e., painting, carpeting, set dressing,
shall be done only with the permission of and under the supervision and direction of the Chief Executive
Officer. Production Company shall leave the Site in as good condition as when received by it, reasonable
wear and tear excepted, and shall remove all of its sets, structures, equipment, and material from the
Site within the aforesaid time allocated for cleanup, repair and restoration.
37. Production Company and Authority agree to jointly inspect the Site prior to and following
Production Company’s use, noting in writing all existing damage, if any. Authority agrees to submit to
Production Company, in writing, within seven (7) days of Production Company vacating the Site (and
within seven (7) days of completion of any additional use by Production Company of the Site, if at all), a
detailed list of all claimed property damage for which Production Company is responsible. Authority shall
permit Production Company’s representative to inspect such damage. In the event that any actual and
verifiable damage to the Site is caused directly by Production Company’s use of the Site, Production
Company agrees to pay for all necessary repairs. Production Company may do a walk through inspection,
accompanied by Authority staff, to confirm any damage claimed by the Authority.
38 The use of Airport equipment, electricity, water, and property (other than structures) including,
but not limited to, escalators, baggage carousels, is prohibited without prior permission from the
39. All Production Persons are required to be familiar with and obey the rules contained herein.
Additionally, said Production Persons shall comply with the Airport security requirements in effect at the
time of production.
40. Cooperation shall be given to all governmental entities.
41. The Production Company agrees to credit the ACAA in the film or photography as follows:
42. Production Company shall keep and hold the County of Allegheny, the Authority, its Board of
Directors, its officers, agents, and employees (the "Indemnitees") free and harmless from any and all
third party liability, costs, damage or expense (including cost of suit and reasonable attorney's fees)
("Claims") claimed by anyone by reason of death or injury to any person, or for damage to any property,
sustained in, on or about the Airport arising out of Production Company’s activities therein or thereon;
and shall further· hold the County of Allegheny, the Authority, its Board of Directors, its officers, agents
or employees free and harmless from any claim or claims for death, injury, and/or damage to the person
or property of the Production Company, its officers, agents or employees arising out of Production
Company’s activities on the Airport. Production Company shall not be held liable for any Claims resulting
from Indemnitee's breach, negligence or willful misconduct.
43. This Agreement may be terminated by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee, for cause
for failure to comply with the material conditions, procedures and policies set forth in this Agreement
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
and the ACAA Filming and Photography Policy and Procedures, provided that the Chief Executive Officer
provide Production Company notice of and a reasonable opportunity to cure any material breach. For
the avoidance of doubt, none of Production Company's rights in and to its photography or sound
recording shall be affected or impaired by an event of termination. In the case of any failure to comply
that does not pose a threat to the safety or security of the Airport, or of disrupting its activities, or of
violating FAA or other federal, state or municipal statues and/or codes, the Chief Executive Officer may
halt the production until the infraction of rules and regulations regarding conditions, procedures and
policies stated in this Permit document is corrected. Either party may, and without cause, cancel and
terminate this Agreement, upon written notice thereof to the other party setting forth the effective date
of such cancellation and termination. If the Production Company cancels this Agreement and the
approved production activities less than 48 hours prior to the commencement date of the production
activities, the Authority will retain 50% of the security deposit.
44. The breach, revocation, voiding, and/or cancellation of this Agreement shall not affect
Production Company’s rights under this paragraph with respect to photographs, films, and/or
recordings already made. The Authority acknowledges and agrees that scenes filmed at Airport for
use in the Picture may or may not be identified within the Picture as taking place at the Pittsburgh
International Airport. In the event of any breach of this Agreement by Production Company, the
Authority may not enjoin, prevent or delay Production Company’s production or exploitation of the
Picture, or the exercise of the rights granted to Production Company hereunder, and without limiting
the foregoing, the Authority waives the right to seek or obtain injunctive or other equitable relief.
45. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be void by any Court of competent jurisdiction,
then such determination shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, and all such other
remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
46. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania applicable to agreements of this nature. Jurisdiction and venue shall lie in the appropriate
U.S Federal or Common Pleas Court located in the County of Allegheny and both parties submit to such
jurisdiction and venue. The prevailing party in any action to enforce its rights under this Agreement shall
be entitled to costs of suit and reasonable outside attorneys' fees and costs.
47. Production Company agrees that to the best of Production Company’s knowledge, there shall be
no intentional discrimination against or segregation of any person, or group of persons, on account of
race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, marital status,
domestic partner status, or medical condition in any contract, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or
enjoyment of the Airport or any operations or activities conducted on the Airport. Further, Production
Company or any person claiming under or through Production Company shall not intentionally establish
or contract any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection,
location, number, use or occupancy of contractors, subcontractors, or vendees.
48. Motion picture films, television productions, and video tapes made under agreement with
Authority shall not be reused or released for reuse for other productions which would create a negative
image for the Authority and/or Pittsburgh International Airport [or Allegheny County Airport]. For the
avoidance of doubt Production Company may re-use the photography and sound recordings (or any part
thereof) made by Production Company hereunder in any and all formats, media and/or manner now
known or hereafter devised in connection with the exhibition, advertising, and exploitation of the Picture
or any sequel or prequel to the Picture.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
49. Production Company may assign, transfer, license, delegate and/or grant all or any part of its
rights, privileges and property hereunder to any person or entity which is owned by, or under common
control of, Licensee. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall insure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. This agreement
and the Authority’s rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned by the Authority. This
agreement may only be altered by both parties signing an additional agreement amending its terms.
50. The Authority's sole remedy for Production Company's default shall be limited to the recovery of
monetary damages only, and in no event shall any of the rights acquired or to be acquired by Production
Company be affected or impaired. For the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall the Authority have the
right to enjoin the development, production, distribution, or exploitation of the Picture.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement is duly executed on the day and year first above written,
by the parties hereto, intending themselves to be legally bound hereby.
______________________ ___________________________
BY ________________________
TITLE ______________________
_______________________ ___________________________
Christina A. Cassotis
Chief Executive Officer
Eric Sprys
Chief Commercial Officer
Allegheny County Airport Authority
The persons signing this agreement by doing so represent respectively that they are fully
authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the Authority and Production Company, as set forth above.
This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Authorization duly given by the Chief Executive Officer
on ______________ at Administrative Action ______________.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
The following page contains the Ground Transportation Regulations
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
1.1 Objective 6
1.2 Adoption of Regulations Shall Not Constitute Grant of Rights 6
1.3 Severability 6
1.4 Discretion 6
1.5 Observation of All Laws 6
1.6 Ground Transportation Ordinance 6
1.7 Enforcement 7
2.1 Airport 7
2.2 Airport Transfer Service 7
2.3 Allegheny County Airport Authority (Authority) 7
2.4 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 7
2.5 Applicable Laws 7
2.6 Applicant 7
2.7 Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) System 7
2.8 Baggage Claim 7
2.9 Baggage Claim Meet and Greet Areas 7
2.10 Call or Demand Service 7
2.11 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 8
2.12 Comfort Station 8
2.13 Commercial Arrivals/Departures Curb or Commercial Curbs 8
2.14 Commercial Roadway System 8
2.15 Commercial Vehicle 8
2.16 Driver 8
2.17 Dwell Time Fees 8
2.18 Exempt Service 8
2.19 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) 8
2.20 Fee 9
2.21 Fee Schedule 9
2.22 Grant Oliver Corporation 9
2.23 Ground Transportation Agent 9
2.24 Ground Transportation Operations 9
2.25 Group and Party Service 9
2.26 Holding Lot 9
2.27 Impound Lot 9
2.28 Limousine Service 9
2.29 Loading Zone 9
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2.30 Meet and Greet 10
2.31 Notice of Violation (NOV) 10
2.32 Occasional Use Permit 10
2.33 Operating Privileges 10
2.34 Operator 10
2.35 Parking Facilities 10
2.36 Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) 10
2.37 Permit 10
2.38 Permit Decal 11
2.39 Person 11
2.40 Port Authority of Allegheny County 11
2.41 Privilege Fee 11
2.42 Public Arrivals/Departures Curb 11
2.43 Regular Use Permit 11
2.44 Regulations 11
2.45 Scheduled Route Service 11
2.46 Solicitation 11
2.47 Taxicab Service 11
2.48 Taxicab Loading Zone 11
2.49 Taxicab Operator 11
2.50 Taxicab Short Trips 12
2.51 Terminal 12
2.52 Trade Dress 12
2.53 Transponders 12
2.54 Transportation Network Company (TNC) 12
3.1 Permit Required 12
3.2 Application Process 12
3.3 Types of Permits 12
3.4 Term of Permits 13
3.5 Completed Application 13
3.6 Permit Application 13
3.7 Application Review 15
3.8 Issuance of Permit and Approved List 16
3.9 Effective Date of Permit 16
3.10 Permit Decals/Transponders Property of the Authority 16
3.11 Additional Vehicles 16
3.12 Permit Non-Transferable 16
3.13 Application Denial 17
3.14 Suspension or Termination of Operating Privileges for Violations 17
of These Regulations
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
4.1 Insurance 17
4.2 Insurance Violations 18
4.3 Indemnification 18
5.1 Payment of Privilege Fees 19
5.2 Payment of Trip Fees and Dwell Time Fees 19
5.3 Evading Fees 19
5.4 Replacement of Transponder 19
5.5 Replacement of Permit Decal 19
5.6 Tampering with Airport Transponders 19
5.7 Regular Use Permit Fees 20
5.8 Occasional Use Permit Fees 20
5.9 Security Deposit 21
5.10 Credit of Dwell Time/Trip Fees 21
5.11 Suspension of Operating Privileges for Non-Payment of Debt, Fee, Fine or Judgment 21
6.1 Violations 22
6.2 Egregious Violations 25
6.3 Issuance of Notice of Violation 26
6.4 Due Date and Suspension Period Commencement 26
6.5 Review of NOV 27
6.6 Authority Review 27
6.7 Violation Information 28
7.1 Penalties for Violations by Operators and/or Drivers 28
7.2 Driver or Operator Operating Without a Permit or While Suspended 29
7.3 Trespass Warning 30
7.4 Trespass Warning for Egregious Behavior 30
7.5 Notice to Operator 30
7.6 Personal Business at the Airport 30
8.1 Location and Progression of Commercial Vehicle Operations 30
8.2 Refusal of Service 32
8.3 Professional Appearance 32
8.4 Meet and Greet Requirements 33
8.5 Physical Meet and Greet Requirement 33
8.6 Sign Requirements/Appearance 33
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
8.7 Additional Information 33
8.8 Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Public Arrivals Curb 33
9.1 Applicability 34
9.2 Service Under Contract 34
9.3 Equivalent Service Standard 34
9.4 Training Requirements 35
10.1 Emergency Regulations 35
10.2 Emergency Contact Information 35
Exhibit A
Airport Layout Plan
Exhibit F
Holding Lot Layout
Exhibit B
Holding Lot Location
Exhibit G
AVI Antenna Locations
Exhibit C
Commercial Arrivals
Exhibit H
Fee Schedule
Exhibit D
Exhibit I
Request for Change of Vehicle Form
Exhibit E
Baggage Claim Area
Exhibit J
Single Use Permit Request Form
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
1.1 Objective - The objective of these Regulations is to promote high quality and reasonably priced
ground transportation services consistent with public need, safety and convenience; ensure the efficient
movement of passengers to and from the Airport; foster respectful competition among ground
transportation providers, and develop revenue for support of the Airport facilities as operated by the
Allegheny County Airport Authority (Authority).
1.2 Adoption of Regulations Shall Not Constitute Grant of Rights - The adoption of these
Regulations is not intended to, and shall not be construed to, grant any property right or expectation to
any person whomever. The Authority expressly reserves the right to amend these Regulations at any
time and in any respect by providing 30-days written notice except as set forth in Section 10.
Additionally, the Authority reserves the right to limit or restrict access to any area of the Airport without
the issuance of prior notice, for reasons including, but not limited to, safety and security of the general
public, construction or renovation work at the Airport, or acts of God. Any person who determines to
invest time or financial resources in ground transportation operations at the Airport does so with full
knowledge of the foregoing provisions, and shall have no right or standing to make any claim whatsoever
against the Authority by reasons of any subsequent amendment to these Regulations, or any limitation
or restriction of access to the Airport as aforesaid.
1.3 Severability - Any and all provisions and any and all portions of provisions of these Regulations
are severable from all other provisions or portions of provisions of these Regulations. If any one or more
provisions or portions of provisions of these Regulations are declared invalid, unconstitutional or
unenforceable by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity,
unconstitutionality or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining provisions or portions of
provisions of these Regulations.
1.4 Discretion - Whenever any provision of these Regulations provides that certain action may be
taken only with the consent or approval, or if a determination or judgment is to be made, such consent
or approval may be granted or withheld or such determination or judgment shall be made, in the sole
and absolute discretion of the Chief Executive Officer and/or his/her designated representative.
1.5 Observation of All Laws - Operators shall at all times comply with the provisions of these
Regulations, all other applicable rules, regulations and policies of the Authority, and all other applicable
federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. The Authority may conduct or contract
with a third party to conduct vehicle inspections on Airport property to ascertain compliance with any
of the foregoing. Failure to observe these Regulations or federal, state, or local laws, rules, regulations,
or ordinances may result in the suspension or revocation of operating privileges.
1.6 Ground Transportation Ordinance Any Driver, Operator or Permit holder violating any
provision of these Regulations shall be subject to fines and penalties applicable to these Regulations
and/or Ordinance No. 34155 ordained and enacted September 7, 1995 by the County of Allegheny, and
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
future Ordinance enacted by the County of Allegheny, and any future Ordinances enacted by the
1.7 Enforcement The Ground Transportation Agents, in conjunction with the Allegheny County
Police, shall have the power and the duty to enforce ordinances, and the Authority shall have the power
and duty to administer these Regulations, and to design and require the use of such forms, and to
establish such procedural rules as he or she shall from time to time deem necessary or conducive to the
proper and efficient administration of the Ground Transportation System at the Airport.
2.1 Airport - the Pittsburgh International Airport Terminals and all surrounding property that is
controlled by the Authority.
2.2 Airport Transfer Service - a common carrier which transports persons on a nonexclusive,
individual charge basis from points authorized by the certificate to the airport specified by the certificate
and vice versa.
2.3 Allegheny County Airport Authority or Authority - that certain Municipal Authority created
pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, 53 P.S. 301 et seq., which, among other
things, manages the day-to-day operations of the Airport.
2.4 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is
different from the federal transportation law (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) which
preceded it in that it contains requirements for both public and private providers of transportation.
The ADA is also a civil rights law (it is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964) thus failure to
comply with any of the provisions constitutes an act of discrimination.
2.5 Applicable Laws means any federal, state, local, municipal statute, law, ordinance, regulation,
rule or code.
2.6 Applicant a Person applying to the Authority to provide Ground Transportation Operations
from the Airport in such name as evidenced by the applicable operating authority as granted by the (PA
PUC), and/or the (FMCSA) and/or the applicable business license.
2.7 Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) System - The AVI System is a tool by which the Authority
receives billing information, monitors activity, collects data for curb allocations, and enforces holding lot
and curb dwell time restrictions. The AVI System consists of transponders, roadway antenna, billing
computers and violator cameras.
2.8 Baggage Claim - the baggage claim areas located on the ground level of the Landside Terminal
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2.9 Baggage Claim Meet and Greet Areas - the areas located in Baggage Claim immediately in front
of the counter end wall adjacent to the Avis and Hertz Car Rental counters and identifiable by signage.
2.10 Call or Demand Service - local common carrier service for passengers, rendered on either an
exclusive or a nonexclusive basis, where passengers hire the vehicle and its Driver either by telephone
call, hail, mobile telephone application, tablet application, computer application, or other technological
application or a combination of the above. A vehicle that is more than 10 model years old or has more
than 350,000 miles of cumulative mileage registered on its odometer may not be operated in call and
demand service.
2.11 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) the Chief Executive Officer of the Allegheny County Airport
Authority, as from time to time appointed by the Airport Authority Board, or any successor or successors
to the duties of such official, whether such individual is on a permanent or acting basis.
2.12 Comfort Facilities - the bathroom units in the Holding Lot for the use by Permitted
Operators/Drivers participating in the Authority’s Ground Transportation Program.
2.13 Commercial Arrivals/Departures Curbs or Commercial Curbs - the area on the Eastern side,
lower/third level of the Landside Terminal Building for use by permitted Commercial Vehicles.
2.14 Commercial Roadway System - collectively and singularly, the roadways located on the East side
of the Terminal Building and all roadways throughout the Airport designated for use by permitted
Commercial Vehicles as depicted on Exhibit B. Drivers/Operators of Commercial Vehicles are not
permitted to park/wait alongside any Airport roadway.
2.15 Commercial Vehicle - any vehicle engaged in transporting persons for a transportation company,
hotel, resort, off-airport parking facility, or TNC either for compensation or donation or which is
registered as a Commercial Vehicle in any state regardless of whether the persons being transported pay
for the service directly, indirectly, or at all. No Driver and/or Operator shall drive or cause to be driven
any Commercial Vehicle upon the premises of the Airport, or provide, offer to provide, or cause to be
provided any ground transportation services to passengers or other persons at the Airport unless a
Permit has first been obtained from the Authority to provide such Ground Transportation Service.
2.16 Driver - an individual at or over the age of twenty-one (21) who operates a Commercial Vehicle.
A Driver and an Operator may be the same person. A Driver may also be an Independent Contractor.
2.17 Dwell Time Fees - fees charged to each service classification for the use of the Commercial
Arrivals Curb and the Holding Lot over the time allotted by the Authority.
2.18 Exempt Service - a Commercial Vehicle operator qualifying as one of the following: Non-Profit,
Extended Parking Lot Shuttle or an employer/employee association wherein the employees are
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
transported in the employer’s company owned vehicle between the Airport and the employer’s place of
business or work station.
2.19 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) - established within the Department of
Transportation January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (49
USC 113). FMCSA’s primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and
injuries. Activities of the FMCSA play a role in ensuring safety in motor carrier operations through strong
enforcement of safety regulations, targeting high-risk carriers and Commercial Vehicle driver
improving safety information systems and commercial motor vehicle technologies; strengthening
commercial motor vehicle equipment and operating standards; and elevating safety awareness. Any
applicant domiciled outside of the State of Pennsylvania providing transportation for compensation
(contractually or otherwise) must obtain and provide to the Authority certification from the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration and/or the Federal Department of Transportation.
2.20 Fee any charge, compensation, donation, membership fee or other form of remuneration.
2.21 Fee Schedule an attachment (Exhibit H) to the Ground Transportation Regulations evidencing
the current fees imposed regarding the facilitation of the Ground Transportation program subject to
adjustment within thirty (30) days’ notice to Permitted Operators.
2.22 Grant Oliver Corporation the company, under contract with the Authority, responsible for the
management of the parking facilities at the Airport and which assists with a portion of the Ground
Transportation Program with regard to affixing Permit Decals and Transponders and monitoring AVI.
2.23 Ground Transportation Agent - a person empowered by the Authority to supervise and control
Commercial Vehicle activities, to enforce or aid in the enforcement of these Regulations and the Ground
Transportation Ordinance, and to assist the traveling public in utilizing ground transportation services.
The term "Ground Transportation Agent" shall include Law Enforcement Officers, Ground Transportation
Coordinators, and Authority Executives (Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief
Commercial Officer) Authority Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Managers and PUC enforcement
2.24 Ground Transportation Operations - the activity of transporting individuals or property in and
around Airport acreage in a Commercial Vehicle.
2.25 Group and Party Service - a common carrier service for passengers, rendered on an exclusive
basis such as charter service for groups, or rendered on a non-exclusive basis for tour or sightseeing
service and special excursion service.
2.26 Holding Lot - the parking area accessible to permitted Commercial Vehicles located northeast of
the Landside Terminal Building as indicated on Exhibit F.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2.27 Impound Lot - the impound lot which shall be on the premises of the Airport, to which
unattended vehicles will be towed and impounded pending investigation by the Allegheny County Police
to determine whether the vehicle is a security threat. Impounded vehicles shall be released to the owner
or operator thereof upon payment of fees and costs associated with the towing and impounding of the
2.28 Limousine Service - a passenger transportation service operated for hire on a pre-arranged basis
and rendered in luxury type vehicles with less than 350,000 miles of cumulative mileage registered on
its odometer.
2.29 Loading Zone - a parking space or a group of parking spaces located in a Commercial Lane
(Arrivals/Departures) abutting the sidewalk, designated as an area for parking, loading, or unloading
Commercial Vehicles by either certain Operators or a class of Operators engaging in Ground
Transportation Operations. Passengers are not to be loaded into or unloaded from vehicles parked in
an active travel lane.
2.30 Meet and Greet - the act of physically meeting a passenger whose transportation has been pre-
arranged prior to a Driver's entry onto Airport property. Meet and Greet is to be conducted in the
designated areas as described in Section 2.9 only. Operators and/or Drivers are not permitted to gain
access to the Airside Terminal to meet their clients.
2.31 Notice of Violation (NOV)- a Notice of Violation prepared by a Ground Transportation Agent of
the Authority at or around the time of any incident that the Ground Transportation Agent believes
constitutes a violation of these Regulations. The form shall set forth, at a minimum, the name of the
Driver, the name of the Operator for whom the Driver is conducting business, the passenger and/or
complainant inclusive of their contact information, the license plate number of the vehicle, the ACAA
issued Permit Decal (if applicable), and the date, time, location and nature of the alleged violation.
Disciplinary action will be taken against the Driver and/or Operator; and the NOV will be placed in the
Operator’s file.
2.32 Occasional Use Permit - the type of Permit issued to an approved Applicant whose annual
number of trips, as projected by the Applicant, is not likely to exceed 40 trips from the Airport per year.
The Authority will invoice the Operator monthly for the number of trips made the previous month based
upon the requests submitted by Operator.
2.33 Operating Privileges the privilege to engage in Ground Transportation Operations at the
2.34 Operator - any Applicant engaging in Ground Transportation Operations, inclusive of a Driver.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2.35 Parking Facilities the public parking garage and lots at the Airport to include the parking lot at
the Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh Airport.
2.36 Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PA PUC) The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
balances the needs of consumers and utilities; ensures safe and reliable utility service at reasonable
rates; protects the public interest; and educates consumers to formulate informed and independent
utility choices. Included in its authority, the PA PUC oversees the regulation of motor carriers that
transport property and passengers as well as brokers of passenger transportation between points in
Pennsylvania for compensation. Passenger services are regulated regarding rates, geographical area,
customer service, safety, and insurance. Any applicant domiciled in the State of Pennsylvania providing
transportation for compensation (contractually or otherwise) must obtain and provide to the Authority
a Certificate of Public Convenience as issued by the PA PUC.
2.37 Permit - the rights issued by the Authority to an approved Operator to conduct Ground
Transportation Operations on Airport property in accordance with these Regulations.
2.38 Permit Decal - an Airport sticker issued by the Authority to a Regular Use Operator indicating the
Commercial Vehicle is part of an Operators’ fleet and authorized for the use of conducting Ground
Transportation Operations from the Airport. At all times while on Airport property, the current Permit
Decal issued with respect to a particular vehicle is to be displayed on the rear bumper where adhered
by Grant Oliver Corporation staff.
2.39 Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, unincorporated association, or trust.
2.40 Port Authority of Allegheny County the network of public transportation services throughout
Allegheny County which includes the operation of the 28X Airport Flyer to/from the Airport.
2.41 Privilege Fee - a fee charged for the privilege of accessing the Airport facilities that is assessed as
described in Section 5 of these Regulations.
2.42 Public Arrivals/Departures Curbs - the area on the Western side, lower/third level of the
Landside Terminal Building for use by the general public. Commercial Vehicles (except for TNCs dropping
off on Public Departures) are not permitted to use either the Public Arrivals or Public Departures Curb.
2.43 Regular Use Permit - the type of Permit issued to an approved Applicant whose annual number
of trips, as projected by the Applicant is likely to exceed 40 trips from the Airport per year. The Applicant
must pay all fees prior to being issued Permit Decals and/or Transponders. The Authority will invoice the
Operator monthly for all Trip and Dwell Time Fees incurred in the previous month.
2.44 Regulations - these Ground Transportation Regulations for the Airport, adopted by the Authority,
as may be amended from time to time by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designated
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
2.45 Scheduled Route Service - a common carrier service for passengers, rendered on either an
exclusive or a nonexclusive basis, wherein the vehicles delivering the service operate according to
schedules along designated routes.
2.46 Solicitation - the offering of services by any person (including, inter alia, Operators) while on
Airport property. See Section 6.1.15 hereof for a detailed description of what constitutes Solicitation.
2.47 Taxicab Service shall have the meaning set forth in Chapter 29 of the Public Utility Commission
Motor Carrier of Passengers.
2.48 Taxicab Loading Zone means the area located on the Commercial Arrivals curb designated by
the authority for loading Taxicabs.
2.49 Taxicab Operator - an Operator licensed by the PA PUC to provide call and demand and/or hail
taxicab service, and who is authorized by the Authority to provide this service to and from the Airport.
2.50 Taxicab Short Trips - Drivers who are requested to transport to a location on airport property
(Extended Parking lot, Hyatt Regency and Sunoco gas station) will be able to return directly to the back
of the queuing line along Commercial Arrivals provided that the Ground Transportation Coordinators are
on duty and have been advised by the passenger of the destination.
2.51 Terminal - collectively the Landside Terminal and the Airside Terminal Buildings at the Airport.
2.52 Trade Dress a removable and distinct Operator-issued logo, insignia, or emblem that is attached
to or visible from the exterior of a Permitted TNC vehicle while operating at the Airport and providing
TNC services. Every permitted TNC driver/partner vehicle shall have the Operator’s Trade Dress
displayed in the designated location (preferably in the lower right side of the windshield).
2.53 Transponders - an electronic identification device intended to be mounted on or within the
Commercial Vehicle. As a Transponder equipped vehicle passes under the overhead roadway antenna,
information of this passage is fed into a computer system providing the Authority with per trip and dwell
time data. All holders of Regular Use Permits are required to have a Transponder attached to a permitted
vehicle while operating at the Airport.
2.54 Transportation Network Company (TNC) An organization, whether a corporation, partnership,
sole proprietor, or other form, operating in Pennsylvania under an appropriate license issued by the
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PA PUC), that uses an on-line enabled application or platform to
connect Passengers with drivers using their personal vehicles to provide transportation to passengers.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
3.1 Permit Required - Each Operator that desires to transport passengers from the Airport must
secure a Permit.
3.2 Application Process - Any Operator seeking to obtain a Permit at the Airport must complete and
return an application to the Authority. Requests for Applications may be made via email at
3.3 Types of Permits- Operators may apply for one of the following classes of Permits:
3.3.1 Regular Use Permit - a Permit issued to an approved Operator whose annual number of
trips from the Airport is likely to exceed forty (40). If any Operator has historically taken 40 or
more trips from the Airport per Permit Year, such Operator shall be required to be a Regular User.
3.3.2 Occasional Use Permit - a Permit issued to an approved Operator whose annual number
of trips from the Airport is not likely to exceed 40. Occasional Use Permits must be requested for
each trip from the Airport, via facsimile or email prior to arriving at the Airport. Occasional Use
Permits are valid for one (1) trip from the Airport on a specific date and time in a vehicle included
within Operator’s Approved List of Vehicles.
3.3.3 Occasional Use Permit after Hours an approved Operator who requires an Occasional
Use Permit after normal business hours, on weekends or Authority-observed holidays is required
to email a completed Occasional Use Permit Request Form to [email protected]. A
copy of the same is to be given to the Driver for placement on the Commercial Vehicle’s
dashboard while on Airport property. Operator will receive an emailed copy of the Permit on the
next business day.
3.4 Term of Permits - The term of the Regular Use Permit issued to an Operator shall be from May 1
of the initial year to April 30 of the succeeding year. The term of the Occasional Use Permit shall be for
one trip from the Airport on the date and at the approximate time for which the Permit was issued. From
time to time the Authority, at its sole option, may extend the term of a Permit to facilitate Authority
3.5 Completed Application - Completed applications may be mailed to the address specified within
the Application, emailed or hand delivered to the Mezzanine Level, Landside Terminal. The Completed
Application must be submitted by the Authority issued deadline and contain all information as set forth
in Section 3.6. A company check and/or money order for the Privilege Fees is to be mailed to the
address specified in Section 3.6.11. Failure to submit a Completed Application and Privilege Fees by the
specified deadline may disqualify Applicant from receiving a Permit by May 1
. Applicants will be advised
via email of a deficient application.
3.6 Permit Application - Each Applicant desiring to obtain or renew a Permit shall submit to the
Authority an application on an approved form. In addition to any other requirement established by the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Authority, each application shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
3.6.1 Insurance - An Acord certificate of insurance on which the Allegheny County Airport
Authority is listed as an additional insured and certificate holder with respect to Automobile
Liability (and Excess Liability if applicable). The issuing agent must have evidenced on the
Certificate that they will provide to the Airport Authority at least 30 days prior written notice of
cancellation. Proof of current Workers Compensation Insurance (if applicable) must also be
evidenced to the satisfaction of Authority that Operator has secured insurance complying with
the requirements of Section 4.1.
3.6.2 Licensing - Each Applicant seeking to obtain a Permit, who has not been previously
permitted to provide transportation at the Airport must apply in his, her or its own name to the
Authority for such Permit. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate
evidencing operating authority as granted by the PA PUC and/or the FMCSA in the name of the
As a primary condition of any Permit to be issued to any Operator providing
passenger transportation services to and from the Airport, such Operator shall
comply with the following: If the Applicant is an INTRASTATE provider of point-to-point transportation
services within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, receiving compensation for said
services, the Applicant shall possess a Certificate of Public Convenience issued by the PA
PUC in order to operate such service to or from the Airport. If the Applicant is an INTERSTATE provider of point-to-point transportation
services from points outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to points within the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (and/or vice versa), receiving compensation for said
services, the Applicant shall obtain operating authority from and comply with all
regulations promulgated by the FMCSA.
If an Applicant is both an INTRASTATE provider and an INTERSTATE provider, compliance
with and above are required as a condition of any Ground
Transportation Permit.
3.6.3 Fictitious Name - If the Operator (including a sole proprietorship) operates under a
fictitious name, a copy of the Operators fictitious name registration is to be provided to the
Authority at the time of application.
3.6.4 Lease Vehicles - The Operator must provide a copy of the equipment lease and service
agreement inclusive of the VIN, term, rent, maintenance, and insurance in addition to a copy of
the State-issued Department of Transportation commercial registration for each such
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Commercial Vehicle the Operator desires to operate at the Airport. Each Commercial Vehicle
must be registered in either the Lessor’s/Leasing Company’s or Operator’s name. Any Leased
Commercial Vehicle must be insured by Operator and evidenced on Operator’s insurance vehicle
schedule which is to be submitted upon application.
3.6.5 Vehicle Registration - A current copy of the State commercial, or other registration, in the
name of the Operator, for each Commercial Vehicle that the Operator desires to utilize at the
Airport is required. Prior to the expiration of each Commercial Vehicle registration, the Operator
is required to submit an updated copy of the renewed/current State Commercial Vehicle
registration or to notify the Authority (via Exhibit I) that the Commercial Vehicle should be
removed from the Operator’s Approved List of Vehicles and engage in the prompt return (within
5 business days) of the Authority issued Permit Decal/Transponder. If a new license plate is issued
for a Commercial Vehicle, Operator shall forward a copy of the updated registration to the
Authority upon receipt from the State. The failure to provide proof of current vehicle registration
prior to the expiration of the registration or the failure to update license plate information is
considered a violation of these Regulations.
3.6.6 Vehicle Condition No Operator shall drive or cause to be driven any Commercial Vehicle
upon the premises of the Airport, or provide, offer to provide, or cause to be provided any ground
transportation services to any person at the Airport unless a Permit has first been obtained by
the Authority for such ground transportation service. All Commercial Vehicles used in Ground
Transportation Operations shall be properly maintained, functionally sound and kept in a safe
operating and road-worthy condition in accordance with Pennsylvania State inspection or
equivalent standard and requirements, PA PUC and/or FMCSA safety standards. Air-conditioning
and heating systems in all Commercial Vehicles shall always be fully functional, year-round. Any
vehicles that are not fully operational or that have sustained exterior or interior damage that
adversely affects safety, appearance, comfort, or performance must be immediately removed
from service and must be repaired. The following conditions shall constitute a violation of these
Regulations: (a) broken, cracked or chipped windows; (b) damaged or excessively worn tires; (c)
non-functioning or broken exterior lights, including headlights, taillights, brake lights, turn signals
and/or side markers; (d) defective, broken, or damaged brakes or suspension; (e) visible exterior
damage to body panels and doors.
3.6.7 Driver Information- A listing of all Drivers, including independent contractors, and a copy
of all valid photo drivers’ licenses of those employed by/contracting for/acting as Operator and
will be driving said Operator’s vehicles on Airport property are required. All Drivers must be at
least 21 years old and have held a current, valid driver’s license for at least two (2) years prior to
being added to the approved list of Drivers for the Airport. It is the responsibility of the Operator
to update this listing each time a Driver is hired/retained or discharged and to ensure that all
registered drivers' licenses are current and valid. Upon the expiration of the license of each
Driver, the Operator is required to submit an updated copy of the renewed/current photo driver’s
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
license or to notify the Authority in writing that the Driver is to be removed from the Operator’s
approved list of Drivers. The Authority reserves the right to review the record of any Driver it
feels is not in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
3.6.8 Affidavit - A duly executed and notarized Affidavit, signed by the Owner/Principal of the
Applicant, attesting that the information contained within the Permit application, and all
attachments are true and correct to the best of the Applicant's knowledge and belief.
3.6.9 ADA Compliance Policy Operators that provide transportation services either by fixed
route or on-demand and required under ADA to meet the equivalent service standard must
own/lease lift vehicles to be operated in their Airport fleet or contract with another Authority
permitted carrier to provide the accessible service. A copy of this contract is to be forwarded to
the Authority at the time of application.
3.6.10 Identification of Principals If the Operator is a corporation or partnership, the Operator
shall identify its shareholders, partners, directors, officers inclusive of chief executive officer,
president, and/or principal managerial employee.
3.6.11 Privilege Fees A company check, which includes the annual Permit fee and vehicle fees,
is to be made payable to the Allegheny County Airport Authority. The check is to be mailed
separately to Allegheny County Airport Authority, Post Office Box 642623, Pittsburgh PA
3.7 Application Review - The completed application will be reviewed by the appropriate staff
member for all required attachments (including current vehicle registrations, valid driver’s licenses,
operating certificates and insurance). The Authority’s bank account will be checked each business day
for proof of deposit of renewal fees in the form of a company check or money order. New Applicants will
be required to submit a $250.00 security deposit and their Privilege Fees separately, each in the form of
a company check or money order made payable to the Allegheny County Airport Authority at the address
listed in Section 3.6.11.
3.8 Issuance of Permit and Approved List - The Authority shall issue a Permit to an Operator only
after the Operator submits an executed application that the Authority determines is complete and
Satisfactory, in addition to payment of all applicable fees. In addition, the Authority shall maintain an
Approved List of Drivers and an Approved List of Vehicles that are permitted to engage in Ground
Transportation Operations under the Operator’s Permit. The Authority may omit or remove from an
Approved List certain Drivers or Vehicles that an Operator has requested to be placed on such Approved
Lists at its discretion based on reasons, including but not limited to, that it exceeds the PUC mandated
Vehicle and Equipment Requirements (for Taxicabs, Limousines and other PUC stipulated services), the
Driver’s prior violations of these Regulations, licensure status, and criminal history. If a Driver’s name or
Vehicle is initially included on an Approved List and later removed by the Authority, the Authority will
notify the Operator of such removal.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
3.9 Effective Date of Permit - An Operator shall be deemed to be approved by the Airport Authority
upon issuance of Permit Decals/Transponders or Occasional Use Permits.
3.10 Permit Decals/Transponders Property of the Authority - The Authority shall issue Permit
Decals/Transponders to a holder of a Regular Use Permit equal to the number of vehicles the Operator
has registered and is authorized to utilize at the Airport. Each Permit Decal/Transponder shall be affixed
to/in the Commercial Vehicle for which they were assigned by the Authority via Grant Oliver Corporation
staff at the Airport. Permit Decals/Transponders are the property of the Authority and must be
returned to the Airport when deleting a vehicle from Operator’s fleet. Should Operator cease to
provide transportation from the Airport, all Permit Decals/Transponders issued to Operator must be
returned to Authority.
3.11 Additional Vehicles - An Operator may add vehicles to its Approved List of Vehicles when the
Authority has received, for each additional vehicle, evidence that the vehicle has been added to the
Operator’s insurance policy (updated Acord certificate and Acord vehicle schedule), a copy of any lease
agreement for the vehicle (if applicable), a current copy of the State-issued Commercial Vehicle
registration, a completed Exhibit I and any applicable fees. If a vehicle is being added while one is being
deleted, provided the added vehicle is the same class as the vehicle being deleted, there is no fee to the
Operator. The Permit Decal and Transponder assigned to the deleted vehicle are to be returned to the
Authority prior to or at the same time of the issuance of a new Permit Decal/Transponder for the added
vehicle. New Permit Decals and Transponders will not be issued until any previously issued Permit Decals
or Transponders are returned. In instances where it is not possible to return the Permit Decal, the
Operator will be invoiced a $10.00 replacement fee. As transponders are not transferable, the Operator
will be invoiced for the new transponder.
3.12 Permit Non-Transferable - No Permit, Permit Decal or Transponder may be transferred, assigned,
or loaned. No Permit, Permit Decal or Transponder may be used by any Operator other than the
Operator to whom such Permit, Permit Decal or Transponder was issued. Violation of this Section 3.13
may be cause for immediate revocation of the Operator's Permit for a period of thirty (30) days. No
Permit Decal or Transponder may be removed and/or tampered with unless for the purpose of it being
returned to the Authority.
3.13 Application Denial - In the event a Permit Application is denied, the Authority shall give written
notice to the Applicant advising of the reason for denial. Applicant shall have ten (10) business days from
the date of denial to appeal such denial, in writing, to the Authority. Reasons a Permit application may
be denied or renewed include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) The application is incomplete;
(2) Applicant has failed to provide current certificates or adequate insurance coverage, limits of liability,
agent issued vehicle schedule, or other documentary evidence as required in Section 4 hereof; (3) The
application contains false or misleading statements or the Permit is sought in furtherance of, or in
connection with, some unlawful enterprise or activity; (4) Due to the nature, seating capacity,
configuration, or other characteristic of the Commercial Vehicle, it can reasonably be expected that the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
grant of the Permit would interfere with the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic to, from, at or
about the Airport; (5) Applicant is in violation of any safety, insurance, inspection, licensing, certification
or other requirement imposed by any governmental agency or authority having jurisdiction; (6)
Utilization of any vehicle not conforming to applicable state motor vehicle code requirements, including
vehicle inspection requirements; (7) Applicant is in violation of any previously issued Ground
Transportation Permit or a permit previously revoked or is in breach of any other contract with the
Authority inclusive of any outstanding fees; (8) one or more of Applicant’s Principals were Principals of
an Operator that is in default of any Authority Agreement, that owes any amount to the Authority, or
that is under suspension.
3.14 Suspension or Termination of Operating Privileges for Violations of These Regulations -
Violations of these Regulations, or any future, amended, or Emergency Regulations, may result in the
suspension or revocation of operating privileges at the Airport.
4.1 Insurance
4.1.1 Policy - Each Operator must procure and maintain a Commercial Automobile Insurance
Policy covering liability and property damage and issued by an insurance company authorized to
do business in Pennsylvania (or state where Applicant is domiciled). Each Operator must maintain
a copy of the current certificate on file with the Authority. The policy shall cover each Vehicle
registered with the Authority for a Combined Single Limit of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000) for bodily injury and property damage. Each Operator operating vehicles with a
passenger capacity that meets or exceeds 28 passengers must cover each Vehicle registered with
the Authority for a Combined Single Limit of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000).
4.1.2 Form of Policy - Each insurance policy shall be evidenced on an Acord certificate on which
the Allegheny County Airport Authority is listed as an additional insured and certificate holder
with regard to the Automobile Liability Insurance and the Excess/Umbrella Liability Coverage (if
applicable) and shall provide on the certificate that it may not be canceled without at least thirty
(30) days prior written notice to the Authority. Certificate must contain and/or be accompanied
by an Acord vehicle schedule, as issued, and submitted by the insurance agent, evidencing each
covered vehicle by make, model and VIN.
4.1.3 Self Insurance - Any Applicant or Operator domiciled in the State of Pennsylvania wishing
to self-insure must meet the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 223 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle
Code in order to be approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) as a self-insurer under
75 Pa. C.S. 1701-1798. Upon approval by the DOT of a self-insurance proposal, a self-insurance
certificate will be issued to the entity covered by the proposal with such certificate to be reviewed
annually. A self-insurer shall issue an identification card for each vehicle covered by self-
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
insurance as set forth in Subchapter B of Chapter 67, Title 31 of the PA Code. A copy of the State
issued certificate shall be submitted to the Authority at the time of application. Any Applicant or
Operator domiciled outside of the State of Pennsylvania wishing to self-insure must meet the
requirements of their State and submit any pertinent information to that effect to the Authority
at the time of application.
4.1.4 Renewal of Policy - It is the responsibility of the Operator to have provided to the
Authority proof of renewal of the policy inclusive of the vehicle schedule. Failure to advise
Authority of renewal of any policy prior to the date of expiration will subject Operator to
immediate suspension of operating privileges until Authority receives such proof of renewal.
Proof of renewal via a scanned copy of the Certificate of Insurance (COI) sent from the insurance
agent including a vehicle schedule to [email protected] is acceptable.
4.1.5 Requirement Waiver - The Chief Executive Officer, in his/her sole discretion, may modify
or waive any of the foregoing requirements, and may approve such deductibles, as he/she deems
4.1.6 Workers Compensation Insurance This is necessary as required by law. Evidence of such
shall accompany the Automobile Insurance certificate and copies must be submitted to Authority
upon renewal.
4.2 Insurance Violations - Upon the expiration or cancellation without renewal of an Operator’s
policy of insurance, the Authority shall immediately suspend the Operator’s Permit. The Authority shall
notify the Operator of the suspension via e-mail on the day the Authority suspends the Permit. Any
suspended Permit may be reinstated upon providing proof, satisfactory to the Authority that the
Operator has the insurance coverage required by these Regulations. Should an Operator operate a
vehicle on Authority property without possessing the required insurance, the Operator’s Permit may be
revoked for a minimum of 30 days. The Authority retains the discretion to deny or delay Permit
reinstatement depending upon the circumstances of the relevant insurance violations.
4.3 Indemnification - By acceptance of a Permit, each Operator agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
completely harmless the Authority, its Board Members, officers, employees and agents from and against
any and all liabilities, losses, suits, claims, demands, judgments, fines, damages, costs and expenses
(including all costs for investigation and defense thereof including, but not limited to court costs,
paralegal fees, expert fees, and reasonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Losses") which may be incurred
as a result of the conduct of its activity as an Operator at or on Airport property.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
5.1 Payment of Privilege Fees - Each Operator shall pay all applicable Privilege Fees prior to the
issuance of Permit Decals/Transponders, and/or Occasional Use Permits. If an Operator had been issued
a Permit previously, all fees incurred during that permit period must be paid in full prior to the issuance
of Permit Decal(s)/Transponder(s) or Occasional Use Permit(s). Payment of Privilege Fees will be
accepted in the form of a company check or money order; mailed to Allegheny County Airport
Authority, Post Office Box 642623, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-2623. In the event an Operator ceases to
conduct business at the Airport said Operator forfeits all Privilege Fees as they are not refundable.
5.2 Payment of Trip Fees and Dwell Time Fees - All Operators are required to pay trip fees for ground
transportation from the Commercial Arrivals Curb. Regular Operators must pay Trip Fees and Dwell Time
Fees monthly based on the vehicle activity as monitored by the AVI System. For each Regular Use
Operator paying Trip Fees and Dwell Time Fees, the Authority shall issue (at the Operator’s cost and
expense) one Transponder for the purpose of collecting revenue control information for each
Commercial Vehicle having a Permit Decal. Each Transponder shall be affixed to the Commercial Vehicle
for which it was issued in the manner prescribed by the Authority. All Transponders issued to an Operator
shall be returned to the Authority on demand. If an Operator loses or destroys a Transponder, or if a
Transponder is stolen, the Transponder shall be replaced at the Operator’s cost and expense. Regular
Use Operators are prohibited from utilizing a permitted Commercial Vehicle on Airport property without
the assigned Transponder. Holders of Occasional Use Permits must pay Trip Fees based on the
Occasional Use Permits requested and utilized by each Operator.
5.3 Evading Fees - Regular Use Operators are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit
any act that causes the Authority's revenue control system to fail to detect the presence of such
Operator’s Commercial Vehicle on the Airport Roadway. Failure to have the required Transponder on
the proper Commercial Vehicle to which the transponder is assigned shall constitute a violation of these
5.4 Replacement of Transponder - A Regular Use Operator may obtain a replacement Transponder
by taking the Commercial Vehicle to Grant Oliver and advising their staff of the reason for the
replacement. If the Transponder is inoperable, but not damaged due to tampering, the Authority will
replace the device free of charge to the Operator. The same procedure will be followed to replace a lost,
damaged, or stolen Transponder, however, that replacement will be made at the Operator’s cost and
expense. If the Commercial Vehicle was issued a windshield Transponder and the windshield needs to
be replaced, the old Transponder is not to be re-adhered to the new windshield as it is not transferable
and will not work properly, if at all.
5.5 Replacement of Permit Decal A Regular Use Operator may obtain a replacement Permit Decal
by completing and returning Exhibit I to the Terminal Operations Office, for issuance of same. In
instances where it is not possible to return the previously assigned Permit Decal, the Operator will be
invoiced a $10.00 replacement fee.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
5.6 Tampering with Airport Transponders - In the event the windshield mounted transponder
assigned to the Commercial Vehicle is removed and re-adhered to a new or repaired windshield and
excessive fees accrue since the transponder was tampered with; the Operator will be responsible for all
overtime charges incurred via that transponder without consideration of request for credit. Conversely,
should the Authority or Grant Oliver determine that a transponder assigned to a Commercial Vehicle has
been tampered with and trips not recorded accurately, the Operator will be fined the difference between
the average of AVI activity within the recent twelve-month period and the amount recorded via said
5.7 Regular Use Permit Fees - The Fees for holders of Regular Use Permits are outlined in the Fee
5.71 Annual Permit fee for Regular Users
5.7.2 Annual vehicle fees for Regular Use Permits shall be based upon the vehicle
classification/passenger capacity.
5.7.3. The Transponder fee for a windshield mounted unit or a bumper mounted unit. The type
of transponder issued to a particular vehicle is at the discretion of the Authority and/or Grant
5.7.4 A holder of a Regular Use Permit shall be assessed a per trip fee each time a vehicle
accesses or re-accesses the inter-loop of the Commercial Roadway System. Holders of Regular
Use Permits will receive an invoice at the beginning of the following month for the previous
month's trips. Payment of these fees is due the Authority prior to or on the due date which will
be the 20
of each month. In the event payment has not been received by the due date the
Operator may incur a suspension of Operator’s airport privileges until such time as the Authority
receives full remittance via the lockbox address listed above.
5.75 Dwell Time Fees at $1.00 per minute are assessed to Hotels, Off-Airport Parking,
Limousine, Scheduled and Charter Operators when allotted time in the Hold Lot is exceeded;
Dwell Time Fees at $1.00 per minute are assessed to same when allotted time at the Commercial
Arrivals curb is exceeded.
5.8 Occasional Use Permit Fees the Fees of holders of Occasional Use Permits are assessed on a
per trip basis and according to vehicle classification/passenger capacity.
5.8.1 Fees of holders of Occasional Use Permits are invoiced at the beginning of the following
month for the previous month’s trip activities. Payment of these fees is due to the Authority within
thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Failure to remit payment within thirty (30) days to Allegheny
County Airport Authority, Post Office Box 642623, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15264-2623 will result in
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
the suspension of Operator’s airport privileges until such time as the Authority receives full
5.8.2 No Occasional Use Permits will be issued to an Operator whose account is in arrears or
who otherwise owes any debt, fee, fine or judgment to the Authority.
5.8.3 The assessment of fees of holders of Occasional Use permits shall be based on the vehicle
classification/passenger capacity in accordance with the Fee Schedule. The fee assessed shall be based
upon the type of vehicle and the passenger capacity, regardless of the actual number of passengers being
transported. Occasional Use Permit fees shall be assessed each time a vehicle accesses the Commercial
Roadway System transporting passengers from the Airport. Holders of Occasional Use Permits will
receive a monthly invoice listing all trip activity for the prior month.
5.9 Security Deposit Any Operator applying, but not previously Permitted by the Authority shall
remit a Security Deposit in the amount of $250.00. The Security Deposit amounts are subject to review
by the Authority and an adjustment may be required to be remitted by the Operator. The Security
Deposit will be accepted in the form of a Company Check or Money Order. The checks will be cashed
and deposited into a holding account. This amount will reside within the account without the Authority
drawing from it for the monthly trip fees, transponder fees, etc. If the Permit is terminated for any
reason during the Permit Year, the Security Deposit will be used to the extent fees are due and the
balance, if any, returned. Should the Permit remain in effect, the Operator’s monies will be retained in
the account for the upcoming Permit Year.
5.10 Credit of Dwell Time/Trip Fees
5.10.1 Should a Regular Use Operator exceed the allotted time on the Commercial Arrivals Curb
or in the Holding Lot and wish to have the dwell time fee credited to their account, the Operator
must submit an email request to the Terminal and Landside Operations office for consideration.
The request must be submitted within three (3) business days of occurrence containing date,
time, license plate number, transponder number, flight information for the person(s) being met
and reason for the excess in dwell time.
5.10.2 Should an Occasional Use Operator apply for but not use an Occasional Use Permit and
wishes to have the Permit pulled from invoicing, the Operator must submit an email request to
the Terminal and Landside Operations office for consideration. The request must be submitted
within three (3) business days of occurrence containing the date, time, license plate number and
flight information for the person(s) being met including the reason for trip cancellation.
5.10.3 If the request for a credit of dwell time fees is due to a vehicle breakdown on the
Commercial Arrivals Curb or in the Holding Lot, be advised that it is the
responsibility of the Operator to extricate that vehicle in a timely manner. The
Authority would consider no longer than one (1) hour at the curb and two (2)
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
hours in the Hold Lot a reasonable amount of time to have that vehicle undergo
maintenance or be towed from the Airport. Additional backup information (tow
bill) may be requested from Operator to issue requested credit. Anything more
than what the Authority deems reasonable may not be credited and will remain
at the discretion of the appropriate Authority staff member(s).
5. 11 Suspension of Operating Privileges for Non-Payment of Debt, Fee, Fine or Judgment
Non-Payment by the due date evidenced in the Notice of Violation (NOV) or Authority invoice of any
Debt, Fee, Fine or Judgment owed by Operator to the Authority may result in the suspension or
revocation of Operating Privileges at the Airport until such time as Debt, Fee, Fine or Judgment has
been paid in full. Paid in Full shall mean when the check has been remitted to Allegheny County
Airport Authority, Post Office Box 642623, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-2623 or via wire transfer and
evidenced in Authority’s account.
6.1 Violations - If an Operator commits any of the acts set forth in this Section such Operator will be
issued a Notice of Violation (NOV). Penalties assessed against an Operator for the issuance of an NOV
are discussed in Section 7.1 of these Regulations.
6.1.1 Failure to Observe Laws - Operators and/or Drivers shall obey all federal, state and local
laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, including, inter alia, the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle
Code, the PA PUC Code, the Department of Transportation (DOT), the FMCSA and these
Regulations. Failure by a Driver or Operator to observe all federal, state, and local laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances, or these Regulations shall be a violation of these Regulations subject
to penalties as set forth herein.
6.1.2 Unattended Vehicle - Leaving a vehicle unattended is a violation of these Regulations and
TSA Security Requirements. Operators and/or Drivers are not permitted to leave their vehicles
unattended for any reason. A vehicle is considered unattended if the Driver is not within five (5)
feet of the vehicle regardless of whether there are passengers on board. No Commercial Vehicle
is to remain at the curb longer than necessary to load or unload passengers and their luggage.
Ground Transportation Agents may require an Operator to leave the curb if the Operator is
remaining at the curb for too long a period. Unattended vehicles may be ticketed and towed
from the Airport at the Operator’s expense. TSA Security Requirements regarding unattended
vehicles will be strictly enforced.
6.1.3 Denial of Service - Operators and/or Drivers shall not deny equal professional services to
any person for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, handicap,
familial status, or national origin. Operators and/or Drivers shall not be parties to any plan or
agreement to discriminate against a person or persons based on race, color, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, handicap, familial status, or national origin. Additionally, no
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Operator and/or Driver may deny service based on the distance of a trip or due to payment in
the form of a credit card or company approved voucher.
6.1.4 Improper Conduct - Operators and/or Drivers shall not engage in any form of improper
conduct on Airport property (inclusive of transportation originating at the Airport) and shall be
courteous and professional in appearance and behavior at all times. Improper conduct includes,
but is not limited to, boisterous conversations, profanity, physical or verbal abuse, denial of
service, failure to cooperate with any Ground Transportation Agent in the performance of his or
her official duties or providing/charging misleading information with regard to distance, fares,
6.1.5 Failure to Submit Updated Certificate of Liability Insurance and Vehicle Schedule - It is a
violation of these Regulations if an Operator fails to timely provide or cause to be provided an
updated certificate of liability insurance inclusive of a vehicle schedule. The Authority may
immediately suspend the Operator’s Permit until such time as all required information is
submitted. If an Operator is found to have operated a vehicle on Airport property that was not
insured when on Airport property, the Operator’s Permit may be suspended for a period of thirty
(30) days.
6.1.6 Failure of Financial Obligations - It is a violation of these Regulations if Operator (i) fails to
remit any Trip Fees or Dwell Time Fees required by Section 5 or (ii) fails to pay any financial
penalty on or before the last day of the suspension period as stated in Section 6.4 hereof. Failure
to remit payment by the due date may result in the suspension of Operator’s Permit. The
Operator shall be advised of the suspension via e-mail on the day the Authority suspends
Operator’s privileges. The Operator’s Permit shall be immediately reinstated upon
receipt to the bank lockbox; Allegheny County Airport Authority, Post Office Box 642623,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15264-2623 full payment of any outstanding fees; or, if approved by
Authority upon payment at the Airport.
6.1.7 Vehicle not on Approved List for Permit Holder Engaging in Ground Transportation
Operations in a Commercial Vehicle that is not on the Approved List of Vehicles for an Operator
is a violation of these Regulations. Any Commercial Vehicle for which the Authority does not
have a copy of the current Commercial Vehicle registration and proof of insurance is not to be
utilized at the Airport until the information is submitted and the vehicle approved for use.
6.1.8 Failure to Update State Commercial Registration, License Plate, or Driver’s License
Information Expiration of a State Commercial Vehicle registration or change of license plate
number for any Commercial Vehicle on an Operator’s Approved List of Vehicles or expiration of
any Driver’s license for any Driver/Independent Contractor on an Operator’s Approved List of
Drivers without submission prior to expiration of the updated Commercial Vehicle registration,
license plate information, or updated photo Driver’s license as required by Sections 3.6.5 and
3.6.10 is a violation of these Regulations. Commercial Vehicles for which the Authority does not
have proof of current registration will have their transponders made invalid or a request for
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Occasional Use Permit denied as the Commercial Vehicle is not to be used on property until such
time as the current registration is submitted as required.
6.1.9 Driver/Independent Contractor not on Approved List for Permit Holder A Driver and/or
Independent Contractor engaging in Ground Transportation Operations where said
Driver/Independent Contractor is not on the Approved List of Drivers for an Operator is a
violation of these Regulations. Any Driver/Independent Contractor for whom the Authority does
not have a copy of a current valid photo Driver’s License on file is not to operate at the Airport
until such time as the information is submitted and approved as required.
6.1.10 Failure to Submit Updated Information in the event of a Merger, Acquisition or Property
Management In the event of an acquisition or merger of an Operator resulting in the need to
transfer vehicle titles, registrations and/or insurance policies to the name of the acquiring or
merged entity, the Operator is required to submit written notification in addition to Commercial
Vehicle registrations and insurance information in the name of the merged or acquiring entity,
consistent with Section 3.6.1 and 3.6.5 within five (5) business days of such merger or
acquisition. This section also applies to failure to submit updated information in the event of
new property management. Failure to timely provide the Authority with such updated
information may result in the suspension of the Operator’s Permit until Authority is in receipt of
and approves submitted documents.
6.1.11 No Permit Decal and/or Transponder - Each Commercial Vehicle operated pursuant to a
Regular Permit shall, at all times while on Airport property, display the valid and current Permit
Decal and Transponder issued with respect to that vehicle. The Permit Decal shall be displayed
on the rear bumper where feasible. The Transponder should be displayed either on the
windshield or front bumper. Each Permit Decal/Transponder is assigned to a particular vehicle
and will be adhered to such vehicle by a representative of Grant Oliver Corporation at the Airport.
A holder of a Regular Use Permit operating a Commercial Vehicle on Airport property for the
purpose of picking up passengers without a current and valid Permit Decal/Transponder is a
violation of these Regulations.
6.1.12 Tampering with Airport Transponders Operators and/or Drivers shall not remove or
remove and re-adhere a transponder. Interfering with the operation of this device is a violation
of these Regulations.
6.1.13 Evading Fees - Operators shall not engage in or attempt to evade detection of a
Commercial Vehicle on the Airport Roadway System in violation of Section 5.3 of these
6.1.14 Unauthorized Parking, Loading or Unloading - Loading or unloading passengers and/or
parking in an unauthorized location is a violation of these Regulations. This includes, without
limitation, the following: outside of the Operator’s designated lane in the Hold Lot, along the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
Commercial Arrivals curb in an area designated for use by another service classification; within
any lane along Commercial Arrivals or Commercial Departures not abutting the sidewalk; the
Public Arrivals or Departures Curbs; along the berm of any Airport roadways; and within any of
the Airport’s Parking Facilities. Under no circumstances are Operators or Drivers permitted to
operate from any of the Parking Facilities.
6.1.15 Solicitation - No Operator or Driver may engage in Solicitation at the Airport. If a
passenger inquires about transportation or transportation information, the Operator or other
Person shall direct the requesting passenger to a Ground Transportation Agent, or any
information center designated by the Authority for the provision of ground transportation
information. Each Operator performing a Meet and Greet shall be responsible for verifying that
his or her passenger is pre-arranged. An incorrect belief that a passenger is prearranged shall
not be a defense to a charge of Solicitation. Unless a passenger's transportation has been
arranged prior to the Operator's entry onto Airport property, the following actions of an Operator
constitute solicitation: (a) initiating or engaging in a conversation regarding Ground
Transportation Operations with any person on Airport property for the purpose of seeking
passengers or customers for the business of an Operator; (b) employing, inducing, arranging or
allowing any person to initiate or engage in a conversation regarding Ground Transportation
Operations with any other person on Airport property for the purpose of seeking passengers or
customers for the business of an Operator; (c) distributing company literature other than in an
area leased for that purpose; and (d) offering ground transportation services while on Airport
property to any person.
6.1.16 Failure to Provide Meet and Greet Information - When an Operator advises a Ground
Transportation Agent that he or she is performing a Meet and Greet, and is unable, refuses,
or otherwise fails to provide all the information required by the Ground Transportation Agent,
such person shall be in violation of these Regulations. Should an Operator and/or Driver not
provide the information to a Ground Transportation Agent, it will be assumed said Operator
and/or Driver is Soliciting and will be instructed to vacate the property.
6.1.17 Failure to Stop/Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalk All Drivers/Operators are required to
Stop/Yield to pedestrians in all roadway crosswalks. Along Commercial Departures there will
always be a dedicated security camera to monitor activity in this area. Failure to Stop/Yield to
pedestrians in this or any crosswalk on Airport property is a violation of these Regulations.
6.1.18 Use of Square or other Credit Card Processing Service - Drivers/Operators are not
permitted to use on property the Square or any other non-Operator/Company issued credit card
payment option. Use of these items on a personal cell phone, iPad, computer, etc. is a violation
of these Regulations.
6.2 Egregious Violations - Notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, the Chief
Executive Officer and/or his/her designated representative shall have the right to suspend or revoke the
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
privileges of any Operator or Driver to operate at the Airport for Egregious Behavior by such Operator
or Driver. The Authority retains the right to increase the length of time for suspension where warranted
under certain circumstances. For purposes of this section, "Egregious Behavior" shall mean acting in a
manner that is egregious in nature or endangers public safety, including inter alia: (a) operating a vehicle
in a reckless manner; (b) fighting, physically or verbally threatening, harassing or assaulting passengers,
other Drivers and/or their property, Airport patrons or employees, or Ground Transportation Agents on
Airport property; (c) use or possession of drugs or alcohol on Airport property or while transporting
passengers to or from the Airport; (d) theft/overcharging; (e) malicious destruction of Airport property;
(f) possession of an unlicensed firearm on Airport property; (g) shouting profanities or personal insults
on Airport property; (h) disrupting the normal use of Airport facilities, the flow of passengers through
the Airport, or the flow of traffic on Airport roadways; (i) engaging in conduct that threatens the safety
or welfare of any Person on Airport property; (j) denying service or otherwise discriminating against any
person for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, handicap, familial status
or national origin, (k) denying service based on distance of a trip or due to payment in the form of a
credit card or company approved voucher, (l) leaving a vehicle unattended at the curb; or (m) violation
of applicable federal, state or local laws, rules, regulations or ordinances while on Airport property or
while transporting passengers to or from the Airport.
An Operator whose privilege to operate at the Airport has been suspended or revoked under this
provision may request, in writing, a review pursuant to Section 6.6, within ten (10) business days of the
date of suspension or revocation. Such suspension or revocation will remain in effect until the
Authority panel has reviewed the issue and rendered a decision.
6.3 Issuance of Notice of Violation - NOVs shall be issued as set forth in this Section.
6.3.1 Delivery of Notice to Driver or Permit Holder - A copy of the NOV will be sent via email to
the Operator via the information as provided by the Operator and on file with the Authority’s
Terminal Operations office.
6.3.2 Time for Emailing Notice - Except in cases where an NOV is issued as a result of the
operations of a Law Enforcement Officer or a report provided by a Person other than a Ground
Transportation Agent, all NOV’s shall be sent no later than the fifth business day after the
incident. In the case of an NOV issued as a result of the operations of a Law Enforcement Officer
or a report provided by a Person other than a Ground Transportation Agent, the NOV shall be
sent no later than the fifth business day after the Authority receives the report.
6.4 Due Date and Suspension Period Commencement - Unless an Operator to whom an NOV was
issued requests a hearing within ten (10) business days, any financial penalty shall be due in the
Authority’s bank account before 4:00 p.m. on the due date as stipulated within the NOV. For purposes
of this Section 6.4, the date of an NOV shall be the date of the incident; provided, however, that in the
case of an NOV issued as a result of the operations of a Law Enforcement Officer or a report provided by
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a Person other than a Ground Transportation Agent, the date of the NOV shall be the date the Authority
forwards the NOV to the Operator. An Operator to whom an NOV has been issued may request of the
Terminal Operations office via email to a review by designated
representatives of the Authority; such request is to be made within ten (10) business days of the date of
the NOV.
6.4.1 A Driver to whom an NOV has not been issued, but who is merely referenced in an NOV,
does not have the right to request a review of such NOV.
6.4.2 A hearing will not be scheduled for every review request. The Authority may or may not
schedule a hearing, depending on what has been presented by Operator, at its discretion.
6.4.3 If an Operator desires a request for review of an NOV, said Operator must submit within
ten (10) business days a written request for a hearing, along with (1) copy of all documentary
Evidence: (2) a description of all testimony and/or items that said Operator would submit at a
hearing; and (3) an affidavit from each witness that would testify at a hearing.
6.4.4 If an Operator does not desire a hearing with respect to a request for review of an NOV,
said Operator must submit in writing within ten (10) business days, all information, affidavits,
and other evidence that Operator wishes the Authority to consider with respect to the review.
6.4.5 Except when there has been a suspension or revocation pursuant to Section 6.2, once a
review has been requested, the obligation to pay any financial penalty and the imposition of any
suspension period shall be stayed until the Authority has rendered a final decision.
6.5 Review of NOV - Prior to any Authority review, the Authority may withdraw from consideration
any NOV the Authority determines, in its reasonable discretion, fails to provide prima facie proof the
violation was committed. If the Authority withdraws an NOV, a staff member shall notify the Operator
involved in writing and shall deliver such notice in the same manner as provided in Section 6.3.1 for initial
delivery of an NOV.
6.6 Authority Review
6.6.1 Hearings Board and Schedule - The Hearing Board shall consist of two Vice Presidents of
the Authority who may schedule a hearing for such times and dates as determined by their
6.6.2 Presence of Ground Transportation Agent - If a hearing is granted to an Operator with
respect to an NOV, the Ground Transportation Agent who issued the NOV shall be present at the
hearing. If such Ground Transportation Agent is not present at the hearing and the Operator or
representative of Operator requests the opportunity to cross-examine such Ground
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Transportation Agent, at the Authority’s discretion, the NOV shall be dismissed or the Authority
shall reschedule the hearing as soon as reasonably practicable.
6.6.3 Presence of Person Requesting Hearing - The Operator that requests a hearing shall
appear or shall be represented to present facts and witnesses to refute the alleged violation. At
such hearing, Authority staff may also present evidence (including witnesses) in support of the
6.6.4 Absence or Failure to Appear before Authority - If the Operator that requested a hearing
fails to appear or be properly represented and such absence is not excused and rescheduled by
the Authority: the NOV shall be treated as if a review were never requested. In such event, any
financial penalty shall be due before 4:00 p.m. on the day of the originally scheduled hearing and
any suspension period shall commence on the day of the originally scheduled hearing.
6.6.5 Representation before Authority - An Operator may be represented before the Authority
by a principal of the Operator or an attorney. The Authority must be advised in
writing at least two business days prior to the scheduled hearing date of whom will be
representing said Operator. If the Operator is not present at the hearing but represented by
another authorized party, the finding of the Hearing Board will be binding upon the Operator.
6.6.6 Evidence - The Authority may consider any and all evidence that a reasonable person
would use in making a decision including, but not limited to, hearsay evidence.
6.6.7 Authority Determinations - The Authority shall make a written finding as to whether or
not these Regulations were violated. The written finding will be made available to the Operator
within ten (10) business days following the review request or hearing as to each violation. For the
Authority to conclude that a violation was committed, the evidence must establish that it was
more likely than not (a preponderance of the evidence) that the violation was committed.
6.7 Violation Information - The Terminal Operations office shall maintain current and accurate
information pertaining to all Operators and/or Drivers that have been fined and/or suspended during
the preceding Permit periods, the number of times the Operator was found to violate these Regulations
during each Permit year and the date each violation occurred.
7.1 Penalties for Violations by Operators and/or Drivers- A violation of the Regulations committed
by an Operator and/or Driver shall be attributed to both the Operator and Driver, for which a
preponderance of the evidence indicated the Driver was operating at the time of such violation.
Driver/Partner penalties for violation of the Ground Transportation Regulations may result in the
suspension of airport privileges from one (1) to thirty (30) days depending on the severity and/or
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
frequency of the infraction. Multiple infractions may also result in the termination of Driver/Partner
privileges to transport passengers from the Airport. Such fines and penalties may include, but not be
limited to, the following:
7.1.1 Penalties for Drivers
For initial violations, a written warning and/or a suspension of airport privileges for 1 to 5 days, length
to be determined by the Authority, in its sole discretion, depending upon, without limitation, the driver’s
record of Airport discipline, the severity of the incident, and any other factors that are present.
For second violations, a written warning and/or a suspension of airport privileges from 6 to 10 days,
length to be determined by the Authority, in its sole discretion, depending upon, without limitation, the
driver’s record of Airport discipline, the severity of the incident, and any other factors that are present.
For Egregious Violations of Section 6.2; a written warning and/or a suspension of airport privileges from
16 to 30 days, length to be determined by the Authority, in its sole discretion, depending upon, without
limitation, the driver’s record of Airport discipline, the severity of the incident, and any other factors that
are present.
Within a permit year, a violation beyond the second will subject the driver to a permanent revocation of
operating privileges on property.
7.1.2 Penalties for Operators
Each written Notice of Violation (NOV) for a Driver/Partner will be accompanied by a corresponding
financial penalty for the Operator issued via a sliding scale with a minimum fine and a maximum fine
imposed incrementally as outlined in the Fee Schedule.
7.1.3 Additional Penalties for violation of Regulations 6.1.2 regarding Unattended Vehicles
Section 6.1.2 of these Ground Transportation Regulations shall be strictly enforced. Should a Driver
violate Section 6.1.2 Driver will be suspended and Operator fined within Fee Structure. Impounding of Unattended Vehicle; Fines. A Commercial Vehicle left
unattended may be towed from the Commercial Curb and impounded by a Ground
Transportation Agent and/or the Allegheny County Police. The Commercial Vehicle shall
not be released from the Impound Lot until the Operator has paid all fines associated
therewith; Operator of the impounded Commercial Vehicle shall be responsible for the
payment of towing fees, which are set by the Authority or the tow company called to the
Airport for service in addition to a per diem storage fee (inclusive of the first day) for
which the Commercial Vehicle remains in the Impound Lot.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision: Impounded Vehicles Subject to Search: Any Commercial Vehicle which is
left unattended at the Commercial Curbs and is impounded shall be deemed to be a
security risk, and shall be subject to a search by Allegheny County Police to determine
whether such Commercial Vehicle poses a safety risk to the Airport or its patrons. TSA Fines. If the violation of these Regulations results in a citation and fine
assessed against the Authority by the TSA, the Operator shall be assessed a fine in an
amount equal to the fine assessed by the TSA against the Authority. Failure or refusal by
the Operator to pay such fine shall result in the immediate revocation of the Operator’s
operating privileges at the Airport until such time as the fine has been paid.
7.1.4 Penalties for violation of Regulations 6.1.3 regarding Denial of Service - Section 6.1.3 of
these Ground Transportation Regulations shall be strictly enforced. Should a Driver violate
Section 6.1.3 said Driver will be suspended and the Operator fined as detailed in Section 7.1.2.
7.1.5 Purging of Offenses - The Authority retains the discretion to purge any or all violations
from any Operator’s or Driver’s Record at the end of each Permit Year.
7.2 Driver or Operator Operating Without a Permit or While Suspended - If a Driver/Operator
conducts business at the Airport without a Permit or while that Operator’s privileges are suspended,
such Operator will be prohibited from operating at the Airport for a period of thirty (30) days.
7.3 Trespass Warning - Any Driver/Operator subject to a trespass warning is prohibited from
engaging in Ground Transportation Operations or otherwise conducting business on Airport property
during the period of said trespass warning. This includes transporting individuals or property anywhere
on Airport property in a Commercial Vehicle.
7.4 Trespass Warning for Egregious Behavior - A Ground Transportation Agent may issue an
immediately-effective trespass warning for a duration to be determined by the Authority to any
Operator acting in a manner that is egregious in nature or endangers public safety, including inter alia:
(a) operating a vehicle in a reckless manner; (b) fighting, physically or verbally threatening, harassing, or
assaulting passengers, other Drivers and/or their property, Airport patrons or employees or Ground
Transportation Agents on Airport property; (c) use or possession of drugs or alcohol on Airport property
or while transporting passengers to or from the Airport; (d) theft; (e) malicious destruction of Airport
property; (f) possession of an unlicensed firearm on Airport property; (g) shouting profanities or personal
insults on Airport property; (h) disrupting the normal use of Airport facilities, the flow of passengers
through the Airport, or the flow of traffic on Airport roadways; (i) engaging in conduct that threatens the
safety or welfare of any Person on Airport property; (j) denying service or otherwise discriminating
against any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, (k)
denying service based on distance of a trip or due to payment in the form of a credit card or company
approved voucher; (l) leaving a vehicle unattended at the curb; or (m) violation of applicable federal,
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
state or local laws, rules, regulations or ordinances while on Airport property or while transporting
passengers to or from the Airport.
7.5 Notice to Operator - If a Ground Transportation Agent issues a trespass warning to an Operator’s
Driver, the Authority shall provide an email notice of issuance thereof to the Operator under whose
Permit the Driver was conducting business at the time trespass warning was issued.
7.6 Personal Business at the Airport - If a person subject to a trespass warning needs to utilize the
Airport for personal business, such person shall advise the Authority of his or her intent to be present
on Airport property, the time when such person will be present on Airport property and the reason for
his or her presence on Airport property. Presence on Airport property after such person has provided
such notice shall not be deemed a violation of these Regulations. Conducting personal business on
Airport property while subject to a trespass warning, without giving such notice, is a violation of these
8.1 Location and Progression of Commercial Vehicle Operations
8.1.1 Access to Commercial Departures Holders of Regular Use Permits will be granted access
via the Transponder assigned to their vehicle(s). Holders of Occasional Use Permits will be
granted access, from Grant Oliver staff, via the intercom button at the entrance gate. All Permit
holders will be granted egress via the gate arm lifting upon vehicle proximity to the reader. Drop
off only is permitted along the Commercial Departures Curb.
8.1.2 Access to Commercial Arrivals- Operators shall be granted access to the Commercial
Roadway System as depicted on Exhibit B and shall be charged a per-trip fee in accordance with
Section 5 of these Regulations. Pick-ups only are to be conducted along the Commercial Arrivals
Curb. In the event the curb space allocated to a particular service classification is full, the
Operator is to wait for an opening to pull along the curb or circle the terminal and make a second
approach and not to load in a travel lane. If the curb is still congested Operators should seek
assistance from the Ground Transportation Agent.
8.1.3 Arrival to Holding Lot - Upon arrival at the Airport, Operators who desire to transport
passengers from the Commercial Arrivals Curb are required to proceed to the Holding Lot within
their respective parking area depicted on Exhibit F. Upon entering the Holding Lot, all Operators
are required to proceed to the first available position in their respective lane(s). Under no
circumstances are Operators permitted to park in the “No Parking” or travel lanes. This area
may not be used as a parking facility for private vehicles of Operator or their employees.
Operators are not to utilize the Hold Lot if at the Airport on personal business unrelated to the
provision of conducting Commercial Vehicle transportation.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
8.1.4 Full Holding Lot - Operators who find that their assigned lane(s) is/are full upon arrival at
the Holding Lot shall circle the terminal or travel to any alternative Holding Lot as may be
authorized by the Authority. At no time may an Operator obstruct access to the Hold Lot or park
along the adjoining roadway.
8.1.5 Dwell Time in Holding Lot -
(a) Call or Demand Taxicab Operators have no dwell time limits.
(b) Airport Transfer, Group and Party, Limousine and Scheduled Operators are permitted to
utilize the Holding Lot for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, a $1.00 per minute dwell time fee will
be charged to the Operator.
(c) Hotel and Off-Airport Parking Operators are permitted to utilize the Holding Lot for 30
minutes. After 30 minutes a $1.00 per minute dwell time fee will be charged to the Operator.
(d) If additional time in the Holding Lot was necessary, it is the responsibility of the Operator to
request in writing within three (3) business days of the overtime occurrence the time, date,
transponder number and reason for excessive dwell time. If the Authority finds a valid reason
given for the excessive dwell time, the amount charged for that time will be credited to the
Operator’s account.
8.1.6 Exit from the Holding Lot-
(a) Based on customer demand, the Ground Transportation Coordinator shall control the signal
for the next Taxicab to move forward. Taxicab Operators are to proceed to the Commercial
Arrivals Curb and stage in the Taxicab area as depicted on Exhibit C.
(b) Airport Transfer, Group and Party, Limousine, and Scheduled Operators are to proceed to the
Commercial Arrivals Curb and stage in their designated area(s) as depicted on Exhibit C.
Operators shall not proceed to the Commercial Arrivals Curb until such time as the Driver has
verified that the passenger(s) has/have claimed all luggage and is/are waiting at the Commercial
Arrivals Curb.
(c) Hotel and Off-Airport Parking Operators are to proceed to the Commercial Arrivals Curb and
stage in the Courtesy Vehicle Area(s) as depicted on Exhibit C.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
8.1.7 Dwell Time on Commercial Curbs -
(a) Dwell time is not permitted on the Commercial Departures Curb. Operators are to pull to the
curb, unload the vehicle and exit the Departures roadway. Under no circumstances are
Driver/Operators permitted to park in the Alternate Security Checkpoint cross walk; vehicle
parking/standing is to be no less than two (2) feet to the North or South of this location. This
area will always be monitored via a dedicated security camera.
(b) Along Commercial Arrivals Call or Demand Taxicab Operators have no dwell time limitations.
Drivers are to stage at Commercial Arrivals until such time as they are hailed for service.
Vehicles are not permitted to be parked within marked pedestrian crosswalk areas at any
(c) Along Commercial Arrivals Airport Transfer, Group and Party, Limousine and Scheduled
Operators are permitted to stop only along the section(s) of curb designated for that class of
service while in the process of loading and for no longer than is absolutely necessary. Dwell
time has been set at ten (10) minutes however Dwell time will be determined by the Ground
Transportation Coordinators based on the amount of traffic accessing the curb. A $1.00 per
minute dwell time fee will be assessed to those vehicles that exceed the dwell time
(d) Along Commercial Arrivals Hotel and Off--Airport Parking Vehicles are permitted to stop only
along the section(s) of curb designated for that class of service while in the process of loading
and for no longer than is necessary. Dwell time has been set at ten (10) minutes however
Dwell time will be determined by the Ground Transportation Coordinators based on the
amount of traffic accessing the curb. A $1.00 per minute dwell time fee will be assessed to
those vehicles that exceed the dwell time restriction.
8.2 Refusal of Service - Failure of an Operator/Driver to provide service for reasons including, but
not limited to, (a) a short-haul destination; (b) due to a passenger’s use of a credit card or Operator pre-
approved voucher; (c) for any reason, will be considered a violation of these Regulations.
8.3 Professional Appearance - All Drivers operating at the Airport will be required to adhere to the
following: (a) Shirts must have sleeves with no holes or offensive lettering/pictures; (b) Pants must be
clean dress pants, jeans or shorts with no holes; sweat pants and cutoffs are not permitted attire; (c) An
overall clean and professional appearance; (d) Visible Operator-issued photo identification displayed
either on outermost garment above the waist or in the vehicle at all times while conducting business in
or around the terminal; (e) Vehicle interior must be kept clean at all times with all seats available for
passenger use, exterior must also be kept clean, weather permitting; (f) A cordial greeting to customers
and assistance with luggage if necessary; and (g) Talking on cell phones while greeting and loading
passengers is not permitted.
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
8.4 Meet and Greet Requirements - Limousine, Group and Party/Charter Operators are to leave their
Commercial Vehicle(s) in the Holding Lot and enter the Terminal. Upon arriving in baggage claim, Drivers
are to await the arrival of their client(s) in one of the two areas designated for that specific purpose.
Meet and Greet operations will be conducted by leaving vehicles in the Holding Lot until such time as
the client's baggage has been unloaded from the baggage carousel and client(s) with their baggage are
waiting at the curb. In the event Operator is facilitating a large movement and has advised the Terminal
and Landside Operations office prior to their arrival, Operator may have a Ground Transportation
Coordinator at the Airport to call the Commercial Vehicles from the Holding Lot to the curb as the Ground
Transportation Coordinator has already met and greeted the arriving clients. Driver/Operator is required
to have visible an Operator-issued photo identification displayed on the outermost garment above the
waist while conducting business in or around the Terminal. Under no circumstances are passengers
permitted to walk with Drivers from the Terminal to the Holding Lot for loading as this is a violation of
these Regulations. Operators may perform Meet and Greet activities only in the Terminal designated in
Section 2.9.
8.5 Physical Meet and Greet Requirement - Limousine, Group and Party/Charter Operators must
physically meet their passengers at the Baggage Claim Meet and Greet Area unless granted permission
as stipulated in Section 8.4.
8.6 Sign Requirements/ Appearance - The Meet and Greet sign shall (a) Not be larger than 15" x 15"
in size or smaller than 5" x 8"; (b) Be hard backed "Pager Board" or a professional electronic sign, clip
boards are not permitted; (c) Contain the printed (not handwritten) name or logo of the Permit Holder
and/or Network Affiliate; (d) Contain the name of the individual, group or company being met; (e) An
Operator may perform a Meet and Greet without the use of a sign if the Operator obtains prior
authorization from the Authority or a Ground Transportation Agent which such authorization shall be
granted on a per case basis and only in cases where the Operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
Authority or a Ground Transportation Agent that the use of a sign would present a crowd control hazard
or a security risk.
8.7 Additional Information - While on Airport property a Driver is required to have in their
possession a completed, detailed trip sheet and/or way bill issued by the Operator for the trip they are
meeting and conducting from the Airport. If trip information is provided by Operator electronically,
Driver is required to show Ground Transportation Agent the electronic copy if requested.
8.8 Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Public Arrivals and Public Departures Curbs Use of the
Public Arrivals or Public Departures Curbs by a Commercial Operator shall constitute a violation of these
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
9.1 Applicability
Section 37.21 applies to the following entities, whether or not they receive Federal financial assistance
from the Department of Transportation: any public entity that provides designated public
transportation (Port Authority), any private entity that provides specified public transportation, and
any private entity that is not primarily engaged in the business or transporting people but operates a
demand responsive or fixed route system (like hotels or amusement parks).
9.2 Service Under Contract
Section 37.23 - (a) When a public entity enters into a contractual or other arrangement or relationship
with a private entity to operate fixed route or demand responsive service, the public entity shall
ensure that the private entity meets the requirements of this part that would apply to the public entity
if the public entity itself provided the service; (b) A private entity which purchases or leases new,
used, or remanufactured vehicles, or remanufactures vehicles, for use, or in contemplation of use, in
fixed route or demand responsive service under contract or other arrangement or relationship with a
public entity, shall acquire accessible vehicles in all situations in which the public entity itself would be
required to do so by this part; (c) A public entity which enters into a contractual or other arrangement
or relationship with a private entity to provide fixed route service shall ensure that the percentage of
accessible vehicles operated by the public entity in its overall fixed route or demand responsive fleet is
not diminished as a result; (d) A private entity that provides fixed route or demand responsive
transportation service under contract or other arrangement with another private entity shall be
governed, for purposes of the transportation service involved, by the provisions of this part applicable
to the other entity.
9.3 Equivalent Service Standard
Section 37.105 states that a fixed route system or demand responsive system, when viewed in its
entirety, shall be deemed to provide equivalent service if the service available to individuals with
disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs, is provided in the most integrated setting
appropriate to the needs of the individual and is equivalent to the service provided
other individuals with respect to the following service characteristics:
(a) Schedules/headways (if the system is fixed route);
Response time (if the system is demand responsive);
(b) Fares;
(c) Geographic area of service;
(d) Hours and days of service;
(e) Availability of information;
Rules & Regulations | 7.30.20 | Revision:
(f) Reservations capability (if the system is demand responsive);
(g) Any constraints on capacity or service availability;
(h) Restrictions priorities based on trip purpose (if the system is demand responsive)
If the Operator conducts a demand responsive service and has a vehicle available for a person without
a disability within 30 minutes after the request for service, the Operator must get an accessible vehicle
to a person with a disability within 30 minutes.
9.4 Training Requirements
Section 37.173 states that each public or private entity which operates a fixed route or demand
responsive system shall ensure that personnel are trained to proficiency, as appropriate to their duties,
so that they operate vehicles and equipment safely and properly assist and treat individuals with
disabilities who use the service in a respectful and courteous way, with appropriate attention to the
difference among individuals with disabilities.
10.1 Emergency Regulations / Irregular Operations - From time to time it may be necessary for the
Authority to adopt Emergency Regulations and discretionary security requirements without the usual
thirty (30) days of advanced notice, and the Authority reserves the right to do so. It is the responsibility
of every Driver
and Permit Holder to stay in contact with the Authority to stay abreast of and follow any Emergency
Regulations and discretionary security requirements. Lack of notice will not be deemed an excuse for
failure to follow Emergency Regulations or discretionary security requirements.
10.2 Emergency Contact Information All Drivers and Operators are required to provide to the
Authority a current mobile telephone number and/or email address and to update that information
immediately in the event it changes. Failure to do so will be deemed a waiver of any right to notice of
Emergency Regulations, discretionary security requirements, or other information provided by the
Authority to all Drivers and/or Permit holders. The Authority will presume that such notice has been
received by a Driver or Permit holder if the Authority faxes or emails such notice to that Driver or Permit
Holder’s last known fax number or email address.